Tree of Savior Forum

KTOS patch 21/04/16 - PD, Dispeller scroll nerf in league PVP


Nothing much for Swordsman but Plague Doctor’s Bloodletting got nerfed hard in competitive PVP - At level 5 it now has 23 sec duration and 80 sec cooldown. Still very powerful though since a lot can happen in 23 secs, but at least we can drag out the fight long enough until it wears off.

Dispeller also cannot be used in competitive PVP, which is nice.

Cryo’s Ice Bolt attribute and Ice Wall also got hit hard in competitive PVP - no more being frozen until death for us so that’s good too.

What does this mean? For competitive PVP, stun/slow builds like Swordsmen c3 and Rodelero become more viable. The Swordsman c3 > Cataphract c3 > Dragoon meta will get a huge boost and become almost unstoppable with bloodletting nerfed. Maybe we’ll start having complaints from other classes abuot this build? :grin:



ggWP Magic users

bloodletting have 80s cd on Team battle League, with 23s duration.
it’s 1 min downtime

now for that damn stone-skin

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bloodletting have 80s cd

Even better :slight_smile:

they still got subzero shield. i think its a bit balanced right now.

I kinda hope if gvg will be a bit more…advanced as a feature… Things like this will apply to that too. :no_mouth:

It’s about time. Bloodletting and Stone Skin were making Swordies and Archers worthless. As a Swordsman main, I’m even fine with Stone Skin as we can now at least be CC machines. I feel bad for the Archers though.

Question is will this carry over to iTOS?