Tree of Savior Forum

World bosses controlled by 20-30 players + suggestions how to fix it

Well i never heard of it and i don’t care that much but if some people get so much spammed that they dc.
While bossfighting there should be traces IMC can follow …
But well i see maybe 2 whisps in town or something … don’t know which scale this needs to aktually dc from it …


Of course there should be. If that’s an actual thing, like I said before, I urge people to either post proof about it if they were affected. I really can’t vouch for that because I haven’t been at world bosses, I can only vouch for the amount of time they spend hunting.

Now if EITHER of the people doing world bosses are doing this to have easier Wbs they should be banned without a single thought, either a friend of mine, a guildie, a random guy that I met, anyone. Things like this are beyond disgusting.

That being said, if this is blatant bullshit to justify themselves for being terrible at WBs, then kindly take your leave out of wbs, and just go farm wizard bracelets or something.

@Slygoat same post for you, but I wanted to point out that if something as sad as this can crash someone’s game, I’m really not looking forward to free to play. Also, a “Do not disturb” function would be incredibly helpful in this game. Or, you know, a proper whisper interface.

I think people are severely overestimating how important they are in that they think they’re worth DDoSing over cubes. There are far less demanding ways of boxing people out of it like having a good party set up, one specifically geared towards getting cubes.

Its more than likely that they’re nowhere that big of a threat to even warrant such measures. If coming up with absurd and outlandish conspiracy theories helps them cope with other people doing better than them then have at it.

Dude, Jace is just a no-life kid, do you know that he doesn’t open the cubes just so he can take screenshots and make videos with hundreds of cubes in the bag, if he did in fact farm wb to sell the loot for RMT, he would need to open the cubes first, am i right ?

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If you were wbossing, which you’re aren’t, you would know that there is no such thing as being “horrible at wboss”.
That’s far simpler. You’re either top5 DPS or you’re not.
Even, I’m not sure you could call the 6th to 10th top DPS horrible wboss hunters…

I’m sorry, but it is, reading between the lines doesn’t change the fact that if you decided to pick an awful class for world bosses, the ones people here are calling gold sellers or whatever, are the ones who will actually beat them and the ones who put time into their characters for that very reason. Some of those characters are worthless when it comes to soloing or any endgame scenario. You would realize that most people wait for some cds of other people to go out, link their abilities with other players in their party, I’m sorry but that fact alone beats the “IMMA SMASH MY KEYBOARD AND GET CUBE” which I’m 100% sure most people here are complaining about. Just get good, my lord, I’ve seen support clerics getting cubes solo on dullahan.

PS: I haven’t hunt world bosses because one of the biggest issues, that it seems that most people don’t really care about, optimization, won’t let me. I guess QQing at the forums because XX fletcher 1991 got a cube it’s more productive.

Played GW2 and the way they handled high level players farming low level bosses (even entire fields in general) is to level them down to the highest level appropriate for the map. They still factor your gear in so you still effectively hit harder than (say you were leveled down from 280 to 150 something) an average level 150 player.

ToS doesn’t need to be GW2 but it can learn a few things from it. The game can keep its current system of having only the top rewarded but this will effectively give those not-max-level players a shot at competition. People can farm those bosses for days on end but that should not prevent others from effectively experiencing the entire game.

just an fyi. i dont do world bosses. i run around looking for quests and exploring maps for exp cards. thats the extent of my gaming besides using up dungeons.

i simply spoke to a few people who alerted me of this crap, and they admitted to buying silver/gear and that the people who sold them the gear were in fact “real players.”

there’s forum posts here where people admit to having previously sold gold through websites and you can make tons and tons of money doing it the first few months of a new mmo. some mmos still have enough playerbase to let you keep running a service on those games.

these people understand that a huge chunk of the gold fed to silver buyers comes from real players looking to make money while playing games. otherwise they’d have to get real jobs.

there’s articles of player interviews where they admit to making 5k-10k off of items that took them 2-3 weeks to farm.

this guy with his anime icon needs to stop being a massive hypocrite. i’ve done two bosses and that’s because they spawned where i was leveling.

All I see is text and histories about players who you have talked to, I really see no proof whatsoever. Hypocrite? for what? for wanting evidence to support your shitty asumptions? My gear is trash as ■■■■, I have a crafted rod that anyone can craft in the game, an untradable necklace that I had to farm for more than 12 hours with a lot of buying and talking to players to get them off, AN ARDE DAGGER AT LEVEL 280. A 220 white armor, 220 white pants, 220 gloves, and roxona plate boots. My biggest luxury are 2 wizard bracelets. I assume you are calling me a hypocrite because I, according to you, bought gold, otherwise, I don’t see the hypocrisy. If I failed to understand your concept of hypocrite, please, point it out.

