Tree of Savior Forum

Why magic can't miss? (PVP Oriented Point of View)

Guess if it can miss we would have to make it crit.
Resist Elements grants a chance to nullify magic damage if I remember correctly.

@Mystio ah well there we go, it’s on KTOS. this would actually make PvP worth it for those who like that kind of thing.
but along with the PvP rewards, i am sure we can expect lots of PvP nerfs/ balance changes.

Also its not a ton of cards on KToS your limited on how many pvp rounds you can do so its just a few a day kinda deal.

To what exactly? Not physical damage , since stone skin exists. They build full Con anyways. You surely must play a Wizard if you can’t see grossly strong magic users are compared to physical damage users.

Though I agree that making magic miss isn’t the ideal solution, what happens when a physical damage character misses or gets blocked? The same thing.

Autoattacks in this game, like most MMOs, are garbage. It doesn’t matter if you’re Strength build, Dexterity build, or Intelligence build. It’s all about skill spam. Yes, Meteor has a very long cast time, but that’s not typical of most skills.

If magic can’t miss, why can physical AoE based skills? Everyone relies on their skills.

It also gives resistance to status ailments, though it’s still not worth pumping.

If magic attacks could miss and , more importantly, be blocked, it would still be a massive nerf even if the attacks crit for 2x damage instead of 1.5.

Yea. I don’t agree with making magic attacks miss or anything. I’m just saying if you can dodge it, it can crit. That’s all.

Mhm, like this one. KTOS patch 21/04/16 - PD, Dispeller scroll nerf in league PVP


Are you worrying for cryomancers CC skills? There are other classes that can nullify their skill. Having a magic that can miss will have a huge impact on the game.

Also, can someone confirm if Pardoner class can sell Indulgentia? or Pardoner is the only one that can use that? I have read that dispeller is nerfed. Maybe a cleric class with pardoner build will be needed in pvp? for their aoe cure on level 2 status ailments.

Something definitely needs to change. There are three paths that I see really.

  1. Block needs to be massively nerfed in PvP. This means Stone Skin especially. A huge flat block rate boosting skill has no place in PvP. I honestly don’t think it even belongs in PvE, but at least you aren’t making half of the classes worthless with it there. I would say leave dodge in place so that Dexterity based builds don’t have 1/3 of their status point investment go to waste essentially.

  2. Magic needs to be able to be blocked. I honestly think this is a healthier system overall, as it could translate into PvE as well. Currently physical mobs basically aren’t a threat, whereas magic mobs can overwhelm most players very quickly in large groups. You could say that the skills still couldn’t be dodged, which would still give them a large edge over physical based skills against some players.

  3. Massive overhauls to every tree, especially Wizards and Clerics. This could be any number of things, and is probably the most likely scenario.

Whereas it is true that physical attacks can crit, you need to build into your critical rate stat, and there is crit resist. The reality leads to a fairly low chance of non-Dexterity based builds landing a critical attack…assuming they can even penetrate block and don’t miss at all. It’s nice for PvE, but it’s not really something to be heavily relied on (for most builds) in PvP.

Thankfully my ele has a stat reset potion as she is mostly int with some con (6k ish hp at 109) Magicu can’t miss because it can’t crit is my reasoning, and as for the spells base damage numbers, umm, alot of archer skills have higher +damage than wizard skills do. so that throws that out the window. Cannoners big aoe is 300%+2000-5000 on a 25s cooldown. Can almost get 3 off to 1 meteor, it also has 0 cast time. Hell my 121 rangers barrage lv 3 adds more damage per hit than my elems lv 5 electrocute. So I honestly don’t agree with the high base damage part, they actually have fairly low base damage compared to other classes.

Though really I am currently using alot of +elemental damage gear due to me using cafrisun set and always buying sacrament from a pardoner, this makes my auto attacks hit harder than all the spells I have at elem 1 vs a single target, only exception is magic missle. I literally never use SP when soloing as 2-3 auto attacks pretty much kills everything up to level 100 so far. I do the jump attack thing it lets me attack way faster, simmlar to archers attacking with left click while moving. Its pretty funny when I come up to another wizard and my auto attack hits harder than his spells do.

Then again magic atk/magic amp (what the hell does magic amp even actually DO?) I could get +120 magic attack/amp, which is roughly like 90 int worth (due to the free stat points) It depends on level, each rank you go up makes each point of int or str worth more.Though I still feel int doesn’t add enough damage considering all int gives is magic attack and thats it. I feel int should also add to sp regen maybe 1 regen per 2 int. and add sp at the rate of 5 per int. To make int more inline with other stats.

I see the problem, but I’m not sure if all curently available option have been tested. Like getting SPR for block penetration and MDef. SPR does give indeed very little MDef but I don’t really now if people really invest in improving their defense. I rare see people selling of buying better jewels.

I made my linker based on a Cryo because of this reason, I wanted it be tougher, but I haven’t gotten to the point where I can really try it.

