Tree of Savior Forum

Why players aren't coming back

Well, pretty close.


What this game really needs is a new PK system, a well elaborated pk system. Also more rpg stuff like having a house or marrying someone (maybe).



I still wonder why we don’t have pk system.

I cannot follow your logic.
We talked about 3/4 games tops in the whole thread, and those were games i did actually play,
Where did i say that i’m playing all the games in the world?

To get back on topic. I’ll say it clearly, once and for all, then i’ll just leave this thread. ->

My friend, Krono, has been playing less than 400 hours counted on the steam app. He has 8 characters and he never farmed a SINGLE time.
He got side money by leveling up characters and doing 5-6 saalus in 20 minutes with ME almost every day.
He flips market items and has NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER farmed, he only plays with me. He bought 20+ tokens in december. He has 240 bonus INT on his main character, from items he bought from the MARKET for less than 40m, a +11 PRIMUS weapon, and is sitting on more than 80m. This playing literally CASUALLY, he cashed 0 money, on the game. I gifted him some character slots.
So i don’t get where are the problems you are talking about with gear, in PVE.

It is not IMC’s fault if you are bad at the game, the only thing they can do to fix your experience would be replacing your mind and body with a trained replicant.

Extra note: IMC cares nothing about what you think or what the forum thinks about their game “systems”.
If they followed what this schizo community, that, sorry to burst your bubble, doesn’t even represent a minimal part of the players that are actually playing the game, this game would have imploded months ago.

With your story being true, that friend of yours Krono is a legit entrepreneur :ok_hand:

My friend is more or less in the same shoes, he’s more of a grinder and was able to acquire several pieces of primus gear that worth 10m or even more than that. He has never bought TP. Heck, he’s even wealthier than me.


It’s almost as if we could see the changes that will happen to the game’s economy 2/3 months earlier am i right? :joy::ok_hand:

PS: I bought 200 Monster Card albums for 70k each before the patch.

This said, goodbye loved thread.

It’s the forum staff. It’s not like they hold any big power in IMC. They aren’t part of the ones who take decisions on what will be added or not. They’re just messengers between the devs/higher ups and players, in both ways.
The lower employees only know of the plans and what’s coming after the ones in charge decided them and decided it was time for all the employees to know about them and announce them.
They shared the information they had at the current time. They probably learnt about gacha being added only a few days before the players themselves.


This highlighted part is literally the only thing I strongly disagree with you.
I think giving a sense of exclusiveness and progression to classes as you get better is fun. Simpler classes at lower ranks to introduce the player to the game’s mechanics and more complex classes at higher ranks.

However I do agree with the point you made about skills should be better balanced across the board. I think the class mechanics should get harder as you progress and have that awesome “easy to get into but hard to master” feel. What I find funny is the fact that they got the class synergy between different classes right but the rank synergy between the same classes wrong.

The thing people need to understand when talking about this is that you’re not required to use every single skill you get from every single class you pick as you progress, a good end game character is the one that was planned by the player to have skills that complement each other. A good example of that would be a Falconer/Bullet Marker. I made one for basic attack only so what to do?

Archer C2 for Swift Step with Crit. Quarrel Shooter C3 for Running Shot (And Pavise/Kaltrops for some cc and protection). Falconer C3 so that the Falcon attacks automatically and Bullet Marker C1 for the double gun stance, silver bullet and bloody overdrive. Imo that has good synergy.

My hotbar wont have 40 skills on it and I wont be playing piano to be able to deal damage but I use skills from every class I picked and they are all useful for different reasons and I have fun with my character.

What I think should be made available is a way to see every class circle and skills in-game. Like a path planner in the game. They already have the Tree in Tree of Savior, might as well design a class progression tree that would allow players to read class abilities, study and plan their path.

Imo the right class for you is the one you - A: Have the most fun with - and - B: Have planned and feel it’ll be useful.

To make this work they would have to look at all class skills together and not just a single class. You’re not leveling your character to get to a rank 8~9 class and only use that class skills because they are the most powerful. You’re going through a lot of classes that will enhance your rank 8~9 classes.

Just my opinion about this class thing though.

Also regardless of exclusiveness or not. The hidden class quests need to be reworked. I don’t know who designs these quests but the definition of adding difficulty is completely wrong.

That person managed to design the most boring, mindnumbing quests I’ve ever seen in my life.

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Think that’s kind of the point. I finished Bullet Master today. Only took about 7 hours. Wasn’t hard, but there were point’s if I hadn’t had Netflix I would have found something more entertaining to do. The point is however; they want these quest to be something you don’t want to have to do more than once. If they made them “hard” yet interesting, there wouldn’t be such a want for Vouchers. Which in turn equals lost money to IMC. From a Business stand point; it’s almost brilliant. Then again, I generally just pass up the Hidden Class and go with something else., buuuuut that’s me.

PS: Your post just reminded me I’m going to have to do that damned quest again for my AA Falconer. Just finished it for my SR3. @_@

because this game caters to casuals whilst not being casual at all.


Well. Being honest, the game is casual unless you want full end-game stuff. If you play it for the average stuff everything is pretty casual friendly/easy.


gib or I report u.

What server is that? :open_mouth:

(Internally saying ‘Please say Silute Please say Silute’)

edit: F***

Klaipeda :haha:



DG300, Challenge Mode, Events, Saalus… Agreed.

This is the only reason TOS is dead. The game with all its problems would survive if this certain aspect was not so.


What this game needs the most is an official announcement that IMC Games is no longer in charge of Itos management or part of the devs either.

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Finally a White Knight dares to reply me

ToS is bot free? lmao

Are you actually playing the damn game?, bots are even farming hidden quest materials, can’t even farm Khugeri Zabbi because of those fuckers


He is schizophrenic from playing too much. He probably thinks those bots are his friends.


PS: Report this now.

Aww the White Knighty got mad?

There’s proly too much salt in your diet