If you are gonna call someone out, at least have some evidence, I can also randomly say I talked to an iMC employee that guaranteed that those players aren’t gold sellers, yet that doesn’t make it right. Have a clue before spouting bullshit. And of course gold sellers are actual players, who the hell do you think it’s going to sell it to you? an automated bot? that doesn’t mean that the gold sellers that sold them gear are the ones hunting the world bosses.

The amount of bullshit that you can spit out it’s just unbelievable at this point, whenever you have a solid argument of actual proof of it instead of a few nonames, quote me, I’d be glad to admit my mistake that every world bosser in this game is a gold seller. Otherwise, please shut the ■■■■ up.

for crying about my accusations repeatedly when you’re accusing me of being a “fail wber who can’t do dmg crying about fletchers.”

Accusations are made with actual facts.
(remember that one, dumbass?)

and lol your opinions are totally biased and invalid because you’re in his guild. white knight 9999999.

goodnight you yaoi (or whatever the word is for gay anime porn) watching rainbow knight.

So you are basing your whole argument on something you no evidence for AND have no experience with? Ironic because…

Here are some actual numbers for you. Jace has opened 200 Dullahan cubes and only received 3 Karacha Daggers (the item people hope for, worth 3-4m). One of these daggers he just received today and he has not opened any of his other WB cubes. You don’t control a market with 3 daggers.

I understand the frustration towards this situation, feeling as though not everyone has a chance at a cube. Personally I feel as though those who have more impact should receive better rewards (so maybe have tiered rewards?). Nevertheless, I feel like it is a bit silly to take your anger out on players who are only making the most of a system that they had no part in designing. How about we direct this energy towards trying to have a constructive discussion with IMC about the issue.

Getting a reward for hitting a boss once isn’t exactly a good idea with lazy players in a Korean grindfest game.

Maybe if they give better or MORE rewards for doing more damage or supporting more people (damage vs. healing/support), it would make sense. Simply getting a cube for doing 1 damage and AFK’ing for the rest of the boss fight isn’t and shouldn’t be a feature in a game that rewards thoroughness and constant grinding though.


check your PM. I asked about the magnum opus

We need just one change …

only one cube drop per day restriction and all problems are sloved.

I really don’t care about Jace because I have actually talked to him once and was to answer something about a class question, otherwise I know jack ■■■■ about him. I can vouch for a few of our guildies, but if one of them ■■■■■ up with as I said before, something as aggravating as breaking the ToS I’ll be glad if he gets ban (in case he actually does this), otherwise, leave the guy alone with your unsubstantial proof and bittering, it’s annoying.

You still have 0 facts, I asked you for proof, you just decided to insult me with random ass comments like homosexuality, what are you, 12? gay is not an insult, never was, it was just a way for you illiterate ■■■■■ to increase your vocabulary or feel incredible by berating someone else’s decisions in life.

I hope you have a great night, relax a bit, I can feel your veins about to explode because you may or may not get your petamion recipe in a thousand years.

PS: You might wanna check the concept of hypocrite, what I was, just in case you were not a fail world boss hunter is something people just refer as “wrong”. I was “wrong” for calling you something that you are not, see? vocabulary is fun. Finish high school for the love of christ.

I think the bigger question is why the current best gear in the game is locked behind zerg-fests, RNG and content that isn’t particularly difficult to complete and otherwise earth tower, whose difficulty is arguably artificial.

I hope they look into bullet hell, electric floors, buff stripping, more mechanics and actually aggressive enemies in the future.

It actually is not, the difference between a karacha dagger or an arde is actually not THAT great. Hell, the best offhand for archers/corsairs is from a dungeon, one of the best necklaces (up to petamion) is from a 240 mission. One of the best rings in the game is also from a 240 mission. There’s items going around, people just don’t care on getting them. I get where you are coming from, though.

Also, yes, I entirely agree with you on your last paragraph. This game needs fixing, not punishing.

I agree with more cubes from bosses. How about just having world bosses drop 2 types of cubes. One for the group that does most dmg, then one that everyone that contributes can pick up. You can give it less of a chance of good loot and call it the participation cube or something.

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Well its not only the gear besides maybe gladiator band i don’t see any really op WB drops , maybe i forgot something .
Its mostly that this open bosshunt could be somehow fun and its only for a few people .
I can say u can make money through farming / dungeons / especially from Ah if u buy some cheap stuff.

Maybe the best solution right now is to spread the bosses
Just let them spawn all at the same time maybe in chan 1 and 2 …
SO there are a lot more bosses and The op grp will have to choose
As well as everyone else.
