Tree of Savior Forum

Wings in Tree of Savior?

You have to wait for cash shop itens =p

Sadly !! for me, I never had the opportunity to play WoW. I was pulled by other mmos/consol video games, or social life and responsabilities, I always wanted to play it tho since everyone can’t stop talking about it till this date. But with sometime after that, It became a very outdated atm @Shiro

I’m looking forward to that @II_JoJo_II But I hope that you can use in game money to pay for cash shop items from another player who paid.

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Oh man, you gave me a good laugh, thanks.

I would just like you to know that reading this post has caused me intense physical pain, the kind where you have that pain in your heart as your dreams, ideals, and hopes all just crumble into dust and you are left staring at the void where the things that gave you happiness once resided.

There is not a single thing you wrote that is not ill-thought-out, wrong, or looks like it was written by a 12 year-old who only recently found out that online communities exist.

Please look back upon what you have done, confess your sins, and repent.

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Thank you all cyberbullies for your honest opinions about other people’s Ideas. The world needs more individuals like you. You make the world a better place by mocking and insulting other people’s thoughts and opinions. Have a great day ! @itzNiko

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The character you play as is a human proxy. Humans do not have wings. There is no logic in the idea.

Also it’d clash with the lower “medieval fantasy” setting the game tries to portray. Bosses and the large goddesses can get away with it because, their bosses and goddesses. Having something like that for players would just look stupid, out of place.

“They can also make you stronger.” Confirmed this guy is asking for pay to win content, get the pitchforks.

Or we could go on the whole games referenced have been ‘fairy fantasy’, with much sharper contrasts in colours and visuals more akin to a children’s book. To make an extreme comparison; it’s like saying “Catching monsters in balls worked in pokemon, so why can’t we catch monsters in balls in lord of the rings.”

Thank you for your opinion, if you were trying to be funny I would sugest other ways tho ! @itzNiko and don’t worry I created this post knowing a lot of people would disagree, but I still wanted to express myself. I don’t appreciate direct mockery to my persona and ideas tho

Honestly I like the way you think @sonkuri but I saw the way the wings looked on the GM and personally I thought they would look great on my character with the classes I’m planning to become too.

As I researched for the content of wings I descovered no one has talked about it.
Basically this is the first time everyone is saying their different opinions about the idea.


Yeah no kidding, we’ll probably have to wear masks or big hats to look more menacing and less flamboyant. Maybe they should add scars/beards/tattoos as face options

Also, I do remember games such as MU online where characters would dress like draconic power rangers in scintillating colors (and every other excessive combination in-between), hope they keep the extravagant visuals to a minimum and dont go full WTF.

Sounds like somebody has been playing way too many RO private servers…

Oh no no no NO. That is a really bad idea. Non-functional wings are really ugly especially when you’re walking around. And also, making it seem like a normal armor? It will make the game feel 10 times cheaper and cheesier.

Backpack and racoon tail pls!

[quote=“DeepDarkFantasy, post:34, topic:41005, full:true”]
Wings on players make no sense, goddesses have wings and huge titties, players do not have huge titties, thus they cannot have wings.[/quote]
Can’t argue with that logic.

You have severe cases of bandwagoning in every of the generic free to play/pay to win grinding MMO out there. It doesn’t surprise that people who gathered here for something new and different are likeminded in some aspects because of that.
Then again, in forums with a voting system there is always a lot of manipulation going on. Here is an article on it if you want to know a bit more. It covers some basics and is rather biased but still a worthwhile read:

Also, are you saying that wings are a good idea? If so, why?

Racoon Tails and Turtle Shells are going to be a win!

Hey ! Thanks for the interesting article @kill5link
I actually just wanted to know if there was any information about this subject and if people liked them, cause I do.
So I asked :smile:

It would be great for them to implement nice looking types of back accessories ! @khakiout