Tree of Savior Forum

Why magic can't miss? (PVP Oriented Point of View)

Well as it stands there just is no reason for Mage to get anything but con and some spr. Why would you wanna invest in int when it does liturally only 1 matk . Con gives like 5 benefits to choosing it and liturally most of the other stats do int is like the loner of the group for stats . Str gives attack , Weight and crit attack , Dex gives hit, evade and crit , con gives Hp , Hp recov , weight , block and crit res , spr gives block pen, sp , sp recov and mdef each 4 points . Then there int with just 1 matk . Now would you rather get like 3-5 stats from a stat or just 1 . Now let’s talk about distribution . Because int is useless and magic can deal enough damage to not even need it . They can get away with just con and maybe some spirit . Then take swordie who has to take Dex to hit and crit maybe dodge , str to damage and weight and con to try and live . Archer again similar and cleric too of course magic cleric don’t need int cuz int is a waste of a investment . But wizard don’t deal physical and int being bad investment and not needing spirit exsept for sp and recovery means con is the only real investment . This is where the problem lies int needs to be change to have more perks more benefits to picking it up over con similar to str . I played all 4 classes And Mage was easiest to overkill with with liturally no investment in int . It says it all . It’s not the damage its the investment . You have buff wizards doing high damage yet Hp of a truck .if they were getting such damage from investing in int it would be fine .


So this is just about bad players, exactly my point here.

I’ll never say that kind of lies. Melee attacks in many (good) games don’t allow you to move. If a Swordman rush on you, Cleric has to Safety Zone you and destroy Swordman’s ugly face, or support Mage could just CC him. And again, this is all about players. If people are not doing what they should do, they are losing. Sometimes the most OP thing is teamplay.


Full CON mages, saddly :/. Because their base damages allow them to be tanky burst classes o_o".

This thread is stupid and so is the OP.
You’re talking about the creators of Ragnarok here.

In ragnarok, mages all spammed int and magic couldn’t miss (even if it could mages had high dex anyway), archers all spammed dex, both getting some vit to reduce stun duration. And all was fine.

Basically no other classes (with a couple exceptions) could spam one stat to win, and all was fine.

The game does have some (a lot) glaring balance issues, and should be dealt with accordingly, though. The very wizards you’re complaining about have some attack skills that are more useless than auto attacks until they change away from “wizard”.

As for SPR, that’s another retarded balance issue. SPR should just be removed from the game with the way it is now.

It’s not about players, it’s about Magic damage having a clear advantage, something that you’ve not made a single point against.
All you said is that Magic can be avoided if you’re not there in the first place. And that stands up for nothing, becuase it’s not only obvious, but also goes the same way for any move.
The difference is tho, that most of the times you don’t even expect being hit by those magic skills(unlike physical), if you’re anywhere near a Wizard, you’re already inside it’s Death Ray range, where alot of stuff is going to hit you, and you can’t do anything about it… BECAUSE IT’S MAGIC DAMAGE.
If you care to watch some PvP videos like I did, you’ll realise how it’s working currently:
The Team with a Cryo/Kino or Ele/Warlock wins. Or the team that has a Healer against one that doesn’t.
Point is, PvP is incredibly unbalanced as of right now, and there’s a clear advantage to magic users(Refer to kTOS top 50/100 team battle league).
When you look at a top 50 and find 90% of those players to be Cleric/Wizards, there IS something wrong.

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Nothing wrong there, magic is strong, which is stronger? A lightning of thousand vots or a sword? A meteor or a spear?
I just have feeling tos is not a game optimized for PvP, and it doesnt need balance either.
What break the game is when players ask for balance in PvP in the begining, while there is no balance, at all.

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^This pvp isn’t the main focus of the game. I seen some many people on the forums ask for things that no other game has lol.

This is a game, facts like that don’t matter, because it’s not based in reality, it’s based in a fantasy world, with magic and special abilities and whatnot, a sword attack might as well be as strong as a lighting.
And also, if they’re both going to kill you, what’s the difference anyways? btw, every game that has updates needs constant balance, that’s just a fact.
There’s also an obious interest in PvP content by the developers, with Team Battle League that gets you statues of glory for a week(and some exp), Guild wars, and Guild Battles ->

Are you saying lightning is not real?
OMG, is Earth still alive?

