Tree of Savior Forum

Why IMC should provide skill/stat resets due to the latest patch

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I’m not doing the event, because I’m not playing the game. Again, this is a moot point unrelated to the issues I pointed out.

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HAHAHAHA I KNEW IT! On the FIRST DAY this event started I said here “Oracle mode on: one of these rewards maybe is a reset potion. But people wont play, will not recieve the reward and will cry here about it”.
You casual are so predictable.

Edit: why these changes bother you so much, you’re not even playing the game.

This thread is about skill/stat reset. Not circle reset.

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My apologies for asking a game company to treat the players playing its game with courtesy or respect. :V My bad. I forgot that the “casual” term is dependent on how well a game company treats its players.

What a random quote then. Potato.

That is not the point, if the Koreans feel nice with that kind of compromise of a company so be it, we aren’t Koreans here, the culture is much different.

Not much point in arguing with you on that as far as i can see it, it is not a case of mommy i want that now, its a business model in many games out there that have skill tree system, it is a major change simple as that.

Just because you and some others can waste money in a way, doesn’t mean others will, independent if they have money to spare or not, i myself could do that if one of my classes where affected, but i wouldn’t do that, why? Because my money don’t grow on trees.

And i stated that on my other post here, a class skill reset would be enough, on the classes that are affected that is.

Man. I’m trying to flame, neither be agressive towards YOU. I just want you to be a little patient as we are playing a game that is pretty much a reflection from its korean version and the thing people are claiming here were arealdy given to players THERE…
but… You must at least play the game x.x

I’ve played a lot of games and in these game there always a reset:

  • Buying with game value
  • Buying with shop
  • Gifted (even if the game is F2P).

I don’t pretend the reset for free. But at least put the STAT reset in TP Shop.
I don’t know why it isn’t there…

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It honestly doesn’t really affect me personally either way since I stopped playing months ago when I foresaw the downward trajectory of the game. The attention I’ve been paying to the latest updates were hopeful wishes that the game may at least be somewhat playable, since I was very much hoping the game would be better than it turned out.

I’m trying to make a case both for people who are still playing the game and feel shafted by this sudden substantial adjustment who can’t take advantage of it, and to some smaller extent for me to maybe enjoy the game for another few days before turning away from it again after I realize that a Blessing buff doesn’t fix the incredibly vast majority of other issues I have with the game.

I don’t really have much to lose, personally, since I’m not playing. But I thought that I could at least advocate for the folks who HAVE been patient with IMC (far more patient than I feel IMC deserves, to be honest) who deserve to be treated with more respect than they are. I don’t like seeing people get stepped on. :<


dude, ill delete 2 characters, just buy a reset and be happy u dont need to reroll entirely

The problem I see with the latest game updates, are not the skills but the new character classes. It is normal in any game fix and balance different aspects, so it is wise to understand that some magic that damages too will be edited down in the future, in the same way that when its effect is unpopular. If the game needs a reboot, this must be the seventh cycle to test the new professions (and cycles of seven classes).

Personally, I do not like that there are even some potions reset (parameters, classes or skills. IMC should remove them). If you failed to decide how to make your character, do not go crying after for your mistake (I’m in the club). The game needs other arrangements, and just do not go line restarts (remove bots and goldsellers effectively. A random Captcha system timed half an hour to two for jail and autobaning them?, A fun PK system?, one official white list of Addons?, Comprehensive client/server optimization (this is must urgent)? and other things like giving suits cycle 3 with the corresponding cycle 3 without TP for me are not exclusive outfits like schoolgirl uniform that should pay real money for them, but part of professions and are unique to them, allowing the free limited exchange of objects between characters and store account? for the company should be beneficial in long therm, separate battle professions of creation in the same character like other RPG games?, place the creation of guilds for any character/class from cycle 1?, real random quest?, kill the stupid party share limiter system?, reduce the prices of equip update?, eliminated any appended item? except the premium ones, all of them that should be appended to account and untradeable etc.)

I am sorry that the message is understood weird, but I do not know English very well and used the translator.

Oh! I thought I was talking to somebody who counted. My bad. I’ll leave you to be invalid in peace.

Not giving free resets is an irresponsible sin that brings us closer to facing the wrong end of god’s rapture.


I suppose the middle ground to this is to introduce the stat reset potion in the TP shop and offer some ways for players to get at least a skill/stat reset potion in the form of an event or another. Maybe in one of the 2 quest events we have on-going now feature a reset potion of some kind?

I do get why IMC is keeping so quiet about giving more carrots to our community. Give in too much makes the community feel entitled to have them. In the beginning during the founders period, IMC handed us some dg reset vouchers and exp tomes during down time. As we can see after that 2-3 incidents every single time something happens there will be players demanding compensation. Not a really healthy thing to promote, breeds too much entitlement.

Fallacy: Ad hominem - attacking the source rather than the argument.

My bad though, I forgot that you need to be actively playing hockey to know whether or not players are being treated fairly. Or that you have to be black to understand that racism still exists. Or that you have to be a woman to know that sexism is rampant. :V

I can hear the fedora sliding off your greasy head all the way over here.

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The irony is you’re proving my point. :V Sorry you can’t find reasonable arguments, bro. I know it’s hard to make meaningful contributions to a discussion, but usually if you’re unable to, it’s implying something. Like maybe you should reconsider your stance. Or not say anything.