Tree of Savior Forum

Why IMC should provide skill/stat resets due to the latest patch

I dunno bout his fun but running around for your life while keeping pressure and damage on target or having players being flung around by a giant boss monster ala MonsterHunter style is a fun scenery to see and play into.
Heck old RO ET runs where one screw up ending into half a wipeout causing players to scramble can also be fun.

Yeah basically it’s just ‘find friends and party hard’.

I’ll disagree with you here. There comes a point In basic customer service where you try not to inconvenience your consumer with corrections to your system. Does this validate class resets? No.
However large or frequent balance changes are sufficient reasons to restart applicable classes. One qualm with ToS is they do restarts through that lodge system which has not scaled to the amount of characters existing. Their system like Wakfu should inherently check if you are one of the classes changed and automatically refund those skill points. I have no concern for classes being improved as they state the classes theme to you when you pick it, however when they change the value of your choices within that class it is sufficient ground for a reset in contrast to a player simply in wanting to reset their skills to optimize different types of content.


Or they can give out resets in events, meaning only players ACTUALLY PLAYING THE GAME get the reset, and all the others who dropped the game asap will either have to pay or wait for future event for another reset potion.

Now, this argument of mine is kinda hinge on whether there’s actually reset potion (any) in the last few scavenger reward (then again we got some free TP, so a few events with TP and you can also buy your own skill reset potion)

But eh, they gave 50 TP and 7 days token so far, so they definitely isn’t shy about giving cash shop items out via events.

On the topic of crying about Guardian change: I feel a lot of people are over-reacting.

First of all, -X% attack doesn’t means you do X% less damage, because your attack stat alone isn’t all that contribute to the damage. Skill damage, +element, etc all factors into the damage output that isn’t affect by Guardian’s reduction.

Secondly, does it REALLY kill your build? Yes you do less damage, but Guardian still give that +18% evasion and now have more p.def bonus to it that scales with your level because Swordsman get defense with level and gear (god forbid a skill mainly about sacrificing attack power for defense actually give defense value worth caring) Swashbuckling still have the AoE taunt and +25% HP, then there’s the Pelt-only attributes lke +50% p.def during C block (and enabling hold C to block which the alternative is Rodel and maybe Murmillo later), +25% passive block rate increases, etc.
And with the 1.3 attack per Str, even after this change high STR build should still see an overall higher attack power compare to equal STR in Archer anyway.

Really, even if class reset are given out, only Pelt offers what Pelt offers, so if someone took Pelt because it offers what they want (AoE taunt, more defense boost, the attributes related to C blocking, etc) then they’d still take Pelt.


That’s more or less what most people want and it is a more than reasonable request. It’s a fairly common practice, even among other free to play games with far more obnoxious cash shops and tighter grips on their purchasable resets, to give a means to rebuild your character when the game decides to implement potential build changing changes.

Not only does it keep your player base happy; who, by the way, does not consist largely of hardcore players that have the luxury of obscene free time, but it is just a positive and ethical solution to the problem.

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First of all,pardon me if anything I say already was sais previously.I began to read this thread this morning and it’s astonishing how many people commented.I honestly do not want to read so many stuff.

@Hilsun I agree that we need a reset option but ToS’s case is quite sensitive.We are not a single class as most of the MMORPGs,we are a combination of classes.This make balacing really hard and also the reset.

Once big changes are made,some builds may lose a lot of power like the priest-monk combos.They don’t or don’t invest a lot of spr and even less in int but they have access to blessing which use them so,should they be able to reset their skills?Yes,at least the changed ones.I agree that we need a class-specific reset like all priests should be able to reinvest their used points.The best option,in my option would be all priest have their skill points reseted while keeping their atributes and do not receive a skill reset potion.That helps we players and helps the IMC forcing all affected priest to change and adapt.The same goes to all buffed and nerfed classes,the priest-monk combo was the best example I could think of.So,everytime there is a balance,change,buff or nerf in my class I should receive a reset?No.Not all classes are heavily affected.Let’s say the Guardian example,some people didn’t invest a lot and only get it for the evasion atribute but the new change in Ktos made that skill reduce atk in % and increase def in % in return.Off-tank builds are quite punished by that change so they should get a reset for Peltastas only but others classes like Sadhu(Which is mine) didn’t receive much changes as far as I’m aware,a few damage boost for Astral body explosion and increased hitbox,that’s not something that affects all Sadhu builds,it’s minor changes.Should I receive a reset for that?No,it won’t break my build nor change my play style a lot.Resets should be forced like removing all invested points and forcing us to choice what we like,if you make a mistake,that’s your problem,they gave us the “free reset” and we should make the best out of it.

