Tree of Savior Forum

Why IMC should provide skill/stat resets due to the latest patch

This is exactly what I’m saying, yes. My support for circle-resets (which does exist) is unrelated to this topic.

This topic is specifically saying: when ToS undergoes substantial gameplay changes, stat and reset potions should be provided to all players for every character so that they can take advantage of these changes.

oh God, if they gave a free skill reset potion now, people who bought from the tp shop cause of the uber patch are gunna rage XD IMC might have to compensate again if that was the case

One simple solution to this issue is simply gifting everyone the amount of TP necessary for the two potions per character. Then you can do whatever you want with it, and if you don’t need to make changes you can use the TP in other ways. Then everyone is happy!

Oh its so simple to throw free cash at people so they can do whatever they want. Guess what, seems like my country government, now we are broken.

No, please play casual games for casual players. Goodbye!

Did your country make a substantial change to the way your class plays before they offered you that compensation? Because if not, this is a fallacy and is unrelated. :V

Bye. waves

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Ah, the ToS forums. Time to do our (my) opening that is always needed.

@haukinyau - Your argument falls short when your an inflammatory douche that only assumes things.

@Anarth - The suffering, make sure to support the entirety of ToS on your shoulders and a few other select few that don’t see the game as a disappointment towards what they were working towards. Remember how in the first two weeks, they said they were going to fix the sorcerer’s summon’s healthbar? Yep, still waiting. One example out of 100.

@Luarst - The monetary bait of this event is absolutely horrendous. While yes, it’s a solution for a player currently playing the game, as a player hoping for fixes so the game is at least playable and enjoyable, it entirely shoved me away. If they rewarded it with a hat, or some fun scrolls, I would of jumped on this event in a heartbeat. But, as we know, through loading screens, and now events, IMC really cares about their cash shop moolah. Absolutely agree with class resets being a major no! :smiley:

@pedrothin2 - Oh hi, an inflammatory douchenozzle! -waves- Hello over there in the arsehole you call an existence!

@niloksx - Oh lordy, Pedro has a neighbor in the arsehole pit of trolls! Hi, how’re you?

@ridleyco - What? It’s a merry band of trolls now with the three of you! Oh my!

Remember trolls, it’s about having fun. If you can’t be the butt of a joke you better grow up quick!

Oh man, that was fun. Out of all those, much respect to @Luarst, A constructive forum member!

The problem with these changes, is that IMC needs to address the community more than their mental image of a good game. Their game 99% dies if they cater to no one. And when you run a business, good practice often comes from seeing what other companies do, and learn. Just look at the FF14 remake. FF14:ARR did absolutely wonderfully when they didn’t have their head in the sand.

ToS has a very unique, rigid class and skill system, which is wonderful in it’s own right. But locking people in, then taking them for a roller coaster ride of buffs and nerfs isn’t quite the most fun. Making new characters is actually one of the most boring things in the game. This coming from a person that has 3 characters over 200, and 5 others above 100. The quests just become repetitive stale pattern.

There should be leniency, why?

The gaming community is all for solid one time character choices IF their character doesn’t change. But, the classes change majorly, and most of the player base feels alienated for making the right choice beforehand, then being stuck in the wrong choice.

Why don’t they buy a reset potion!?

Simply put, putting money in a game should be for the benefit of having fun. Not being forced to. The PoE cash shop is a wonderful look at what I mean. Before the new expansion to GW2, it was also about utility, minor convenience, and cosmetics, which is wonderful. Nothing is absolutely needed. When you make a game, with an optional cash shop, it should be just that, completely optional. Don’t force people into buying from it. It loses a large free to play sense after that.

Counter argument - DON’T GIVE THEM RESET POTIONS. Just flag each character that has, in this case, priest in it and then take away points put into the class. That way people can redistribute them, after their class has been reworked. BOOM. No currency rewarded, just a nice, well minded response for entirely reworking a classes usage for players that have already put time into a character.


Anyone that disagree with this bs is an inflamatory douche from your pov and you want us to take you seriously? Get a job, 88 tp is not expensive.

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I’m uncertain if you are actually encouraging me or you are just being sarcastic. :disappointed:

Skill and Stat restats when significant changes come about are more then fair to request.

They really shouldn’t change things as fundamental for instance as stat base effects.


I wasn’t trolling you. You should quit this game; our mentalities are mutually incompatible. What we want out of games isn’t the same. If you win, I’m the one who quits. If I win, you quit. It’s that simple.

Your constructive counter arguments about a game mechanic are personal attacks and you REALLY think i’ll waste my time writing walls of text? What a joke.

One possible (and cool) solution, could be a skill reset potion for the circle changed with time limit.

Let me give an example by this example:

The heavily changed class right now is the priest with the blessing buff.

Give a skill reset potion to EVERY character that have a priest on its build.

This Skill reset should only apply to the priest class. Not the entirety of the character.

Plus, It should have an expiration date to prevent priests that don’t want to change their builds keep them for other purposes.

I guess this should be the correct treatment for every heavily changed mechanic in a class.


The event is giving us TP, we will eventually have enough to buy a skill reset potion from the TP shop.

The case is, we shouldn’t expend our TP to fix our build with changes the game decided to make.

Not like we bought this tp. It was given. Wasnt it what the guy was claiming “give us TP so we can decide what to do”, so, here it is.

Giving TP isn’t the same as saying, “You need TP to fix the bologna we caused, so we are going to really give you nothing in a bunk attempt at getting you to play the game for miserable prizes.”

Remember that analytical side we talked about earlier, buddy? :smiley:

Well… again ppl are missing the point. Its not about give us free stuffs, its about give ur player base a way to acommodate after big changes w/o the need to reroll and waste more time till imc resolves to do another big patch.

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His point is. Imc should (MUST) give people a way to reset their stuff for EVERY buff/nerf patch. The same class reset logic behind it, people want to be on the top tier every damn time.

Inb4 scavenge challenge day 14 gives a skill reset potion as secret prize.