Tree of Savior Forum

Wings in Tree of Savior?

Hello ! I was thinking about how cool would it be if ToS had WINGS for their characters, make them with cool stats and great desings, honestly I love the idea.

I’m one of those formers RO players and I loved the fact that there was wings for the characters, how if you worked hard you could earn having really cool wings that makes you stronger (if you wanted them)

Please don’t get me wrong, I know ToS is NOT RO even tho they both come from the same creator. I like to call both of the games brothers.

I have never read any information, any post or anything talking about wings being there in the game for your character.
I would LOVE for IMC to think about this and make it possible in the future.

What are you ideas ? Love it or hate it ? Don’t be rude if you don’t like it.

Simply? Don’t care, it’s such a minor feature and definitely not a big game changer here.

Specifically, depends on the quality.
If it’s just a bunch of stiff wings, I’ll disagree with it. Tacky.
If it’s done with detail in respect to motion for all forms of movement… sure. It’ll look nice.

I tend to find wings absolutely ugly. But that’s me.

As a costume that brings nothing more than “kawai” sure, why the hell not.

But this

i’m not sure about that xD
As I despite these wings, the idea of seeing everyone having them because they make them strong makes me wanna puke :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m sorry but honestly I don’t like wings. Imagine a place with bunch of people wearing oversized wings, it just looks so chaotic. Unless we can fly with it like a falconer or just a tiny cuty wings like in RO official servers.

Wings again?.. No offense but…

Wings indeed very often end up quite ugly, especially those in RO. If they have a good design and devs put some work into its implementation then I wouldn’t mind too much but I’d still rather reserve this kind of sprite to buffs.
Regardless, if they stand out very much, the wings need harsh requirements to be wearable - max level, many difficult quests done, high costs.
As for winged gear, that’s definitely a no - and luckily IMC seems to agree as they so far have contained all unique sprites to costumes.
I want to use my styled char when I’m actually playing the game the way I want to and not only while idling somewhere or in special circumstances.

Uh, to those who claim it’s some childish, gay or ridiculous thing - those statements are already hilarious: There are already quite a lot of wings appearing in this Korean game.

Nay please… wings for the goddes not some mere mortal here :joy:

Thinking of games like MU Online, MapleStory, Flyff, RO1 and more. Wings were a really cool factor to add.
Maybe the stats idea is a little too harsh but obtaining wings for fashion or something nice to unlock such as
hairdyes and/or eyes color sounds very nice to me. Specially if they like this idea or would like to consider it at least. @Kachi

To those saying wings would be high school ‘‘gay’’ well, being gay is not a defect nor a bad thing, if you think so, there is a lot of things wrong with you no offense. Don’t be despective just because you don’t like an idea or suggestion please.

Instead of wings why not capes? Everyone knows that one being’s badassery has a 72.6% increase when wearing capes.

Well, those are all very different games, for instance, ToS wasn’t created in a anime style so you can’t use most of the above as examples at all.

If costumes aren’t character bound they can be sold and worn by any class at any level, hence my requirements for wearing them. If they’re char-bound but available in the cash-shop the price needs to be high.
The more flashy a sprite is the less characters should be able to wear them.

I think the wings should remain a GM exclusive only. If everyone is sparkly, then no one is.

I like that @Shiro ! But… why not both haha? Make everyone happy and if you don’t like wings well don’t wear them :octopus:
Tho Edna Moda from the Incredibles will recommend you not to as a lot of people die cause of capes (Kidding here).

I like capes and one Swordsman class has a cape but I don’t remember which one.

with so many classes, probably isnt a good idea for tos…
but this made me remember auras =p

I like what you sujest a lot @Kachi . I hope they do take it into consideration. I know it’s an animated game but RO made it work.

Not everyone had them and not everyone wanted them. I think that is important to notice. I don’t think a couple of cool wings would screw up the amazingness and uniqueness this game has, but I don’t know. And if they make them cash shop exclusive :money_with_wings::money_with_wings::money_with_wings::money_with_wings: Lot’s of money for them.

Honestly I hope you can trade Cash Shop items in the game this way if you are a cash buyer you can trade your objects inside the game for game money, Tera Style. That’s a win for the P2w players, Win for the Devs Pockets and Win for the hardworking regular player.

O god please no


Agreeing some more

I don’t like wings. I’m not against them…but those should be only for the looks and nothing else.

BTW could we at last not separate wings from any other cool things that could go on your back? Cute Backpacks/Tails/Tortoise Shell/Capes…whatever would look fun at least… but I wouldn’t care if nothing from these would exist… but just wings is so plain and boring…

There could be an option too to hide all wings/back stuff in the game so those who rly hate it could enjoy the game more too.

This sounds very nice! @Ayalon the game is low in customization, they are (thinking) (and I hope they do) to implement EYE color change and SKIN change as well.

So this addition to many other things to go in your back sounds very good, not just wings but many other accesories. This would improve the gaming customization a lot.

Also there was some talking about changing the color of your job class’s outfit. I hope this happens too, like in RO.

More customization is fine with me, but…

Like always, I’m sure there will be plenty of people with the stereotypical generic words and/or combinations of them in their names, like: Dark, Shadow, Angel, Holy, etc.

And because these “marvelous” words are so popular, any combination of them in the names will be taken pretty fast. Leading to a lot of xxXx and random number combinations in front, between and after people’s nicks.

But the winners of the Best Names category are the people who use their real names combined with their birthdate as name in an attempt to create a connection between their real life identity and their in-game persona.

What does anything of that have to do with wings?
Well, those mostly are the people whom you attract with the option to wear the wings.
I can’t say I would be looking forward to that. I’m honestly quite tired of seeing them in MMOs. Perfect World, Aion or Mabinogi are rather populated ones where you can have fun with them. RO private server wings and auras look ugly as hell because they are usually created with no consideration of how their looks fit into the environment and they clutter the entire screen full until the only thing left on your screen are glowing rainbow colored wings and aura light particles. No, thanks.

Vomits at the thought of it

Also dont forget every variant of misspelling cloud and sephiroth

No wings! – I’m okay with them being attached to 1 or 2 cash shop costumes like the GM one. (<-- though that might confuse players or take away from GM’s uniqueness)

On their own, if well done like the GM costume, they’re pretty. – But a bunch of wings everywhere just ends up looking tacky unfortunately.

(PS. We actually know that imc tinkered with the idea of giving characters wings upon reaching max level far in the past… So this wings nonsense could happen. – Shouldn’t they just be for GM & goddess though? :pray: Haha.)