Tree of Savior Forum

Wings in Tree of Savior?

yea turtle shells great idea, it’s gonna be so cute!

If people would just be rational for a sec, Clearly op’s idea doesn’t hurt at all, but people would rather bandwagon the first few non-nonsensical comments like “it doesn’t fit in the games lore”, “it ugly” or “its gay”. In reality if the first few comments were positive then the rest would be positive.

I wish that was the case too ! @Desolator

Ugh please no. I remember all those ugly wings people made for P-servers in RO, it’d make me feel like a 12 year old again :stuck_out_tongue:

Ro1 private server always remind me of those wings… They were cool things when I was young but its not nice anymore… Now its the Super sayan hair…

The first few comments were mostly positive.
Disagreeing in a civil way is as positive as you might hope for… unless you’re hoping for the same bandwagon effect in which everyone supports the idea because that’s being ‘positive’.
Don’t start a circlejerk war, mate. That’s how you start circlejerks.

Of the first five people to comment on it, only one person actually mentioned anything meant as an insult.

To all those related,
Look, it’s great that you have ideas and that you’re trying to share it with others.
That said, people can have any reason to disagree with your idea.
Bandwagon? Sure.
Because they dislike it? SURE.
Because they think it’s A/B/C? -SURE-

If you want to say they are being unreasonable, do that, but I would advise against going around pretending their opinion is just circumstantial and that it’s invalid if they didn’t do it according to some standard you set.
(unless you are also fine with your opinion being considered worthless, because all is fair.)

On topic.
Q) Is it generally gay?
A) Yes. Semantics aside, historically… MMORPGs have made wings and they have often been ridiculous.

Q) Is it very teen-edgy?
A) This is up to you, but once again… general opinion is that it is. (for good reason)

Q) Does it fit the lore?
A) No, but neither do the hats. We don’t even have a fully established lore, it’s way too soon to even speak of whether IMC intends to fully stick to the lore. Of course, you are free to disagree with lore-breaking concepts.

Q) Are capes cool?
A) Usually. Not always, but usually.

Q) Is it fair to frown upon cosmetic items with stats?
A) It’s fair to do anything. To be absolutely clear, the only reason this is a bad thing is because it has historically promoted P2W gameplay. There is no guarantee this cannot be done in a satisfying way, though.

Q) Is it better or worse to have every other veteran/paying player have wings?
A) Comparing the pros and cons, it seems worse than it is better. I can’t calculate net player satisfaction, so I’ll consider it aesthetically. It seems fairly questionable. ToS has been pushing for a mostly-serious setting up til now and I can’t imagine people running around with wings adds to that.

Is there a limit to how many posts we can “like”? (pressing the little heart symbol)

Tried to like the above post but for some reason it won’t let me :sob:

I’m a badass who like wings come at me pussies!!!

Are you serious?The first post is yours and at best it’s neutral, though one can notice an opposing undertone. The next 4 posts become only more negative and insulting, then it goes back and forth.

Seriously, if you consider this an insult worth to throw your weight behind, you need to grow up.

The others need to remember that this is a game that kids, teenager and adults will play. So the following sort of logic is itself immature:

If you don’t have any motivation or creativity to contribute, just keep your posts short. On the other hand, the defending side needs to step up and deal with the issues people have with this item if it wants to see this stuff implemented.

Anyway, I haven’t read any suggestion on how wings/capes/backpack are supposed to work with the weapon and shield on the back. Should wings fold out or lighten up only when the weapon has been drawn? Otherwise, they need to be big enough to be visible at all times but that’s quite ugly, or rather difficult to make it appear cute or fancy.
It also seems few have noticed that there is no “lower headgear” slot. So either wings/capes/backpacks would need to come with the (class) costume, occupy one of the other two slots or IMC would need to add another one. Considering that they have limited the slots for costumes to 3 we can assume this amount of variety is currently not one of their priorities.
As for lore, you can easily circumvent that if you really want to have wings so that is only an excuse.
I already wrote two posts earlier so there’s nothing else to add.

Calm down, mate.
There’s nothing saying there can’t be more than one type of circlejerk here…
You would just start the one where OP and all related people try to bandwagon with the opinion that other bandwagon opinions are invalid.
If you don’t think you are, that’s fine. My apologies.

Yes, this means many people dislike them.
That being said, they’re not all being rude or negative about it.
Even if they are, that’s no reason to disregard their opinion.
If your best reason to disregard someone is that they share a similar opinion… that’s probably all that I can say about that.

If you think that’s circlejerking, fine.
I am being as fair as I can about it, but if you think that people sharing an opinion is circlejerking, feel free.

I am being serious and commenting on what they’re saying. I share many of their views.
My first post only claims I don’t think it matters and that I prize the execution over the concept.

