Tree of Savior Forum

Wings in Tree of Savior?

Please explain to me how your thought process is rational.

If you had read more topics on this forum, you would see that, no, people are not just copying opinions. There are actually quite a lot of topics where people disagree with each other (recent ones too).
You are automatically assuming that people are bandwagoning just because their opinions overlap? What even lead you to that assumption?
I don’t see any reason or logic behind your thoughts because anyone that read at least a few topics on this forum would have no reason to assume something like that.

Everything has upsides and downsides. But people are mostly just expressing their opinions towards the idea. If a lot of people don’t want it, then yes it does hurt the game when nobody wants to see it. You are making no sense.

But we already have wings… kinda :smiley: They’re stuck to your head and all but who cares, they’re still wings.

(almost made the post without seeing this post about already having wings :stuck_out_tongue: I’m late to the party)
Here’s the rest of the wings Angel, Demon, Fallen, Red Devil, Wing Deco

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But without wings my character xXxDarKanGeLKirito98xXx wouldn’t look really cool :frowning:

Desolator is completely right. Salute to you for being brave enough to point that out unlike most people here who do nothing but hug each other.

So those that loves wing are rational people that give constructive comment.

While those that disagree with wing u consider as illiterate, ignorant and bandwagoning?

Mate i dont wanna be rude but you just took the meaning of retarded to a whole new level.

Where did I say that? its ok to like wings it is also ok to not like wing. However it is not ok to just jump the bandwagon. So now did you count? where are the edgy teens? the gays? and all those people who had wings in RO where are they suddenly they all hated wings now? or were they abducted by aliens tell me smart one.

If its ok to disagree with wing then why the hell you point your finger to those people calling them bandwagoning and should learn to read?

Even @LaScoot kindly give u explanation about the reasons of those that disagree and u just shrug him off telling him to learn to read, no wonder he gave up on u. Its like talking to a brick.

“What are you ideas ? Love it or hate it ? Don’t be rude if you don’t like it.” So counting doesn’t really apply here, does it? She wants an opinion.

I’m a guy c: @itzNiko

you didn’t answer my questions.

Dude grow some balls and answer desolator’s questions

They should add Capes instead of wings… Oh ■■■■ Shiro u beat me…

@Desolator The only posts I saw that talked about “Gay” and “Edgy Teens” are posts 4 and 5

They didn’t direct their opinions at anyone specifically and neither did they say that it is bad to be either an edgy middle schooler nor bad to be gay. They were just stating their opinion in a non-politically correct way to express their deep dislike of wings in this game or the concept of having wings in general.

Plus, to say that everyone is jumping the bandwagon isn’t really right because we all just have similar opinions on the concept of wings in general. The reasons may be similar but that’s just because they are of like mind. Certainly people like the OP would like wings in the game and it’s their own opinion to like such things but why should the amount of people who disagree or agree on a point be all bundled up together and be called bandwagoners?

That would be similar to saying that if everyone liked the idea of having wings were bandwagoning because they all have similar reasons to posting their opinion on wings.

@Zombifier How are you helping this situation by saying

You have yet to post any opinion on this topic besides agreeing or flaming someone based on another person’s post.

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