This is incorrect, level up those green gems, I have one right now that adds 29 crit rate, and you can equip 3-4 of these per char. The diff beween a lv 3 and 4 green gem is pretty huge. Also the crit formula looks like this I believe crit%=(critrate-Enemycritresist)*48/charlevel. Its actually pretty easy to hit about a 50% crit rate just with gems. On a lv 200 char with 200 crit rate, mob having 20 crit resist, you end up with about a 44% crit rate. From looking at a database lv 200 ish mobs have around 20-30 crit resist or so. This is why hoplite3 is by far the best thing you can add to any swordman build, free 150 crit rate and +3 aoe attack ratio if you use 1 or 2 hand spears. with Gems anything with hoplite 3 in it don’t even need dex to obtain a fairly high crit chance.

There is a reason the swordman->peltasa->hoplite3->dopple->dragoon is considered the only viable swordman dps build. No other build comes close to the numbers that one can put out. dopple is for deeds of valor (50% attack buff with circle 1), and cyclone, while dragoon enables 2 hand spear use (useless with arde dagger though imo) and some of the hardest hitting attack skills in the swordman class tree. Combine all that with high crit rate cuz of finesrta and yeah… you can see why its the only reallt viable dps build. Not to mention since they don’t really need dex at all, they can go into str and con much more than other builds, making them also able to tank fairly well, not to mention hit like trucks.

The issue is not about Magic can’t miss, it’s about Magic damage being unavoidable, unlike physical damage.
The crit argument is also incredibly flawled, bc for going crit, you’re also going less strenght and less CON because a low amount of DEX is doing nothing for you,relying on crits is horrible. Especially for pvp, where a lot of ppl have really high CON(Crit resist).
Magic cant crit, but it can’t be avoided in any way. I’d rather have that than critting and being easily avoidable/nullified.
Not to mention the incredible lack of natural MagicDefence classes have comparing to P.Defence. I.E, my monk has 260 PDEF but only 150 MDEF.


Your math is pretty far off. It should be 42/level, not 48. That would be a 37.8% crit rate. The realistic cap for gems is level 8, which means ~50 critical rate per gem (depending on which hand). Let’s assume you have 3 of these bad boys in your gear, which is some pretty fine gear. That’s 150 crit rate. That’s ~22.5% crit rate from gems at cap. I don’t know where you’re coming up with this ‘pretty easy’ 50% crit rate from just gems.

Now, back to the heart of the matter:

Notice how we are talking about PvP. Now, moving on from there, you will notice that most players go full con or mostly con if they want to PvP. Let’s say you are facing a Wizard who put 200 points into Con, and you’re both 280. He has roughly 250 critical resistance, assuming he gets none from gear. You have a base of 65 crit rate. In order to achieve even 20% crit rate on this character, you must get roughly 400 critical rate (not including the 65 base). That’s about as high as you’re ever going to see Critical Rate go on a build that isn’t heavy dexterity.

Swordsman 3 > Cataphract 3 > Dragoon is widely considered the best PvP swordsman build. You do notice that we’re talking about PvP here, right?

I am mage, and i agree to magic attacks have a chance to fail, but… it must have a “magic critical chance” and “Magic critical power” totally based on int too, and magic critical resistence on spr :smile:

spr could affect accuracy also.

Magic doesn’t need crit when it has Amplification.

Last i checked Magic Amp was not all that strong compared to Matk. It was something like a 50% conversion, so peanuts with the exception of a few staffs/rods that have lower matk because they have mamp. Beyond that most mages use the same things as melee elemental damages (if they can find it), because it converts better then amp.

Once again this was how it was last time i looked into amp please enlighten me if it has changed.

Magic is broken. It needs a complete overhaul. Simple as that.

How can you invest so many points in CON and still do damage? Wizards are supposed to be SMART to be able to cast spells/buffs/debbufs, that’s why you must spend points in INT. If you don’t have enough INT, either your spells fail or you cast a weak spell. Simple as that.

Those who doesn’t agree with the OP about magic being TOO strong, must be FULL CON mages that wants to rape everyone in PVP


Perhaps a good idea would be to make the skills that also have cc use skill shot mechanics. Sleep is a pretty good example. At the very least anything that doesn’t require precision should be limited to 1 or 2 seconds, basically more of an interrupt then a hard cc.

i still believe you guys truly is not thinking according to what future will bring, 1 ruining a class because you feel like you lose 1v1 as a lvl 120 or something like that isnt near the end game contest.

So u guys have to start use yer brain, we got 1 after all, just that not everyone using it when they should.

since 99% of you who whining about nerfing a class is most likely a melee, i remember i saw a topic in reddit few days ago it was complaining about melee class because of their dmg, so my question is what is actually correct? none, since none is at end game contest yet.

what you guys actually asking for can make 50% of the population quit this game since ur so damn greedy for not waiting to end game.

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The problem is not magic not being able to miss, it is definitely the way stats work (CON is king, so highest base damage wins - which is always wizard), along with the absurd CC. ToS is one of the only MMOs I’ve played in years where CC skills have the same effect on players as on mobs and no diminishing returns. Plague doctor is essential in any PVP group or you just get destroyed with no ability to fight back.