Tree of Savior Forum

Why IMC should provide skill/stat resets due to the latest patch

Oh? Then give me information about every R8/9/10 class and also every change of existing skills or stat mechanics that will come one day. If you cant provide that, dont blame the players for mistakes.


we should have the power to disable haukinyau from the forum. Every topic has many of his replies defending IMC preteing all is ok.

Noted @haukinyau, now pls reset yourself.

I just demand to IMC to change behavius as all other companies already did. Other big games changed drastically them path. For example see SEGA with PSO2, or Bioware with Star Wars. Even Square with FF13.
They changed them mind, asked sorry to all players and started over.

In those games when someting bad happens, someting related to bug or server, they gift compensations. When they change just a skill they gift resets.
We dont want anything free. If you dont want us to store a free reset just make us ā€œrelog already resettedā€ so itā€™s a one time reset.
If you donā€™t want to gift a reset atlest make a ā€œALL RESETā€ avayable (reset skill, stats and classes) in the TP shop and with a 50% discount after minor events (like big updates or big bugs)

I demands just replies and more presence. Maybe more ingame GM
Thx :smiley:

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remember @haukinyau when everyone called me a troll and wanted me to get banned

now your white knight baits are the ones getting all the hate looool


You got a reasonable argument. Iā€™ll detail it for you completely, as I donā€™t think you got the hint: This game appeals to people who like hardcore class systems that reward and punish feverishly and relentlessly. We view people like you as casual and part of what is wrong with MMOs today.

Resets accelerate homogenization and damage uniqueness. They facilitate a player base that places no value in careful planning, and every character sliding back and forth between whatever the meta is at the time.

Widely available, total and free resets also create a development situation where balancing reactions have to be inherently knee-jerk to stop waves of players flooding out of old broken mechanics and into new ones.

People of my mindset - and the mindset of many other people in ToS - is that the convenience of this creates a game we do not like. We would rather that characters, our own included, suffer from imperfections.

Now get lost, casual.

+100 to soldatazur. im kinda dislike that haukiyau.

Speak for yourself, I see entitlement being asked around like crazy. Infact, in other games I play, the first response to an issue isnā€™t if the issue is actually fixed, but rather what compensation for grief will be given out. Itā€™s a mindset that goes on in ToS, although not very well condoned since IMC hasnā€™t really given out compensation since EAā€™s end.

Honestly I wish Skill Resets were free upto a certain rank, then cost (a good amount of) Silver to reset. What should be in the TP shop should instead be the Stat Potion Reset instead. But thatā€™s my perspective: some people may feel ripped off in buying the Skill Reset if it were to change. But thatā€™s my experience in games and what I feel alot of people would rather see.

@IMCisGreedy You abandoned your main account to shitpost though.


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Personally i think free resets should only be given if a balancing patch happens that makes a class way worse than before and thus affects the enjoyment of the game in a negative way if you are suddenly forced to play with a char that is way worse than before.

Updates that only have improvements but no nerfs donā€™t neccessarily require a free skill reset because it does not affect the player base in a negative way.

For example, a patch that makes certain Barbarian skills two-hand sword only would require a reset, since not all Barbarian players have a build that can use two hand swords properly and thus would end up with a, to them, useless Barbarian class in their build.

A patch that only improves certain Fencer skills however does not warrant a reset, since no Fencer is negatively affected by this.

are you saying this in response to one of my posts in particular? or just to point it out?

you arenā€™t wrong, this is by far more entertaining than the game itself

game has dissolved into do 6 200 rushes a day and get event quests done atm

because waiting for archer r8s preview to keep going and because pelt 3 squire 3 is getting nerfed to useless so no motivation to play it anymore

not because of all the other bad things

Personally, I dont like the idea of having to pay to restore your competitiveness if some major change to the mechanics was done, but meh atleast something you can do about it. Its up to everyone in person to decide whether the changes messed enough to warrant buying a reset potion.

But, to me it is unacceptable to do major changes without providing any sort of reset. You played 50h; 100h; no, more than that only to realize you made another instance rush slave alt. Or in better terms: IMC irreversible transformed your character from viable to useless. And, please, dont come with nonsense like ā€œeverything is viableā€. There is enough discrimination and flaming of certain builds already.

Blame us casuals for being casuals all you want, but then I got another thought for you: Imagine a game WITHOUT us. Would that be enjoyable to you? Would it provide enough revenue for IMC to ru(i)n the game?

Iā€™m not arguing against the concept of careful planning here. Iā€™m not advocating for constant and free access to stat and skill resets. My argument is strictly surrounded by the context of substantial changes to class and skills. I can understand why people like the thought and consideration that must go into class builds, and thatā€™s fine. But it becomes a different conversations when large changes are made, especially ones that were impossible to plan for.

It is one thing to want to maintain the integrity of a game that should require planning. It is another thing entirely to expect players to foresee vast future changes and plan for things they cannot know. Whether you support the concept of skill resets in a general sense is of no consequence when the conversation is centered around the concept of patches creating substantial changes to the effects of skills and stats.

When you force veterans to pay real money or waste their time in order to take advantage of these changes, you are no longer talking about convenience, you are talking about courtesy.


On a sidenote, even oracles cant forsee the changes.

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casuals do generally fund the game via wasting there money on the cash grabs

But discussing on how HARDCORE is a game without reset is pointless. Without a reset skills in the TP store there will be NO POPULATION. Games with no possibilty to reset the build all failed or changed.

We are in 2016 guys. In 2016 there are no more hardcore mmo online. Go live in Korea maybe.

We are discussing about receiving resets after every bigger update. Maintaining the game ALIVE with population, happy population.


Nah, in general. But peeps like you and Mirarara get your kicks from the community, and it is sort of role playing, I guess. That said, Archer R8ā€™s will be interesting, but if you want to be savvy you should wait and experiment around to get and get the Haoshi/Miko hidden class. Become a legend.

And then realize that the skill set doesnā€™t suit your archer at all.

Though Pelt3Squire3 was a build that was already doomed to begin with- Itā€™s like the Rugal builds on tosbase imo. People just shoe-horned it to act like they could be useful for ET content, but in actual thought it only worked for (now) instead of later.

That said and back on topic, if the Korean jurate server becomes a thing, then I want one for iToS as well. A PBE-like client for people to test out all sorts of things is great without the pains of creation here. You could argue it would destroy diversity, but I think it would increase it since people wouldnā€™t be scared to make things beyond of what they know.

there is 1 hardcore mmo

pokemon go

i mean you actually have to go outside!!! Gasp


You can BOT pokemon go aswell to farm level 40 and full pokedex in a week


nop, my 12 year old brother can play it in his computer using a GPS hack, and theres no way to the game know he is doing it, cus the gps thing fake someone walking in the streets.

he can even play in other countries from home

you guys are preaching to the choir

the thing is, some ppl will have to reroll completely, thats why i stoped playing when i saw kTOS changes, and iā€™m glad i did cus all my chars are ā€œdeadā€ now.