Tree of Savior Forum

Why IMC should provide skill/stat resets due to the latest patch

Free TP and Event TP doesn’t work unless they can expire. Free TP is the only thing closest to it but at the moment, after buying the token, you will probably just stick to buying free Megaphone or Crystal every day and not purchase anything else.

Dealing with RMT, You either get banned or get thrice as much for you what need to spend and be set for the rest of the game or until a next big patch. It’s a risk they’re willing to take because most people that purchase RMT stuffs work anyway.

Also, dealing with RMT is like how Steam deal with Piracy. You either do a better job than them to get them to like you or you will never win. At the moment, ToS doesn’t even bother to try to do a better job than RMTers. They just add more pointless restrictions to kill their own game.

I don’t get why you’re arguing with me on why the game marketing and promotion is extremely lacking for a F2P game. The lack of promotion shows more that the darn store is way too incomplete and is very lacking.

The event health pot isn’t in the shop.
The event stat pot isn’t in the shop.
The stat reset isn’t in the shop.
And many other rewards like Dungeon reset voucher as well.

It’s like they’re trying to avoid tripping on the mine field because anything released in the shop or given away in a promotion will have the free players ready their pitchfork and torches just to shout “P2W! P2W cashgrab”.

I bought costumes, as so many others, so you’re wrong in that regard.

And you seriously are asking why items that’s obviously not meant to exist normally because it’s much better than its competitors (0 weight on event pots) or outright have no competition (+atk/def pots) or is something that is very much the definition of P2W (dungeon reset) isn’t in the shop?

You know it’s possible to make money without resorting to those ‘marketing’ and ‘promotion’ stuffs you speak of?
Have you ever thought that a game that just price everything fairly from the go, instead of everything being a little overpriced so when they discount it it seems fair?

And before you argue against that, try watching this and think about it:

Feeling fair and being fair are different.

Last time i checked this guy was saying that we need class reset due last update because Sadhu sucked since beta.

We don’t need to know his build. We know he hated and want to use the class the doens’t exist yet and other class’s nerf as excuse.

btw moar skills now get better scaling. blessing, concentrate, guardian, headshot, frenzy, etc. maybe even moar scaling in the future? i love buffs but i just hope no moar reset cries every patch

ktos seems to get patch bi-weekly now (?). my neighbor cat can die if every two weeks someone ask for reset, please spare him :scream_cat:

You can buy skill resets with TP, I’m unsympathetic to those who didn’t save their stat resets.

Hopefully those will be provided for TP in time too, but until then why? I’d even only say maybe provide a free reset potion to ONLY classes that got every skill changed, like monk.

no i said we need class reset becuase tons of classes got nerfed to the point of useless and you can’t read

you are the only one claiming the time the class is nerfed is an issue

we have needed class reset since day ONE, i am not saying current updates make it necessary i am saying

since the



and only more classes will get added to the list as time goes on

you really gotta stop putting words in my mouth

majority still wants resets and thats not including the many many people who quit because of lack of resets

and no before u decide to twist this too and say i am accusing all people of quitting because of resets im not saying that either

i am saying that it was a very large factor i am sure


*A lot of OP class was balanced, you mean.

The point is the same: You don’t play with none of them.


There’s a huge difference between something being P2W and something being there for the sake of convenience. If you want to consider something to be P2W, then it must breaks the game restriction.

Look at the current restriction of potions. In ToS, even if you have hundreds of potion, you still need to wait before you can drink the next one.

A potion with 0 weight isn’t P2W in this game Unless they’re so dirt cheap you can get 100 for 1 TP which will then greatly affect the alchemist market.

A potion with 0 or lower cooldown is P2W because it breaks the CD restriction rule placed on potions.

-Stronger gears than usual to the point it rivals or even do better than boss gears.

-Protection from breaking stuffs.

-Special Pass Cash shop Grind/farm Zone.

These are example of stuffs you will actually mention when you’re talking about P2W. If there’s a raid that is account-locked instead of char-locked then the voucher will also falls under P2W but with current daily dungeong being char-locked, they don’t even feel P2W because the game promotes having crap ton of alts anyway.

That EC vid actually supports my point more on how the current TP packages are craps.

All we have to buy at the moment is a quick exchange of 1 TP to XXX USD you can buy in a pack of 100 to 900 TP. The only “feel awesome” you get from it is the small +10 TP or +30 TP on the picture as an extra.

Those TP packs don’t feel like they bring in any actual extra value when I click on the more expensive options. They don’t even feel fair with the exact exchanged fair price.

I’m already used to those 50$ top-up event from other MMOs that gives me actual bonuses and items. The extra 10 - 30 TP feels worthless especially in a game where you have nothing to really buy and that you get 5 extra TP per day anyway.

