Tree of Savior Forum

Wizard classes underwhelming


This is a good thing… we took 3 circles to get 1 real damage skill.

Because it’s random as ■■■■. Unless the mob is humongous it’s really sad to sit around and watch as 1 maybe 2 rocks hit their target every 3seconds or so.

It’s a bossing skill and honestly quite amazing at that though.

Pyro/Psycho has pretty neat synergy with PP on Fireball turning into an aoe star fire cannon. You can also Telekinesis smash the fireball around into monsters. Dunno if it works with firewall.

Wiz c3 is really needed only by classes with a very long casting time like Elementalist, Runecaster and pure Kino. Everyone else relies on kiting or support mage circles to avoid getting interupted.

You’re doing this whole class thing backwards. You should pick first Rank 5-7 and then add Circles that will support it.

For example if you want to play Sorc and Warlock, you go Sorc c1-2 at Rank 5-6. Then you want some support for your summon to kill faster so you get Linker c1. That leaves you with Pyro c1-2 at Rank 2-3.

Since you have so many problems with crowd control, maybe try a bit more defensive build with huge burst every 1min, Cryo c3 > Kino c3. You could go with it like that >>
Wiz c1 > Cryo c1 > Psychokino c1 > Cryo c2 > Psy c2-3 > Cryo c3

It won’t melt endgame mob clusters like Wiz c3 > Ele c3 > Warlock, but will provide more utility in solo and party play.

wtf, isnt pyro psycho one of the highest burst in early level?

psychic pressure on fireball melt EVERYTHING.

against normal mobs, pyro got ■■■■ ton of AoE to easily AoE farm everything.

i dont see where the complaint come from.

I heard people talking ■■■■ about Psycho in this thread … ? As a Psycho C3, this is highly offensive, I’m so triggered right now. Reported.

Please, don’t spread lies about Psycho.
Wiz c3 / Psycho c3 is a great path for pve content. Surespell + damage from quickcast is pure heaven for psycho.
Sustained damage is just golden. Control is golden too.
Being able to maintain psychic pressure without being interrupted requires some knowledges about bosses, but so far (level 137) i had absolutly no problems.
If you have any trouble with it, it’s maybe cause you play it wrong. No spr + plate armor (except cloth gloves) totally changed my perception of the class. You go from “weak till c3” to “i’m nearly a tank, but i can nuke you with one button”.
On iCBT, i did wayyyy less damage with my elementalist (2k2 per tick of psychic pressure is absolutly valuable as dd :slight_smile:) . It’s sure, you’re less flexible in early stages of the game (psycho without his c3 skill is hell, you get more indendance with raise and gravity pole).
Yeah, Psycho is a great class for pvp, but it’s also able to be a great class for pve in good hands.
The only problem i see is leveling. Wizard 2 is awful, rushing wizard 3 is even worse. You’ve got to get some friend to level up.
Sorry for my english x)

Do you know what the word optimizing even means? If you optimize something it mean you fine tune it to be the best most efficient. You can optimize builds for different situations but generally each situation will lean to 1 god spec.

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it does combo with ice wall btw, not a huge compensation due to long cooldown but that in part remedies it

You really think that in game which is still in OB, with 7 of god knows how many ranks released, with something like 80 classes choices and inumerous combinations between them there’s a god spec for everything?

i would say, dont treat every part of the game as though they are equal. just becasue you do less damage now doesn’t mean you will at say, level 200

Pyro+psych+linker is quite effective. Hitting a mob linked to a fireball with pressure will set off the explosion and move the fireball in the direction you’re facing. Careful play will be able to turn this into an AoE clear rivaling icewall pp on a much shorter cooldown.

This is exclusive access not open beta.

2.2k per tick isn’t actually much compare to elementalist though (due to you have to stand still and can’t cast other spell).

But it’s understandable, if kino 3 has comparable damage to elementalist no one would actually play elementalist, due to how strong kino 3 is in pvp.

@leeman.elijah sorry to say that but you are probably not playing correctly the game. Like playing really bad. Also psycho/pyro is a terrible combo cause you kick away your own fireball.
But even considering that you should be oneshotting everything with kino, every single tick of pressure deals the damage of one spell at that level.
Also -> kyno 2 gets an attribute that gives you 50% chance to stun with every tick of pressure.

Nah I can dump a boss in 1-2 seconds Pyro/Psycho I’m playing fine. Just sustained dps across many targets is lacking compared to Swordsman but thanks.

And side note, PP on fireball pushes it through the mob as well as the exploding star effectively doubling its DPS.

i would prefer having the ball standing still, yet again, it changes nothing late game as you won’t be doing damage anyways with pyro 1/cryo 1 so i prefer the slight utility of cryo, also the wall does damage based on what hits it, so cryo 1 kino 3 would do a big combo damage even with wall at level 3.

Let them believe that pushing the ball is a nerf…

Nah they are not underwhelming. If they are it’s because the user don’t know how to play the class well or not aware of the synergy between the mage classes. In fact they are OP as hell especially in pvp.

^ No Wiz C3 and solo-ing 2 players in arena. How is that underwhelming again?