Tree of Savior Forum

Wings in Tree of Savior?

BRUH hahhahahahahhaha !

We should correlate the results of this thread with the ones in the “How old are you” thread.
I bet the results would be interesting.

Hahahaha overnight this thread had many replies haha.

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OOOOO wing drama.

fight! fight! fight!

Wing Drama lmao hahahahaha @thebloodyaugust


Wings should be reserved for goddesses and gms.

Well i agree with @uaim3 so we should have other back costumes. oh and @itzNiko i know ALOT mmorpgs with wings so here is list:
cabal 2
dragon nest
Kal Online private servers
perfect world
Karos/rosh online
world of warcraft
the elder scrolls online
MU online
Those i remember so far but i bet there is even more :wink:

I much prefer capes just like in Flyff hahahaha Capes <wings

Ok let’s not isolate to one type of back accessory.
Why not create varous types like wings(tiny wings), capes, backpacks, turtle shells, tails, sword cases, etc.

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Those big ass wings is from private servers hahaha didn’t really liked them forced to use them when I was playing p.servers because of the stats and effects of the items haha.

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Didn’t liked them I only love the backpack thing haha looks cool haha.

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And when the character is in peace mode; the weapon/shield will go to the backpack instead of just overlapping them.

Capes for the win just like in Flyff those capes are so awesome and RF online jet packs and capes haha.

Yeah I mentioned it too… I never understood this… why wings are so special… X) In Mabinogi there are only wings and I was kinda upset about it… It feels like the developers of Mabi want to get all the money from all kinds of wings before they come up with the “BIG” idea…“TAILS” …

As I said I’m not a wing fan btw…but maybe I would wear other kinds of back accessories… My only concern is that it could change the aesthetics of the game… but on the other hand if the devs do it right…and I think they would… it could still fit in.
But at the end an option that would hide it if you don’t like it wouldn’t hurt either imo.

I think it’s kinda bullsh*t to talk about wings and lore btw… For me these equipable wings will never be like real wings haha… Maybe you can fly with them in a magical way too…but they are still detachable… It won’t be the part of your characters body… XD So for me it’s not like wings of godesses or such. I always thought about them as a costumes (accessories)…because they are…
If there would be a playable race that starts with wings that would be another story…but that would fit into the lore too so… :F