Cash Potions
Stat Reset
Greater Level or Class EXP tome (+100% exp instead of +30%)
Tradable Team Storage Slot Coupon
Tradable Lobby Slot Coupon (like Granado Espada Barrack card.)

It’s already time to put these in the game so I have reasons to spend more of my TP.

It’s time to put these as part of a promotion so I have reasons to give IMC my $ for TP.

Riot, Blizzard, Garena, and so on are bigger than IMC and still constantly come up with new promotions to keep the profit rolling in from their F2P games. IMC is not going to do better with the lazy marketing team.

I forgot to mention I have both a Cryomancer and a Priest that both had skill changes so the event reset only covers one ;o

Any other game with builds you log in and generally get a message saying changes were done to your class and it’d either ask you if you want to reset, or reset it automatically.

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It’s ok arguing but some racist driven stuff like ‘ching chong’ comment is so uncalled for. If IMC isn’t braindead they will have to introduce some kind of class build reset in the future anyway. You guys are fighting over something totally unnecessary. Ain’t nobody gonna be happy about rerolling lv 400 or 500 plus characters every time a new rank comes out. Sure those who voted no are ok with rerolling rank 8 characters NOW. Wait till you have to reroll rank 12 character just for one or two class change in your build. LOL

For the third time now:

…this may be one of the most absurd arguments against resets I’ve read on this post yet, but it is way too late and I am way too tired to elaborate exactly how and why.

Suffice it to say for now that this is as ridiculous as it is asinine (which is to say, extremely).

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You answered to my last post, but it seems i you didnt fully understand what i actually said or you didnt fully read it.

First of all : Where did i say in the post that you replied to that i’m against resets? Did you even read what i wrote?

Here, let me quote myself :
Don’t get me wrong. I’ve nothing against free skill resets if builds are negatively affected by a patch or, after thinking about it, maybe even free resets after improving skill patches”.
Where does it say that i’m against resets? Quite the contrary, i said i’ve nothing against free resets.

However the attitude which same people recently have when “asking” (more like demanding, as if IMC owes them something) for such a free reset, aswell as the reasoning that is being used is quite concerning.

“if i had known when i created my char… Q.Q”. Yes, but you didn’t. And neither did IMC nor anyone else. You cant go back to “if i had known… Q.Q free reset plz” everytime IMC changes something. At one point you should take responsibility for your own decisions, you cant blame the bad bad IMC for its inability of not being able to do the impossible thing of looking into the future to tell you every single possible balancing update that will ever happen.

In short : Free resets are acceptable, but the attitude aswell as the arguments that are being used are, to say it nicely, not really great.

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event reset or shop reset is just reset for ppl that wrong when they building

that isn’t main point

the point are change

they build right but patch make them wrong

that why imc should provide reset to everyone

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I haven’t read every single comment here (since a good deal of them just seem to be the same people going back and forth about unrelated content anyway…) but I don’t think I have seen anyone making that argument. o_o

Who has argued that the resets are deserved for the sole reason that IMC isn’t telling us their future plans well enough in advance for us to plan accordingly?

That’s not my argument, and as OP I am clearly the most important one here. * huff puff sticks chest out *

I still don’t get why people are against resets. I don’t play 2 - 3 hours a day because I want. I study about 12 hours a day, have a house and family to care for. Getting to lvl 200 is taking a pretty long time.

And then, IMC change a skill in my build. Now, i should spent weeks upon weeks of my gaming time rerolling to have the character I want, farming silver again for the attributes, redoing killing achievements and so?

Why? Because a fraction of the “hardcore” players don’t want a reset? Because I should be happy IMC changed my character and didn’t give me leeway to adapt to those changes?

Seriously, could someone say why a class reset would be bad?


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This is why, in the decent game, they “force” the reset.

  1. If it’s a COMPENSATION it is “una tantum” compensation. Just once or everytime theymess the game.
  2. if is not a compensation but it’s a “balance try” they just have to make all character log already resetted just once. You will not be able to save the reset for when you want. You got to class again now and confirm your previus path or go for the new one. Just once, you can’t play till you chose :smiley:

Amigo i bought 4 character slot. I know what you mean. But WHY other games can do this and Savior should be different? The market restriction is a ptw, the token advantage is a ptw, the dungeon restriction is a ptw.
The “reset once” is not.

If you make the community Happy … new players will come. This is how other games do.

They can even chose to put a 50% discount reset skill after the big updates to maximize sells, they can chose to improve token benefit. They can do alot to make TOS make more money and succes. But the path of don’t give neither compensations or any incentive is not the right one.

ps: most of “no reset” players are people who just want the other one play ardcore as they do. It’s a bad behaviur. If you want the game to live you got to make it friendly as much you can. The “casual player” will never kill you the game, deny you anythink or rob experience/loot. He will just make the game more lively with him, his friends and his guild.

Be happy