Tree of Savior Forum

Why IMC should provide skill/stat resets due to the latest patch

Uhh…They ARE trasnferable and have been for about a month i think.

You mean all the items/TP that YOU were suppose to get. I’ve gotten all of them so far. I was talking more of the pricing of items in the shop.

I’m glad that, if nothing else, I at least got the community chatting about it.

I do still very much think it’s an issue that a company is willing to say “Hey, we’re going to make a bunch of changes to your class, but we’re not going to give you an opportunity to take advantage of those changes if you’ve already used your skill points.” My expectations of IMC are just about ground-level so it doesn’t really surprise me at all. It’s just unfortunate.

I’ve seen a lot of people saying things like, “IMC is always giving into demands of players so now players feel entitled to free stuff all the time and everyone’s turning into babies,” but the vast majority of those players are asking for very simple things that IMC should have been doing in the first place anyway, you know? It would have been nice to see IMC do literally anything for their player-base without that player-base having to scream from all angles that they want it. IMC doesn’t seem to have any sense of foresight at all and are constantly reacting to things rather than being proactive about them. Every decision they make seems to be a reaction to a poorly-received decision that they go back on and then have to try correcting and compensating for. It’s a huge mess, and it’s the major reason I stopped playing.


I stand corrected. I thought that was still the case since we are still unable to put items that’s been previously traded or bought from market in our team storage.

I feel sad for you that you’re unable to continue enjoying the game all the same without resets, but not everyone feels that way. All you’re doing is pointing out how selfish you are, and letting everyone know that the only person you really care about it yourself.


on a more serious note, the second worst thing after completely neglecting customers is to blindly follow them. so all u can do is provide stronger arguments and leave the rest to them

Not getting a reset isn’t the reason I stopped playing the game. It is, however, one reason (of many) I am not going back.

And whether it was a joke or not, that my desire for a reset is selfish, I’ll touch on it anyway: as much as I want a reset for personal reasons, I know I am not the only one; I want the reset for everyone, not just for myself. People receiving a reset would then get what they want, and people who do not need/care about the reset don’t have to take advantage of it if they don’t want. Literally everyone gets what they want in this situation. If you advocate against access to a reset, however, you are only trying to deny people who want something different from you, even if it doesn’t affect you personally at all, which is why such a view is selfish.


I like how a lot of players, those saying “no” to resets, their main argument are always centered around “you filthy casuals”.

Guys, remember this is 2016, where mobile games are prevalent, and that even WoW has had to make changes to cater to those “filthy casuals” in order to stay afloat.

So if you are one of those “hardcore” or “I can re-roll as many times as needed” players, then you deserve my respect, but please understand that games like ToS has to be able to adapt if they ever want to be able to stay around, especially in this over-saturated market (one that’s littered with MMOs).


leave it as a joke lulz cos i cant resist

but really my suggestion is to make your arguments stronger, like u can’t say everything from first perspective. some moar examples also nice. poll also helpful. or some use case examples. or some research (e.g. i recall there’s sth like 50% money comes from 0.5% population, forgot alr). or anything…

and u should not get all defensive to convince people mate. in this aspect i would even say this is a toxic behavior

Heh. IMC will milk the cash out of people in any way possible. So for the peeps saying no to stat/skill/class reset, it’ll get released whether you like it or not.


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funny how there are people who think that skills/stat reset can “repair” characters that got shafted with big/huge classes changes (like Peltasta’s Guardian, Swordsman’s Concentrate, etc) or even Rank8+ classes (that don’t create synergy with “x” or “y” builds that were good before Rank8 was reveled)

all those salty kids that think that people will abuse class reset feature to level up crafting/FS classes faster don’t even think that there is bunch of ways to avoid it. Limiting class resets to 1 per year or to rare events or for big patches that come up with tons of buffs/nerfs/reworks or release of new ranks or for not allowing to pick craft classes after using class reset scroll.

There is no need to add to Cash Shop class reset item… unless IMC wants more money and won’t care that people will abuse them.

Also you can’t kill ToS even more when it’s already dying. Class reset scrolls won’t make people quit the game (there are other more crucial problems that make people quit this game). I know lots of people that would return to ToS if IMC made option to resets characters (reset their classes) + fixed FPS issues.

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IMC is a company. Tree of Savior is a business. They’d prioritize the people who are willing to pay for the resets.

This topic has too many wall of text, as a good guy i’m, i will do a imparcial TL:DR version:

People that agree with job reset:
I ■■■■■■ with my build and i don’t want to lvl up again, i will use every little change in the game as oportunity to ask for a job reset.

People that don’t agree with job reset:
You ■■■■■■ with you build and you don’t want to lvl up again, you will use every little change in the game as oportunity to ask for a job reset

Thank me later.


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I’ve always found it interesting as well when people espouse such rigid ideals.

It is a mistake, as a game company, to cater to your hardcore players in any case. The vast majority will be, and always will be, casual players. That is not a bad thing, because without the influx of new blood, a game withers and dies.However, you shouldn’t ignore your hardcore players either, because they are likely the sort of people who will play your game excessively for a myriad of reasons.

Your bias is showing.

People who want free skill/stat reset to be an option feel like changes being made to skills and classes recently are substantial enough to warrant that reset. They believe that it is a game company’s responsibility to provide their players with an opportunity to take advantage of these changes, which they feel are significant, without having to pay real money or completely remake a character.

People who disagree with the free skill/stat reset feel that the people advocating for the reset want handouts for changes they do not see as significant enough to warrant a reset. Some even seem to believe no circumstance will ever warrant a free reset option, no matter how much the game, classes, or skills change. They feel that if significant changes are made, it is the player’s responsibility to remake the character in order to readjust to these changes if they feel the changes are significant, or to pay the game company real money to do so.

idiotic logic. You’re basically saying “let the game fail, then IMC will learn. They aren’t obligated to be good and stay alive”.

Game dev companies have a symbiotic relationship with the players of the game. It is both their job to keep players happy (which they need feedback to do), and players job to keep them profitable (which wont happen if every one quits). Is IMC FORCED to listen to peoples ideas? No, but players have every right to make suggestions and give feedback. That is the reason that IMC gave us forums, to discuss thinigs.

So for idiots like you to hop on here and say “how dare you use these forums they gave you for their intended purpose, by giving IMC good ideas that they need to maintain the game that they want to continue making money from” is nothing but pure stupidity. One player leaving does not matter. Many players leaving DOES matter.

They say that 96% of unhappy customers never complain, and of those 91% never come back. Which makes every bit of feedback valuable in its own right. Sure, lots of feedback is stupid, but this is a valid complaint. And its value should be sorted through by the people who WANT the feedback, not random trolls like you.

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close but your view of a gaming company is too simple. They could take away XP and require that people buy their levels for cash. Some people would do it, but they aren’t the ones being targeted. For the simple reason that its often better to catch and maintain a huge player base willing to spend a little, rather than a few players willing to spend a lot. This is the reason why cosmetics are so popular, they don’t offend the mild spenders but they give the big spenders an outlet to feel special. Letting those big spenders buy important things however, will drive away the people who aren’t willing to spend big and kill the player base, which will also cause the big spenders to migrate to some where that they can once again feel special.

In other words, it is a complex balance of profit vs player base. With other factors also of course.

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