Because that’s what I think about capes?
They’re nowhere near as poor as wings have been to me.

Take it as you will, you’re free to have that opinion.

Well, good for you. No reason to call people names, though.

If we consider negative in the sense that they disagree, then sure, they were being negative.
If we consider it in terms of manners…
Aside from that one with the name-calling, all the other three seemed fairly mindful of their manners to me.

It was not an insult. (You seem to be the only one who thinks ‘gay’ is an insult, despite all you say against it.)
I mean that as blandly as can be without an offence.
When people refer to something as ‘gay’ in this context, it’s in relation to the genre’s history of wings that appear childish, feminine or whatever you might call it.
That’s what I mean to exclude semantics. We’re going to put aside any moral implications for the topic.

It does look ‘gay’. Without picking at what this word means, you know what they’re getting at and it’s as fair as it can be. If you want to specifically tie it to homosexuality and the other meanings outside of the original context, feel free. That’s a different topic, though.

In my opinion @Kachi Big type of wings would look too drastic and weird for the type of characters in ToS.
But a more small type of looking wings like the Gm’s would look more nicely on them.

My suggestion for the equipment is not displaying them on the back if you have a back accessory/wings on,
and only being displayed when you attack.

Of course it is an insult, it doesn’t matter whether you use it against a person or random stuff that looks stupid to you. Childish, feminine, … seriously, these examples only prove my point.
You don’t need to explain to me how that word is used. I’m well aware of what you’re trying to express.

Well, that’s what I said to you as well in the beginning :P, or rather I stated the bigger and fancier the rarer they need to be.

Unfolding will require additional animation unless they’re small enough, angelic wings can be turned on and off so that’s simpler. In Dialbo3 such wings are constantly on and shining through the shield and weapon. I guess since the characters are even bigger, the constant blinking from turning them on and off would otherwise irritate the players. So that has to be considered as well when choosing the size.

If you are offended by the word ‘gay’, then… I apologize if that was a trigger for you.
However, insulting the wings ought to be fine because the wings cannot be offended and the rules permit it.

Your proven point is that the word ‘gay’ offends you, even when it is not said at you. (or a person)
Is the word itself inherently offensive to you? That’s pretty stupid.
I could easily claim that your name is offensive to me and that you should not have it, following that.
Whether or not you are offended is irrelevant, we’re discussing the wings, mate.

If you’re really against the wings being described using a word you find offensive… well you’re probably preaching to the wrong choir, even the most strict of communities don’t often do that and we certainly don’t restrict ourselves like that here.

It is what wings in MMORPG have been for a long time and those are accurate representations of them.
Following common slang, ‘gay’ is indeed what one would call them in this day and age.

Both points were what set off the circlejerking which is why Desolator’s comment was correct, though just as productive.

I’m not offended by you saying wings were gay. I simply argued this is an immature way of depreciating something, just as it when calling something as too feminine in this context. Immature in the sense that you don’t get what you’re expressing.
As it seems it will take some time before you understand what I mean so this discussion leads no where and is only further hijacking this thread.

I see nothing wrong with just voicing my opinion. Not every post must formally address the pros and cons of the subject at hand, if I want to express what I think about a certain idea I will very well do it without thinking back on it. Maybe you’re taking this forum a little too seriously?

It is about preference.
They are (gay/edgy-teenage/etc), too.
I like wings when they’re done well, they’re still gay and generally edgy.

Those aren’t clashing statements.
I can say that I think whether you like cake is up to your preference.
I can then follow up and say “cake is pretty gay.”

What do you want me to say about capes?
We’re not discussing capes much and the only person I cared enough to respond in detail to on the topic of capes happened to be Shiro himself (first one to mention capes), which I did, off-topic and in private.
(not that he liked what I said, I gave him a text wall)

Yes, there is every possibility that it is a case of circlejerking.
Here’s the kicker… that’s hardly reasonable enough to invalidate their opinion.

Thanks for sharing, I was aware, perhaps one of the first few people to mention it.
Do calm yourself. Is there some reason for your aggression against me?

That’s pretty poorly hidden rudeness, mate.
You’re right, we’ve definitely gone a bit off.
I’ll finish up here.

It’s fair to consider it an immature form of expression.
Thanks for your time.

p.s. You are actually not permitted by rule to call people immature here, unless I’m mistaken.
You can state that their comments were immature, but it is apparently frowned upon to target the person.

Both of you oughta calm down. You two seem to be reading into this way too deeply and handling it with a lot of unwarranted aggression.

(as greensburg mentioned)
I believe I will have nothing more to add, so I’ll drop this here. Laters.

The pserver wings that take up half the screen are annoying, but the official RO wings were fine:

I agree with you, they look very fine to me, and no everyone were running around having wings @chilly0123

If they add wings can i pay extra to not have to see them?