Tree of Savior Forum

Will melle in general ever be buffed?

Joining 200+ parties I just feel so useless. The god damn healer does more damage then me. The only thing that did less damage was the paladins/monks/thuama and chronos.

Currently sitting at a cata/dragoon and I just don’t see where I would be useful.

I mean we do get provoke off swords man and it allows us to hold aggro. But its not like bosses are smart at all, 90% of their attacks can be “tanked” by anyone simply by either walking to their side or away from them.

I also though dragoon would be decent at pvp, but nope. CC, AoE is king.

This is a big complaint for a lot of people. I say just play to have fun. I haven’t seen anyone deny swordies a party. If you don’t feel your class is the best, switch to another. I know a little easier said than done when you’ve invested a lot of time, but hey its meant to be fun right?

I do agree some kind of buff would be nice though.

Melee is already ridiculously great DPS, Dragoon have amazing potential in PvP i have PvP’d a few dragoons and with the right cataphract setup there is no escaping them.
I see swordies out preform other classes all the time

OP is forgetting sustained damage.

Also *huggles to GF’s everywhere around the world mine especially is awesome and i love her *

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Flesh it out a little more you will see where you shine.

Archers and Mages unfortunately out DPS us when we’re busy running around to get out of harms way. I wouldn’t say by too much though if you play right. We’re not useless, we’re fun, and I guess for swordies tanking is more so our niche. You should build your character for how you like to play though!

Yeah I do agree, cataprahcts are really really fast. But anyclass with a targeted CC can easily shut it down. Since they are melle characters with no defensive skills afterall.

Also swordsman cant sustain dps past 200. Mobs hurt like ■■■■, with 120 con and upgraded armors the monsters still rip apart a swordsman just like any other chars that is not standing in safety wall or barrier, or hiding behind someone who is.

Also the dps routes if swordsman aside from fencer has horrible cool downs.

Also running around dont help us get out of harms way when most mob projectiles follows you, even though you out run the projectile itself because your faster, you still get hit. :stuck_out_tongue:

This is why you build for CC though, most wizards only run a kit of level 1-2 CC so 20-30-40 spr is going to go a long way your probably looing at a 50/50% resist chance the lower category the CC the easier you can resist it.
Also you are not limited to specific types of armor you can max out all three attributes and then have a set of each toggling cloth for magic defense when you need it or physical defenses too.

You are walking super tanks and there are so many awesome swordsman builds that completely just shutdown everything else, and yeah high level mobs are a b!tch 200+ im not going to lie you think they tear you apart you should see my wiz get 1HKO by lepabunnies.

Also today is the day for gf’s especially this girl i know she’s amazing and beautiful and i will love her forever and take care of her always

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Yeah its true. But building SPR just for pvp is tough. I was considering using the stats resert to change my Dragoon to pvp only with loads of SPR and CON. But there is just not enough pvp content to really do that just yet.

In the PVP reguard I think its too early to tell but there have been cases where I go against phsykinos or any mages and its just them presseing 1 lock on button and then proceed to combo ■■■■ me. Nothing I can think of to counter most of that in 1v1. So no, I think there are so many wizard builds that completely shut down everyone else.

As for endgame, all 3 other classes can hide and play safe, unless your a taunting block holding swordsman, you just have to eat ■■■■ and die anyways. Because if your a squishy you might not realize, the mobs throw like 5 attacks at you and you die on the first one, but we die on the 4th or 5th. Same thing, we just see more numbers before we die.

I have a wife and I do love her very much. But for the sake of the sanity of the general single man public, please do contain your love emo joy. Your making me want to spend time with her shopping online instead of playing videogaems.

Well you can resist those locks, especially telekinesis, and you don’t need to build full SPR and CON just a little SPR it will also help with your mana pool too being a dragoon your skills are costly you are probably spamming a lot.
You can be decent at both PVE/PVP but if you want to truly accell at one you need to spec for one or the other specifically building for straight PVE stats without any SPR and then complaining you can’t beat a wizard because he ■■■■■ with you CC is not the games fault swordie don’ t need a tremendous buff they are good and have a lot of potential the way they are just depends how you build them i do agree though that mobs 210+ are ridiculous and need to be re balanced.

