Tree of Savior Forum

Why magic can't miss? (PVP Oriented Point of View)

Magic doesn’t need crit when it has Amplification.

Last i checked Magic Amp was not all that strong compared to Matk. It was something like a 50% conversion, so peanuts with the exception of a few staffs/rods that have lower matk because they have mamp. Beyond that most mages use the same things as melee elemental damages (if they can find it), because it converts better then amp.

Once again this was how it was last time i looked into amp please enlighten me if it has changed.

Magic is broken. It needs a complete overhaul. Simple as that.

How can you invest so many points in CON and still do damage? Wizards are supposed to be SMART to be able to cast spells/buffs/debbufs, that’s why you must spend points in INT. If you don’t have enough INT, either your spells fail or you cast a weak spell. Simple as that.

Those who doesn’t agree with the OP about magic being TOO strong, must be FULL CON mages that wants to rape everyone in PVP


Perhaps a good idea would be to make the skills that also have cc use skill shot mechanics. Sleep is a pretty good example. At the very least anything that doesn’t require precision should be limited to 1 or 2 seconds, basically more of an interrupt then a hard cc.

i still believe you guys truly is not thinking according to what future will bring, 1 ruining a class because you feel like you lose 1v1 as a lvl 120 or something like that isnt near the end game contest.

So u guys have to start use yer brain, we got 1 after all, just that not everyone using it when they should.

since 99% of you who whining about nerfing a class is most likely a melee, i remember i saw a topic in reddit few days ago it was complaining about melee class because of their dmg, so my question is what is actually correct? none, since none is at end game contest yet.

what you guys actually asking for can make 50% of the population quit this game since ur so damn greedy for not waiting to end game.

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The problem is not magic not being able to miss, it is definitely the way stats work (CON is king, so highest base damage wins - which is always wizard), along with the absurd CC. ToS is one of the only MMOs I’ve played in years where CC skills have the same effect on players as on mobs and no diminishing returns. Plague doctor is essential in any PVP group or you just get destroyed with no ability to fight back.

The circle reset makes more sense then this

No, I’m talking about burst mate. Or show me a Swordman/Archer/Cleric burst with physical damages.

By moving. Most magic spells are AoE/skillshots, even sleep for this good reason (in PvP). If you are a squishy Archer, you just need to stay in the back, your tank is here to protect you like your support. The mage will never ignore the frontline. This is not a solo game.

Snipe would be a fairly prime example. I can keep going, but I feel this is a good enough example to get the point across.

Snipe ??? Sniper Build ?

Really? I think you have a bit to learn about what other classes actually do in PvP. Snipe is pretty much the only way Archers have found a way to be useful in the current system.

Wo now. Lets not use words like useful to describe archer in pvp. Snipe is not good, its a extremely fragile gimmick build.

Fixed: changed good to useful

I agree, but it’s about all they can hope for, sadly. Physical damage dealers are not in a good place right now. Also, I never used the word ‘good’.

I don’t even know how to edit my post to be in line with your edit. I guess I would say that they are useful, but not good. It’d be like a fork with a 2" handle. It works, but it’s not great.

X2 backstab with karacaha set, if still alive, stone shot and multi shot.
Or quick draw into flare shot.

a way they could do it is by adding something like magic focus , magic accuarcy and resist. if magic misses it should still hit but at a reduced damage and reduced status chance if it causes one. there needs to be more reasons to pick INT and other reasons to pick SPR . if magic misses it considered resist . magic focus would be like a critical hit but not on same forumlar of a regular critical hit. maybe a magic critical could be using less sp and a slight less cooldown in the skill as opposed to doing more damage . the stats then to make them a little more useful for all
INT- Matk, Magic Focus, Magic Critical, Max SP (half of what spirit gives)
SPR- SP recovery Resist, Block Penetration , Magic Def(1 per 1-2 points 4 points seems a lot to invest for 1 point of Magic Def , Max SP

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And you have a bit to learn about what’s actually a burst !


“If still alive” which is always the case in high lvl, you’ll need to spam AA and other skills. Yes, backstab is a burst skill, I’m talking about a class that have only burst physical skills, and this is not the only reliable way to kill someone with a Rogue. You do understand, if a Mage has everything in CD, compared to a physical class he’s useless. If magic miss + enemies are dodging your spells, wow have fun.

Dude… tanks do jack shi* in this game, unless , ofc, by tank you mean the Full CON cryokino roaming around and killing everyone.
The only actual frontline in PvP in this game is the good old Cataphract, and all he does is run around real fast trying to hit a Impale. Yes, that’s what the best Swordie PvP build does, quite disappointing if you ask me, it does nothing to protect any1. Most of the times, he’ll prob die from Elementalists/Warlocks/Kinos/Cryos.
If you think Moving is a good way to avoid magic spells, then it’s also a good way to avoid physical spells, hell, most of them are AoEs/Skillsshots too, even better, they affect an area right around your character, way worse than any Wizard AoE(All ranged).

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Well, if your job is to drive in a nail, and all you’re given is a running chainsaw, chances are you gonna cut yourself while the nail is still sticking out of the wall.

sorry, I didn’t know mages can tank x2 backstab. I am eagerly waiting for battleground to be enabled.

I do not have enough experience in TOS PVP, to actually suggest whether you should be able to dodge/block magic attacks.
I am interested in learning about magic resist, soft cap, hard cap, how effective…