Tree of Savior Forum

World bosses controlled by 20-30 players + suggestions how to fix it

As always thank you for your thoughtful contributions. Keep on demonstrating everyday that you’re the village idiot. More power to you. Though to be perfectly honest regardless of whether I’m in a guild or not I’d still hold the same views… And quite frankly even if I wasn’t playing this game you’d still be the same idiot, no?

Also compared to the several threads and accusations getting Thrown our way or any of our members both here on the forums and in game, myself speaking out is negligible in comparison, no?

Easiest fix is to give those that participate a cube

People are crying about people only hitting it once and walking away who cares? It lets healers and support get a cube to

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Just treat it like Guild Wars 2. Give an announcement when the world boss is about to appear and increase its HP by a lot which requires at least 20+ players to kill it efficiently(so other players have plenty of time to arrive) and anyone who participates will receive a cube. Problem solved. Though I doubt IMC will ever consider this option at all…

Lol the cube is not guaranteed drop… No point having that system unless IMC willing to change the drop rate

THIS is exactly what we should have.

I have seen archers soloing bosses and refusing to party up with anyone else. There’s no way many classes can out damage a fletcher solo. The only way other people can complete is if a party’s dps gets added up.

There are also definitely issues with multiple top dps partying together and this will fix that.

We need to change the system to reward the top dps PARTIES, not people and whoever they decide to let into their parties.

Yeah this.

The only thing that makes me somehow salty about the world boss system is that my class isn’t built for it. I won’t be able to get cubes unless I make a meta character meant specifically for bossing. The current system will require you to make a fletcher/archer or no cube. Wizards might do fine if there’s less stacked parties.

One of the reasons why I don’t bother with bossing for a while because I’m not really that type of player who makes alts. (280 cryokino main ).

+1 to this suggestion
In fact this suggestion is so good, I have no idea why it wasn’t the case in the first place.
Have the whole party’s DPS be the thing that is used to determine who gets cubes. If you want to solo and deny other people cubes, fine. But you’ll have to be good enough to Out DPS a full 5man party.

Builds a better community overall when people are rewarded for working together

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This thread has been going on for a while, are there some sort of feed backs from staffs so far?

good feedback :smiley:
One thing i think need to be corrected would be its kinda ridiculous to get the item set (like legwyn armor set) if you reduce the drop rate AND the spawn rate of the boss

If player keep away world boss for themselves and another seen it as not fair why won’t make the server announcement every time boss will be spawn like “The soul of Durahan has been gathering” 10-15 minute after the event has been triggered. In fact there no any solution to these because another problem will be “archer dps too high plz make more drop” .
don’t go too hard on me i don’t want a problem

this is a nice suggestion, however there will probably still be no place for swordies in such a party…

bad suggestion i think probably this will lead to 5 man dps partys … and will screw over supports and swordies …

The case of 5 dps parties already happens, except because they’re all the top solo dps, no other parties get cubes.

With the new suggestion, the next few parties can also get cubes even if they only did like 5% of the boss’s total hp while the top dps party did 90%+. Supports buff up players giving them more damage so I don’t know why they wouldn’t want them in party. When you say swordies, I’m assuming you mean tanks since there are a lot of damage build swordies out there as well, tanks are still useful in keeping the boss’s aggro so that the dps doesn’t get hurt or die which will actually cause the party to lose their cubes.

Why not just make open PvP and PK a thing? If you see someone trying to do the same boss your guild wants to make, just beat them to death and claim the spot, like in the old times.

Inb4 ppl saying that ToS devs didn’t allow open PvP/PK for a certain unknown reason.

Yeah and im guessing ■■■■ everyone who is playing on a defensive or support class. Pretty bad idea. gz.

Lol its not about killing. Everyone can get it, so long as there are aren’t other people there to take the drops.
Which basically sums up as “Oh great other people…”

Well i think its better to count the best dps from each party ones and exclude the other ones so the boss drops always for 5 partys except solo player manage
to out dps partys.
25 cubes is not that bad if u add a minor cube or a cube shard for the rest who did something i would appriciate this too maybe this one can’t drop the toptier loot but still something.

ktos updates: Upon Acquiring a Boss Cube from a Field Boss, The player will now receive a debuff [Cannot Obtain Field Boss Cube] This debuff lasts 8 Hours. → The timer for this debuff will only decrease whilst you are connected, it will not deplete whilst you are offline. → Debuff time does not stack.
During this time, you will be unable to receive a boss cube from field bosses.
Whilst under the effects of the debuff, your efforts in the Field Boss Ranking system will be excluded.
If a character in a party is hunting Field Boss Monsters, All party members who obtain cubes will be given the [Cannot Obtain Field Boss Cube] Debuff. Even if you join a new party with someone who does not have the buff and help them kill a Field Boss, you will still be excluded from being able to obtain a Field Boss Cube. (However, the buff doesn’t stack its timer on your character.) The Cube Acquisition debuff will be applied to remaining party members who got a cube and didn’t have the debuff.

is this forreals ? then that pretty much fixes it.