Tree of Savior Forum

Wings in Tree of Savior?

The fact that you like them on GMs shows me that you are okay with the idea.
No one wants to go through the game with lots of people with wings, but if done right, I think it could be a good addition to the game @yeule

No wings for me, you’re aware that those wings came from private servers? hahaha.

Wings would look clutter and ugly,If they were an option to not see them in game then I wouldn’t mind too much but most of us don’t like the idea and wouldn’t really want to see it in the game.

HOWEVER, capes are a way better idea than wings IMO.

Capes, backpacks or alike… maybe a flag?

Backbacks is good one also what Ayalon said…Tails,Tortoise Shells anything that won’t be too clutter.

If they are going to implement wings, then only if we can actually fly/hover with them. Didn’t they have some “Red Ox” item? That’s a perfect candidate for a wing buff :stuck_out_tongue:

Otherwise, it’s pretty useless and I don’t really like it aesthetically. About the only game where I liked the wings was Perfect World.

I’m all for back items like backpacks, capes and other cosmetics, but not back wings (mainly angelic wings). It’s because I’m pretty sure lore-wise, wings are reserved for higher beings like the Goddesses and their helpers, the Kupolé. (I guess GMs are considered higher beings too. :laughing:)

I suppose the best compromise are Head Wings, there’s already some in game, like the Red Devil Wings or Angel Wings.

I’m also for no-wings, ESPECIALLY no stat-bonuses on them.

Reasoning being, if everyone is running around with wings, it kinda…feels…like… what…game…am…I…playing…? The ToS’ters are all angels/devils?!

Having stats on wings would also just enforce everyone to *want or have to use them.

I have a proposal that could be a middle-term compromise between having and not-having them.

Ba du du dum~…!

Like @Soukyuu mentioned before.

Temporal buff/emote/what’chamacallit.

“Red Ox gives you wings!” …literally. For a while… derp. Perhaps enforce a CD before having some more Red Ox (get it out of your system, yo!)

May also allow for additional emotes/poses for its duration. That way we can still have people who want to do all their one-winged-angel sheezles but not everyone clotting the screen with wings all the time, heh.

i know that @Radeon man

No wings, never. Just no. This is not 2004, I don’t wanna see 70 xXxS3PH1R0THxXx’s with shiny stupid wings and horns/halo. Wings also make no sense on this lore, aside of goddesses and angels having them, which you know, makes sense.

And no, the fact we could be ok with the idea of GMs having wings, is because GMs can wear anything they want to wear, as long as that makes them look different from the average player.

Wings on players make no sense, goddesses have wings and huge titties, players do not have huge titties, thus they cannot have wings.

That doesn’t mean players can’t have wings, hell there is already a way in the game.

It’s like y’all don’t actually look at the stuff in the game or somethin’, just want to make a special snowflake instead

It would be smart of them to sell a cosmetic that does the following:

Changes appearance of the selected gear for that of another gear of the same type, or applies a special visual.

So basically if you wanna change the look of an armor for antoher you can, if you wanna apply wings on top of it, can do that too.

Also these cosmetics can be purchased for real money, since it doesnt impact gameplay.
(But should have a cost and be sold for in-game-currency as well, even if its high, just like every item)

I think more people use/have used wings than they let on,anyway…

I’m fine with it as an accessory.But like someone else mentioned here,not an item with extra stats.No costume/cosmetic items should have extra stats.That just leads to an unfair advantage in the player base,as well as countless clones wearing the same items.I’ve seen it before,and it takes away a good bit of the unique atmosphere MMO’s should have.

Oh,and we’ll see those angel,demon,raven,xXx,iWhatever names regardless of what items are in the game.That’s just how a good chunk of the player base operates;dumb,meaningless names.That’ll never change.A good example is Aura Kingdom,as soon as they added glowing dual swords,you saw Kirito wannabes and SAO usernames everywhere.

Hahahahahahahahah !! ‘‘70 xXxS3PH1R0THxXx’s with shiny stupid wings and horns/halo’’ @Zouvet You got a point there, but Idk I mean I guess the majority really don’t want them, but It would be ok if they could choose not to use them and whoever wants to, can have access to them. Non-stat related.

you going to be female in tos? because all male looks like female but with short hair cut

Again there is nothing wrong with being or looking ‘‘gay’’ is not a despective thing seriously. And yeah I’m gonna be a male, hopefully they can make more Masculine looks of the males in ToS for you and everyone else who wants that to happen @pleyar

[quote=“MaxMisa, post:14, topic:41005”]
I like that @Shiro ! But… why not both haha? Make everyone happy and if you don’t like wings well don’t wear them :octopus: [/quote]

It will still be a problem if I end up meeting someone equipped with a pair of wings, 3 horns, rabbit ears, a orange cape and an aura that make each one of its limbs shine in a different color while mounted on a white tiger with pink stripes.

I’m good with deep customization but some limitations are required so people won’t create walking graphical bugs, and since I don’t see a point in having wings if you can’t fly let’s start from there. Overboard auras and out of theme costumes come after.

My opinions are about wings, but no one wants to see that…! hahahahahahahaha ! That would be ridiculous @Shiro

@MaxMisa Ever played WoW? Most of the costumes over there are way less aggressive when people remove their wings (you can at least recognize the human form of the character).