Tree of Savior Forum

Why magic can't miss? (PVP Oriented Point of View)

physicals can be blocked or dodged. magic bypass all. still dont get my point?

yes that’s right. so? what’s your point?

stop comparing gameplay with mechanism. in my statement that you quoted there im talking about mechanism.

lol. you dont even know magic in RO can miss.

INT scales a lot if the game ever reaches rank 10 - level 600 Just check this post and this post will answer all your questions, I am done. You are clearly one of the people who got owned by a cryo kino wiz lol.

PS: Read the entire thread not the OP, that’s just retarded suggestion.

I do realize too that there are plenty of real wizards. the one who replied first to this thread is a wizard, and he agreed that casters is OP in some ways.

i can clearly see that even if they know that casters have some serious advantage over physicals, some of you wizards wont admit it.

im a wizard myself, a cryomancer. and im looking for a fun and challenging pvp, not one sided massacre.

I have gotten a lot of hate from Swordsman on the Swordsman subforums for saying that Swordsman shouldn’t be allowed to do as much DPS PvE as Wizards or Archers since they have 2-3x the HP, so it’s not just unique to Wizards either.

Well swordsman defiantly need something. But i would agree that putting them on par with wizards and archers for damage would be to much.

What I would like to see (and I did suggest this in their forum) is a skill/attribute that lowers max HP in favor of damage. It would probably have to be PvE only, but it would basically just put them in line with other classes.

at least they realize and they’re willing to admit that wizards and archers are doing much more damage compared to them :laughing:

My main is a cleric and when i random que for a dungeon and get 4 swordsman i cringe.

4 of any other tree and i wouldn’t mind in the slightest.

If they give me that reaction something is defiantly wrong with them.

Out of all my groups i have met 1 swordsman i would actively like to group with, a fencer who put the mage to shame.

You mean some kind of self-harming skill that would cause serious damage on caster (either immediately or DOT while using the skill, or both) to get huge attack buff?

I like that kind of skills. They’ve been interesting to use on previous games I’ve played :slight_smile:

I’m just the one who say that good ratios should fix the problem because magic is too powerful because of base damage skills, but OK. I didn’t made a single point against magic :smile:.

And ratios because of full CON Mages are making it strong. It’s actually the same problem in LoL, tanks are going full hp and deal tons of damages, more than DPS jobs because they have good base damages on their skills, so they don’t need to take offensive stats to deal damages, same problem here.

So where is the problem ?

Know the game is a way to see if you are a good player or not. Even if you don’t know what skill your opponant picked, you know what he is able to do, something you can learn by playing TCG in tournaments with random decks.

BECAUSE THEY ARE FULL CON and don’t care about you.

Yep, I saw many of them with a lot of bad players, and freaking mages with tons of HP wiping an entire team xD.

Does it mean magic able to miss will solve the problem ? You are putting more and more RNG and you want a balanced game with only random mechanics. zzz


Something to that effect, yes. I’ve thought of a few classes that could expand the game and a bit and fill some (what I would say somewhat needed) niches. I feel that adding a scaling skill like this to Swordsman would help keep build diversity, but even just one class that harms themselves to harm others would make for a really good Swordsman DPS route.