Tree of Savior Forum

Why magic can't miss? (PVP Oriented Point of View)

so basically, the logic of your argument is, “they shouldnt do balancing 'cause its not the end game yet”.

you do know it would take them months, even years to get to your so called “end game”. It’s like saying, “they shouldnt update any content unless its the last update.”

I havent tried group pvp but one-one is enough to make me realize it, even though I have a con as a mage I got easily knocked down by an archer-wugushi class without even casting, even the riding warrior is really hard enough to kill because of their knockdowns, nearly died because of it. Plus, I am talking about the bonuses that other stats gives not about investing most of their points in dex.

There are pros and cons in each class but you are just looking on the warrior and archer side, why don’t you try to play a mage without surespell? Oh ye why not try hitting hail on a moving target maybe that won’t miss.

Seriously, it’s easy enough to avoid most of the Wizard’s non CC DPS spell by dodging the AOE, now you want to make us miss?

What we need is equipment related to status resistance, not magic evasion.

Seriously, it’s easy enough to avoid most of the Swordsman’s DPS skills by staying out of range, now you want to make us miss?

This game isn’t about one on one balance. Not even a little. It’s about group PvP. It will never be balanced for duels.

What are the pros of a physical damage class as opposed to a magic damage class then?

im pretty sure that if you put a lot of points into DEX, you’ll be able to dodge some physical attack

Vanic already answered this

Vanic already answered your question. we’re good then?

oh another question? ok i’ll try to answer

do notice that Magic attacks ignore TWO defensive mechanism, evasion and block
while physical attacks does not. they can be dodged and blocked.

that’s two point of advantage to magic, no point to physical.
that’s why im suggesting that magic can be dodged. so there will be 1 defensive mechanism for physical characters = evasion

and that’s still 2 advantage to 1. casters still have their block and dodge against physical, and physical will only have their dodge against casters.

physical attacks do get interrupted too. Multi shot for example.

some skills are instant cast, and some aren’t. and that goes to both physical and magic class. i don’t think anyone want to ruin this game by having everything instant cast.

because if we put it this way, its the same as putting crit rate into STR.
i do suggest at opening post to make int add hit rate though.

Dexterity could just add magical critical rate and magical accuracy. That would make it exactly as effective for Strength and Intelligence builds. That said, no one would pump Dexterity either way for serious PvP anyways, so it doesn’t really matter.

I would love to just see magic being able to be blocked, because of all the Wizards and Clerics that would cry about how Stone Skin needs massive nerfs. It would be hilarious.

Swordsman is supposed to be sht. Deal with it.

I know that you are joking, but that seems to be the general attitude of so many Wizard players. They just feel that their class should have no downfalls and be the best in every category. I don’t understand what goes on in their heads.

I’m not the only one who got reminded of these reaction pics, right?:

And sorry for funposting.

Because wizard die too easily even with full con, and unlike full tank swordsman which usually have some spr against status ailment, they can’t really afford to put points in spr, making them even more vulnerable.

And seriously, most of our spell has cast time and cast animation compared to swordsman, so its easy to dodge (except the cc machine build).

Also, our spell has long CD. Which means we are useless once you dodged it.

Oh my…you’re not even joking, are you?

these guys are clearly fanboys. instead of giving some proper explanation about mechanism, they post picture and telling sad stories.

how bout this? maybe im wrong?

Swap dodge out for block. Wizards clearly think any small flaw in their class makes them super weak compared to everyone else; the outcry against Stone Skin will be glorious.

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Not everyone playing wizards thinks like that. It’s just feels pointless to reply if you think so too. Wizards in this game are way too tanky. I’d prefer them being a bit more glass cannons needing better placement before casting instead of just facetanking being even somewhat viable option.

Let me tell you something clear enough why they can’t make magic miss, it is the skills of the mages that are very easy to dodge, only target skills such as icebolts are sure enough to hit, if they wanted to make magic miss they need to change the entire skills of wizards just so that it can go with your balancing patch about wizards. Enough said? Oh ye, change the whole game mechanics also. Like I said, there are pros and cons of each characters you people, just do not see fit what you are thinking.

… each of that woman’s breasts are as wide as her torso… that cant be healthy.

you said something. and then me and vanic replied to your what you said earlier.

after that, you said something else. you dont even bother to read what we said or what we asked you.

i quoted you soo many times above. could you show me which of my statement is wrong?

oh and answer this before typing something else

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Knockbacks, stuns, DPS, crits, physical damage clearly out damage magic damage, ccs? warrior do have cc lol, most skills dont have casting time? Satisfied?

Well you are sure enough. How about adding int? What does it gives you? a single point of matk?

Tell me when you can 100% hit a small aoe with casting time spell will clearly hit your character, of course with dodging lol. Does this satisfy you?

Anyways, I am leaving this thread, I am clearly not getting enough point, because even in RO magic doesn’t miss, but they clearly have resistance for both single target spells and aoe, why would they bother change it here which both game has same mechanics?

I realize that. I mean no ill will; I know there are plenty of sane Wizards out there. There is a definite trend on these forums though. I have never faced it in game, honestly. Here, though, it is a different story.

If I were to balance the classes I would probably do it as such:
Swordsman: Tanky CC/DoT machines. The damage classes would focus on stacking DoT and CC.
Wizards: Burst damage, CC. Not much different now, honestly
Clerics: Heals, weaker magic damage
Archers: Sustained DPS and DoT. Would rely on evasiveness and sneaking while enemies die mostly of DoT and poke.

Right now the PvP system is like this:
Swordsman: Tanky units that have everything blocked
Wizards: Tanky units with loads of damage and CC
Clerics: Tanky heals, a fair amount of damage
Archers: What’s an archer?