Tree of Savior Forum

Wizard classes underwhelming

Then suck. I blame lack-luster wizards on fools spreading silly misinformation like “Wiz 3 sucks don’t go wiz 3”

If you intend to do damage, you go wiz 3 for Quick Cast. Buff it to atri +5 and that’s +50% damage to all of your spells and auto attacks. Probably the best single buff in the entire game.

Some builds don’t need wiz 3. But if you intend to do damage. You go wiz 3. that’s the TL:DR.

I also recommend using plate and not cloth and not investing points into SP. But you can do as you like.

As for Fireball i’d rather it actually be a fireball, that you cast, with range, like a traditional fireball, not the silly version we have now but hey.

I think thats called Energy Bolt.
Or Ice Bolt
Or Freezing Sphere.

Suffice to say I’m not sure we need more of that skill.

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W3 itself is very strong, dont be fool by how crappy W2 is, Quick Cast is one of the most broken skill in the game, -50% cast time +50% damage for a cool down that is lower than duration mean you can keep it on full time.

Magic Missle is also a very good skill, no cast time, hit monster for 3 hit then every missle will bounce to another monsters, 2 charges for 15s cd. You can clear a huge stack of monster just by these 2 charges. When I first get W3, my energy bolt was dealing 400 damage while the Missile itself deal 900 (with Quick Cast Damage buff) and bounce for like 3284932123 times.

I’m Ele1 now and Magic Missile is still my best DPS skill

Maybe it’s because i’m at early stages, but none of the elementalist i’ve encountered were close to deal this damages. I guess it’s one of the class that scales very well in late game, so i won’t make any statement about psycho > elementaliste.
Still, psycho isn’t useless in pve. Raise working on boss, swap working on boss, telekinesis allow you to replace mobs in aoe… I think it’s ability to control totally erase is “lack of dps” (i’m not feeling any lack of dps right now).
My only concern is about how it synergizes with last ranks. Featherfoot brings only some hp recovery (situational regarding the type of monsters) and another channeling… Warlock doesn’t seem to synergize well with us since you can’t touch ennemies raised with the pillar. You’re only combo possible asks you to stop/delay a channeling, i’m a bit lost. Maybe necro would be valuable for some extra damage.
Well, we’ve got to consider also the tankyness of a psycho, that doesn’t depend as much as elementalist of Int, you can find yourself close to swordies tankyness for late :smiley:

Elementalist is really weak at rank 4. Okay at Rank 5. At rank 6, Wiz 3 Ele 3 starts to output great damage though.

At rank 7, Wiz 3 Ele 3 Warlock/Rune Caster is even stronger because you can have several skill on your enemy at once.

PVP wise of course Wiz 3 Kino 3 is better.

Have you seen this video ?

That character is abusing a glitch in Kcbt that allowed one to take as many class circles as they wanted.

You can tell because they have icewall, Raise, haste and summon skeletons.

I.e at least 9 circles.

Yep, I should have mentioned it. Though what I find interesting is the synergy between KinoC3 and NecroC2.

Yeah, good cc+ summons is a good combo. I’m not sure how effective the ai is without the heavy movement speed buff, but hey.

I find that Haste and Quicken works on skeletons more interesting.
I wonder if the thaum buffs work on them.

Yep but you can’t have ChronoC2+NecroC2…

I don’t think it does…

Well, more than it, she’s 200 at demon’s prison, a level 160~ grind spot, i’m already doing very nice damage their since they are squishy (level 153 now) even tho i’m far more squishy. But the synergie with necro seems very good in any case ! He built pet, but the sheogorath + Shield (around him) could be a great way to make damage in addition of channeling skill from psycho :smiley:

This was removed ages ago from the game. o-o

Really? Is it a grounded skill somehow?
Is Fire Pillar like that as well?