Funny how ppl resort to trolling when they’ve got nothing.
It’s as good as saying “You’re right” to me at this point, ppl are too proud in the internet for that I guess.

maybe they could add a magical-block stat onto spirit, while wearing a shield.

Dude, the moment I see you say “every game”, I know already you never take writing class in college or have very bad grade.
Well, cannot be serious no more.

wow wow such strong words :innocent:

you wanna talk about RO? sure

In ragnarok, mages all spammed int and magic couldn’t miss (even if it could mages had high dex anyway)

first, magic could miss in RO, that will happen if you’re not putting enough int. its been a long time since the last time i played, but i think i remember that magic attack needs at least 17 int to hit non-int character, and more int if you want to hit priests or other wizards. the amount of int needed will be significantly higher if they’re stacking mdef gears

second, dex doesnt have anything with magic accuracy. dex is needed to increase physical accuracy. the only thing wizard need from dex is casting speed

Basically no other classes (with a couple exceptions) could spam one stat to win, and all was fine

yes, in RO your statement is completely right. but here in TOS, casters could dump all their points into CON because INT and SPR barely provide anything in PVP

the reason i started this thread is because i think pvp is very unbalanced right now. i know some ppl doesn’t agree with me with magic being able to miss, but they give their own suggestions, like magic being able to be nullified (resistance gems,etc), magic being able to be blocked, put some DR into their CC, etc. yet here you are, calling me stupid but offers no suggestion at all

may i ask what’s your biggest achievement in ragnarok online? because its seems to me that you’re pretty confident of your experience regarding Ragnarok Online, even going as far as calling other stupid.

me myself, im a two years in a row RIC contestant. Second place in 2005, and winner in 2006. for those who doesn’t know, RIC stands for Ragnarok Indonesia Championship, its a nationwide team PVP tournament, with predetermined characters and equips.

so what about you?

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I’m from Brazil, so English is not my native language, small mistakes like those are to be expected every once in a while.
And damn, you’re going really low, it’s getting kind of sad now, atleast I’m glad I… Write like a native english speaker that didn’t take writting lessons seriously in college? It’s not that bad considering I’ve stopped taking english classes a few years ago and moved on to Spanish, kind of rusty on English.
Your replies are amousing me, they’re completly off topic and show how little you care about this topic’s discussion. It’s just plain trolling at this point.

I see you know English and I don’t mind if you make a grammar fault or two, what I laugh here is your assumption.
Every game need balance.
Every game need CC from 2 to 4s.
Every game character should have equal damage scale.
Oh gosh, this guy is comparing a sword with a stick.
Well, I use sarcasm alot, be offended if you feel so.

if it isn’t already, I would rather prefer magic resist be more effective than completely evading magic attacks.

Why magic can’t miss? because Why other classes doesnt miss alot when dealing with wizards? Why INT has only one bonus which is MATK why not add magic amplification? Why dont we add MCRIT so that INT will be a useful stat anyways? Try to answer all of these questions then we’re good and we can make Magic miss.

Please, explain to me how Snipe is not actually burst. I’d love to hear this one. I think you have a lot to learn about what’s actually a burst.

Absolutely. Make this a thing, and then make magic able to be missed and dodged. Watch your damage output plummet because of this. By the way, Strength doesn’t increase crit, so Swordsman/Archers do have to sacrifice damage to get crit, but even still Wizards and Clerics would be SO much weaker after that change. I’m going to guess you play a Wizard if you can’t see how this would drastically reduce your damage.

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Plus I do not get why they do want to make magic miss, skill casting interruption makes me puke with magic already, if they really want to make magic miss, make everything instant cast lol, and we’ll talk. PS: Playing a wizard, and not a wiz c3, and yea, DEX stat is really a dumbfounded stat, you got evasion crit rate etc, why not add INT for higher hit rate and and crit rate?

Why mages add con? Because INT is ultimately a useless stat, 1 int = 1 matk? Does that even make sense? Compare INT to other stats and they should know the difference.

If not why don’t we just give magic cast time /longer cast time excluding those ones with already long times like meteor . Then having int lower the time it takes to cast . Sure spell would become more useful although idk how they would be able to balance it out unless The bonus from int was small but enough to spewed it up without making quick spell useless

Go play a Swordsman or Archer in group PvP and your view will change dramatically. You just don’t get it for some reason; experience would fix that though.

Again, this is just silly. Nobody serious invests most of their points in dex unless they want to be useless lategame.