Tree of Savior Forum

Winners: [Fan Art Festival] What if Monsters were Human?!

is this the first time you write something that actually good ?

i’m a decent person

but i won’t stand up for bullying and harassment from FullMoonCafe
or see them do it for any member for the TOS Support Guild

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save yourself bro, no need to suffer, this guy gave the tip hahaha


Congrats to the quality submissions that won!


Bro i love your work! I’ll try to put on my folder as well


Dang, I thought I would be seeing this as a winner as it’s my fave. :cry:


Thankyou for the fan art festival, congratulations to all the winners!
Hope to join in again for the next one :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


same. justice for insect mommy

wow OAo!!!

it’s been a while artfest results page has been this active Owo

and congrats to the winners :satisfaction:

ngl i’d just manually edit my in-game loading screen

This was my favorite and deserves a mention


Not a single Klaipeda winner, and Havoc’s was exceptional. Very disappointed.

Happy to see the other poll and hopefully IMC changes things to prevent the facebook bot farm likes. It’s always extremely suspicious when someone gets more votes than there are CCUs. Especially when the same couple users have done it–and won–the last 3-4 contests in a row.


takes a certain type of cultured man or ramen to love gothmoth mommy :cry: :cry:


I dunno tho, the ass part is a bit out of proportion. it is pretty flat imo :thinking:

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yis she is smol for the smol lover then moring is big for the big lover -w-

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Too ecchi. HAHAHAH :rofl:

oh those look very nice.
below is for20letters
I rarely Vote, cause end up voting everyone wont change anything.
May be I should just vote half of them.

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still confused why no one complains about his art or because he is someone important in a guild so everyone Just help because of that. you know what u guys who voted that picture will make your friend and your art more worse than before. if it were me I will not use this titled. its so very Pathetic

and voting system still have something suspicious even the last contest too, did IMC really check on IP?



congrats to all the artists thank you for your time and work on the fan arts

I think most people who participated in the contest and therefore have the most “say” tend to not want to over-criticize the work of others, since they understand the amount of effort that goes into it–which you have to understand also makes it upsetting when someone pulls this. I dunno, decorum? I don’t generally expect to win the contests on the vote and expect that the GM picks have some randomness, so it’s not so much sour grapes for me. At this point it’s just the audacity of seeing the same people with the same 200+ votes of mostly people with no forum history whatsoever.

I’m sure they’re unique IPs, but there’s no meaningful way to check if they actually play the game based on forum account name.

It would be great if they could add something in game itself but obviously that’s kind of a big ask of an already small and stressed development team for something that only happens a couple times a year.