What about class resets and allowing us to repick our classes?Some may hate me for siding with “no” but I fell like that’s the best option.Once we pick our classes,we are aware of what we want of our character.It may not be the best choice since we are receiving new classes and,I fear,that will be worse once we get new hidden classes but we are picking what suits us better and it was our choice.IMC isn’t changing it.All classes,despite being buffed or nerfed,they still have their roles and we chose them based on those roles and playstyle.

There’s my opnion.Have a good day everyone…I wished I was able to answer sooner but…you know…Job and stuff ^^’

At the beginning (far 2012) PSO2 wasn’t very populated. And honestly, SEGA isn’t so rich. PSO2 wasn’t rich. You could count the collaborations on your fingers.

SEGA answered about the west release on the QQ:“we can’t run west release” and still you don’t need VPN or something to play it.
Try to compare PSO2 SEA and PSO2 JP…

Now they are rich because everything is cheap over there. This is one reason.
If you are Free user (no Premium): you can do everything.
If you are Premium user: you can do everything and more.

Players are happy and they give money to them (like:“whoa, they are so good! They deserve money!” or “ehy, they are good! Maybe I can play this game with friends!”). This is the secret formula to run a game, every game. Even a Private Server. I know for sure.

Unlike in ToS. Honestly I have to think 200 times to spend money here. And all my friends have quitted.
There are a lot of player who think like me. I’m not the only one.

And I remember at the “begininng” IMC gives gift for everything to apologize for everything. Now, since 1/2 months they don’t know that we even exist.

I don’t pretend in every changes a Reset, but with these big update we need it a lot.

im playing pso2 jp, im RA/HU 75/75…AUstere and ORbit…

anyway reset or not it’s ok for me what i want is buff of all class

New way to get money.

  1. make skill 1 useless, boost skill 2 to make it overpowered
  2. next week, make skill 1 overpowered, make skill 2 useless
  3. next week repeat

Endless potions buying !

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Instead of giving a flat damage reduction, Guardian now gives a % reduction.

1 level of Guardian gives -14% Physical Damage. Higher levels are significantly more punishing.

It’s probably infuriating to a lot of Fencers/Catas that invested into Peltasta for Guardian to get additional +18% Evasion increase.

And I can respect that mentality. Others don’t think the same. Which is why I said some love is appreciated, but too much and people become dependent on being breastfed.

In THIS case, we do (And maybe the event has one, we’ll see. 8/8 right now) and I wouldn’t mind one at all right now.

Let’s keep that SW discussion in that thread.

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I was responding to the guy asking about Peltasta changes ^o.o^

nehh… u crazy about me

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Wow guys, seriously out of all these threads I’ve seen about things like this you would think by now someone would have stated the obvious answer to all the problems.

@IMC Please do NOT update the Classes. Leave it as Rank 7, and give out one single Skill Reset to satisfy the masses for this last patch.

And there you have it. IMC stops Buffing/Nerfing things, we just go with what we have, and they can just add on lvls and such. Done. Next subject!

Jokes Aside and partly not joking, I would be okay with “1” skill/stat reset every time a new rank is released. (Sent to your mailbox so you can pick which Character to use it on) As far as buffs/nerfs. It happens, I don’t feel obligated to complain, it’s just not worth it.

Now with that said; some of the skill descriptions in ToS are f’cking horrid and in that sense, I feel someone should get a reset potion for getting a skill that you think does something due to the description “Fires Random Trolls At Nearby Enemies” but get “You get smacked in the face with a Dildo.”


Just Another Anonymous As.shole

I’m playing since 2012:

  • BR/HU 75/75 (Austere and Orbit) (BO/HU, FI/HU too: all Melee Classes maxed)
  • RA/HU 75/75
  • FO/TE 75/75

2nd account FO/TE 75/75

They have done a lot of changes in Force/Techer Skill Tree, so the Skill Reset Pass is necessary.
As RA/HU Skill Reset isn’t necessary (I have points unspent) this is the difference.

The same thing is in ToS. Cleric/Chaplain don’t need resets, but maybe a Swordman yes.

I agree too much isn’t good, but this isn’t a small patch like others. We have a big changes.
Really there are people who thinks really in a F2P game we don’t deserve anything. LMAO
They didn’t play a B2P game where you really don’t exist for GMs and they answer your ticket after 1 month (if you’re lucky).

A step in the right direction would be making cash shop items account bound and not character bound. There’s no reason why I buy something from the tp shop and can’t even give it to my other character in my team.

I have a stat reset when I bought the founder’s access (it was in the premium bundle with 650tp) and it’s on my 1st character, but I can’t give it to my alt. Smh. I don’t need the reset on my main but would to respec 1 of my alt.

Wait for 8 class … higher chance they wil be generously give it