Tree of Savior Forum

Why is okay to be super racist about BR?

Okay, they are on the game server that im guessing “isn’t for them” and this may be causing issues with servers.

yes, i agree it is annoying to queue up for a dungeon with randoms and find that they dont speak english and can’t communicate.

but I am mean, really? I see open hatred being spouted all over the forums and in game (to include megaphones) about this entire group of people and its getting gross.

Sure, this isnt the first nor last game to have a community that has a very vocal dislike for Brazilians in particular, but damn guys. i see fewer trolls throwing N-bombs these days than I see “GTFO BR”

It just dawned on me that a webcomic “homestuck” may have been specifically referring to brazilians with its “troll” characters. (i didnt read the whole thing and mostly stopped when the trolls showed up because the whole thing seemed to be a giant cluster fuck and very difficult to read and comprehend at that point)

Im not brazilian and as far as I know, I don’t have any brazilian friends. im less defending them at this point and am more just curious as to why lol


There aren’t any rules stating that Klaipeda/Orsha aren’t for Brazilian players.
However, some people have been trying to imply that this is the case because the steam download refers to Tree of Savior as the “English Version”, which only means that the text of the game is in English.

The “GTFO BR” trend is one of several slurs with a decent amount of history in the gaming community; I remember these slurs as far back as games like Lineage 2, and it wouldn’t surprise me if it was something that was said even earlier than that, but other nationalities had similar slurs.
The main reason the BR slurs likely stuck around compared to others was due to people creating derogatory images, which only enforced the whole “HUEHUE GIBE MONE PLX” thing. It circulated and turned into a meme.
A similar example of this would be Russians in games like Counter-Strike or DOTA 2.
I wouldn’t be surprised if half the people saying things like that actually had no opinion/idea on the matter, and are just repeating what they saw on an image somewhere.

To answer your question: it’s not okay. It’s just a minority of people being excessively vocal about their regressive opinions. And since IMC doesn’t seem to be doing anything about this, it’s up to the community itself to speak up against these actions and show that it’s socially unacceptable to be so blatantly xenophobic.

Also, the Homestuck thing is unlikely.


Because past experiences have shown these people that brazilian players are not pleasant to deal with, so they express their distaste for it. This is an uncomfortable truth for some, but there you have it.

Also a lot of trolling. It’s so effortless to get the PC police appalled and offended, so they purposefully do it to get a laugh. And it always, ALWAYS works.


Have to agree with you there, since a kid, I’ve always had a bias towards Brazilians because of the disproportional amount of them being complete ass****s in my previous years of playing games.

Thank god I do not have to play on a US server anymore, since gaming has enabled such a thing as a European server in the past decade.


they destroy games period.


e simples falarem que brasileiros sao toxicos sao isso e aquilo mais nem todos sao assim vao falar que americano nao e a mesma coisa nao fazem o mesmo quando falam algo da gente entao voces tambem sao iguais a gente sao racistas nos jogas xingam muito porque somos brasileiros aprendem a respeitar mais as pessoas que nem todos os brasileiros sao iguais muitos tao ali pelo mesmo que voces jogar e se divertir em todo jogo vai ter alguem que xinga nao importa a raça nacionalidade e nem nada


read the staff post. about sums it up.


A few isolated incidents. not a reason to be a butthole to an entire player base


yours and those who share your immaturity and toxicity destroy games


but it’s the truth, in my life i’ve played about 19 online games, and i have like 5 favorites. 4 of those are destroyed by BR so, it’s not that i’m running my mouth there’s this tendency to cheat when it comes to brazillian. i’m not saying that you guys destroy the game by talking in brazillian (which is very annoying considering it’s an INTERNATIONAL server) because it isn’t game breaking but, when brazillian starts cheating it’s always the end of the road for any game.

trust me, i don’t know how many game have you played for a long time and or from the very start, when BR starts flooding into the game they always destroys it with bug, cheat and or exploit. there’s a reason why server transfer to BR in League of Legends is free but not to everywhere else they just don’t announce the reason.


It’s not okay, it’s just that Brazilians are easily noticeable, both because they speak a different language and because they have a bigger community than other non-english speaking countries.

It’s too hard for people to actually look at Steam’s data and notice that 1% of brazilians are actually spamming (the most common complain). Where are the others? probably playing with you, speaking in english.

This is was very unprofessional from IMC. People showed that it was possible from other countries.

And just let me add one point to this: remember when other players had the chance to abuse exploits? Yes, choosing any advanced class at level 1, repeating quests for infinite cards, getting insane money by inputting negative values… yes, yes, people from all around the world exploited in every chance they had.

Now, please, why is it okay to be racist against BR’s?


I dont think its about racism, but due to history of a nationality being majority of certain online communities in the past might’ve eventually turned it into this situation. This applies to different region of servers, take SEA for example. PH players tend to be hated for their attitude and refusal of speaking english, same thing has happened during old days thus building up to the same situation BRs have.There isnt much we can do, the best way is to just ignore

I am not racist at all … well maybe a tiny little bit like every human being, but I noticed several games as well that got destroyed trough BR player.

My best example would be GunZ (after 2 or 3 other games are already mentioned here) where there was ALWAYS ! at least 1-2 players called something[BR] in every game and were always winning because they were shown as lagging and trough that had some kind of god mode.
you always got killed by them without seeing them while you could never attack them as they were save due to lag.

not sure if it was an actual lag which they had always or if it was some kind of cheat code, at least no one liked to play with them anymore.

For me bad experiences with Brazilian players date back as far as Digimon Battle Online - where people would just run after you to steal your loot and when you tried telling them to stop, they’d reply with “BR???” - random number of question marks.
Being German myself I’ve had to deal with several nationality related prejudices before, simply because germans appear to have a tendency to be… well, crap at MMOs, while rubbing under everybody’s noses where they’re from.
The same issues appear with French players in FFXIV that I’ve been active in since release - discussions about them are openly racist nowadays, and the stigma lasts despite getting to know some good players who know full well how to express themselves in English, simply because the majority of them can’t. It’s frustrating beyond words to have to coordinate with players who don’t know their class nor their role in the given instance and who are entirely unable to communicate due to spouting a giant mass of French upon being adressed, and usually of the offensive sort.

It’s not right to judge a whole nation based upon just a small percentage of players you got to know - but the thoughts occur pretty naturally by this point. Having known too many people fitting the prejudice, the ones that are nice to play with seem like the odd ones out.


Thank you for the well thought out contribution, or at least one that is better than some of the previous, regardless of your view on the issue.

As a black man in America, I know prejudices exist. I have some myself honestly. maybe it is just internet culture at this point because its still the wild west and nobody is accountable for anything they do or say unless it breaks a real-world law. I just don’t like how vocal players are about it to the point it becomes a meme. even if there is a lot of truth behind it all, i dont think it is therefore okay.
Trust me when I say, I know the pain of dealing with BR players in mmos. Ive had many bad experiences with them and I am sure I will have more.

I think I just figured out what one of my actual issue is with the open racism, anonymity. not that the person saying it is anonymous, but the audience is. I know the age range of players in mmos is large. from little kids whose parents suck at paying attention to what they are playing to people who are old enough to be their grandparents and maybe great grandparents at this point. I dont like the thought that this is teaching young gamers “its perfectly okay to lash out and be a disgusting prick in a game. its not real so screw it”. I think gaming communities have steadily been becoming more and more toxic, and im starting to think maybe this is because we veteran players have set a crappy example and now all the little kids from years ago are getting older and now that they have a voice (learned to read and type decent enough), its a nasty one.


Why people like to throw “racist” word everywhere? Even in situations when it cannot be applied.


so, youre saying its NOT racist to hate a particular group based on their race or country of origin? I mean, sure, there may be a better term to use, but I bet it is synonymous with racist.


there is: xenophobia. Which can be considered a disease/anomaly. Why would you want to punish mentally ill people even more?

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Huh, I thought we were just messinng around but looks like we have some real racists in this community. :cactus:


im really not sure where you are going with this but ill entertain it. So, Brazilians are hispanic, and hispanic is a “race” and people arent openly preaching hate of hispanics (not as much as BR at this point), the group in question just happens to be largely hispanic. So you are the grammar ■■■■… or rather a grammar ■■■■ because I am sure you arent the first or last. please find another parade to rain on because someone didn’t use the specific term and rather a catch-all term that better communicates the idea because the large majority of people dont know what xenophobia is. thanks for telling us the definition though. ill remember that next time I start a parade.