Tree of Savior Forum

Why IMC should provide skill/stat resets due to the latest patch

I wouldn’t mind if they give a reset. But just on this event you already received 50 tp, it’s already more compensation than 9/10 mmo companies would give to you.

And besides that, there’s a lot more changes comming, you don’t want them to give a reset every patch, do you?

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I’ll make clear.
You all guys are saying:“This is F2P game, you don’t deserve anything for free!!1111!!!111”
I just say: you’re wrong.

And I will tell you a secret:
the game PSO2 (Phantasy Star Online 2) from SEGA is a F2P game. You can buy premium (9$) for sell in Player Shop, go in full Channels and other things.
The point is: when they add a new Skill, change an old Skill they gift you Reset Skill in all character in your account.
You can buy the Skill Reset for 5$ at the Shop. But they don’t care, they gift you.
There is a bug? They gift you an Exp and Drop Increase Boost (you can buy those in Shop).
There is a longer maint? They gift you an Exp and Drop Increase Boost (you can buy those in Shop).
SEGA don’t care. They gift. Why? They want they’re community happy.
They gift and say:“We’re sorry.”
And they have enough money to do Lives and other stuffs, and yeah, they have done even a “museum” for PSO2 (in Japan ofc). Oh, and they have done an Anime for it! They gift and they have money.
Oh, and the game is in Japanese, the servers are in Japan, and they don’t answer your English Ticket. But no one needs to write to them.
And is a Free To Play game.
Oh, I forgot: there is only 1 server of “international” players and there are 11 Servers!

(another thing: the costumes, accessories and other stuffs costs 1$ if you’re lucky! and people spend about 25$/50$ every 2 weeks)

(yes, I’m still playing every day that game for those who ask)

After this, are you sure we don’t deserve a Skill Reset/Stat Reset etc etc?

So, why Tree of Savior can’t do these things? I don’t want all for free, but at least take for example…


I totally agree about the reset, but there’s MOAR patches comming, if they give a reset now, they will need to give another again in 1 or 2 weeks. Wait for the full kToS patch to be on iToS and then you can complain, there’s no need for a reset NOW, the big patch is not over

hey @Mirarara how does it feel to be compared to IMCISGREEDY

great minds think alike

Those who want the casuals to leave… Pretty sure most already did. And more will in the future thanks to this hardcore no resets mentality as more class changes and additions come in

Enjoy your ridiculous queue times, I guess. Assuming the game somehow manages to stay afloat

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I don’t know.

Maybe we should just team up and fk up other’s thread.

But hey, I didn’t create a new account to shitpost, I did it on this account.

You mean the items/TP that we’re supposed to get in their ‘scavenger hunt’ event, which due to poor game coding resulting to bugs making players unable to start the quest and thus lose their chance to get such freebies?

Yeah I’m just salty cos’ I’ve lost 5days worth of those rewards now due to their incompetence.


Sega doesn’t care, the team that manages PSO2 has enough money from the main tree to do what they want. If it means giving out entitlement left and right just for short-term happiness, then sure. They can afford it and turn it into a profit because the FUN scratch system can be as cool as it can be harsh. (But that’s beside the point because there’s ways of generating money aside from actually buying Premium.)

I get what you’re trying to say, but you really can’t compare the stylings of SEGA and how the PSO2 management team handles things in Japan, especially since Sega just straight abandoned any and all hope of it coming over to the West by not even answering the thousands of outcries.

More is good, but too much turns into spoon feeding.

What changes do you believe justify the undermining of what little niche appeal this game has?


Uh…did you even read the original post? There are more reasons than that, but that is my personal reason.

seeing all Sword changes on kToS and knowing that there will be more…

Swordsman class players shouldn’t get just skill/stat reset but whole class resets… majority of people would now remove Peltasta for sure. Not to mention other huge buffs/changes to other classes

What changes? Unless they made Swashbuckling obsolete, people will keep Peltasta.

Bunch of big flat boost on couple of skills while making Gaurdian %scaling now killing off some dps build making use of it’s evasion buff att.

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i hope every build u ever make gets nerfed at random over the coming months


Actually I think the most reasonable solution was offered by @RISKorRIOT and @Mitsu , who were saying that when big changes come to a particular class, that character’s skills/stats get reset so they can take advantage of the changes. The reason it would be necessary to reset all classes in that character, though, is because changes in one class’s skills may necessitate changes in another class’s skills. And also, changes in stat functionality may necessitate stat resets as well.

But if it’s possible to target only those characters affected by the changes, that would be the best course of action.

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Care to further elaborate on that? What if the changes destroy the kinda gameplay that creates your fun? You can still deal with such nerfs?

You want a free stat and skill reset for an issue that isn’t even remotely character breaking? I thought you had some really nasty scenario up your sleeve. You just want everyone to slide back and forth into and out of the meta with no consequence to anything.

I’m done with you. This is exactly the type of ■■■■ we don’t need in ToS.

Cletus, nobody is going to read all your shitty crying bullshit.