Sorry, you probably don’t understand my messages but they have a purpose and not love emo joy :P, there is a very special lady in this world who means everything to me and she reads these kind of threads so i am just hoping she see’s it and knows i am thinking about her and that she is my world and that she is strong and amazing and i wouldn’t replace her for anything.

Well, yeah, you are right. Maybe an insane SPR pvp Dragoon can just rush in and eat all the CC for the team and ■■■■ ■■■■ up, that we will see.

But as I know now, there is no way for a Dragoon to be both decent as PVE, how people feel playing is different, but once you look at the numbers and count, compare, it seems like swordsman just suck at PVE except for Pelta/Cosair.

Or you know throw on a sage wall or something, gear can make up for what you lack situation ally i mean look at the stats on this

There’s your resist chance and magic defense right here
Have a cloth set w/ spr on it + a cloth set attribute and boom mage aint got nothing on you.

Imho what this game need is a DR on crowd control skill. It’ll fit perfectly for this type of game. Defense and magic defense is nothing, because the OP stuff on crowd control skill atm is not the damage, but the duration of the CC combined with the low CD of those skill making them able to apply it back on you instantly. Diminishing return is seriously needed in this game.

Well kinda hard to use dragoon skills with a shield on.

Then also anyone can use this strat, it is not swordsman exclusive. So what you say for defending aginst magic can be the same for defending against dragoon and what ever.

Also swappng gear and weapons is slow and laggy, and somehow, causes rubber banding.

I tried to 2 hand swords spear hybrid, reading the guide that is stickied in the swordsman class fourms, but really, without less than 80ms I dont think its really feasible.

But thats just classic Korean games, Because in Korea having 10-20MS is normal and 100ms is un-playable lag.

Well there is only so much you can defend against DPS, CC on the other hand is an entirely different matter if a mage and dragoon go Toe to toe no sleep b/s or w/e involved its most likely the dragoon is coming out on top dps wise also KD’s are a bitch. good wiz kills sometimes require little amounts of preparation others a lot of preparation you can just walk up, grab them with the cataract hook and go to town impale them doom spike them whatever reflect shield was nerfed hard so KD’s are incredibly easy and strong methods towards killing these types of players.

You should ignore a 1v1 situation, since this game clearly aims for large scale pvp with the announcement of GvG map. Even the predecessor game it has always been large scale pvp in WoE. CC will be the main issue in a large scale fight, not the damage of a single person.

Well, CC is not his problem if none of its hits him huh? the same logic to the 1v1 situation can be applied to others first he has a few things on his side HP/Mobility and decent amounts of CC resist with the twirling ability one of the goon skills or large scale aoes he is going to be able to go deep go HAM and get out if nothing more then creating a huge advantage for the rest of his team as he disrupts the backline of the enemies, i call these types of players “Divers”
Any standard team consists of a frontline a backline and somewhere in between usually the back of the group is the heaviest defended because the entire team will collapse to protect it, it usually consists of low hp high damage dealing characters healers CC’ers etc lets create a scenario, he buffs dives in goes ham on a Cryo/Kino that is locking down his team pretty efficiently, frontline DPS falls back to collapse on him defending the backline mage and this gives his team an advantage at pushing and destroying the enemies ranks once the team is split loses it formation its hard to come back from i have seen it plenty of times before good positioning and structure is required for victory in most cases.

swordmans have wayyy more hp than mages/archers , even when u dont put CON points (*3.3 while mages have *1.1 mod)…and while its a pain to be melee and whatnot , i dont know why u expect otherwise is have been always that way on rpgs…

Sorry how did that apply to me?

For those who doubted the SW1>PeltC1>HopC1>CataC3>Dragoon Class

Watch this VID
Learn to play that is all Ty


Thats a templar bro, but illustrates one of my points exactly. If you notice the Corsair Fencer also picks up a ton of kills :stuck_out_tongue: