Tree of Savior Forum

Why IMC should provide skill/stat resets due to the latest patch

You answered to my last post, but it seems i you didnt fully understand what i actually said or you didnt fully read it.

First of all : Where did i say in the post that you replied to that i’m against resets? Did you even read what i wrote?

Here, let me quote myself :
Don’t get me wrong. I’ve nothing against free skill resets if builds are negatively affected by a patch or, after thinking about it, maybe even free resets after improving skill patches”.
Where does it say that i’m against resets? Quite the contrary, i said i’ve nothing against free resets.

However the attitude which same people recently have when “asking” (more like demanding, as if IMC owes them something) for such a free reset, aswell as the reasoning that is being used is quite concerning.

“if i had known when i created my char… Q.Q”. Yes, but you didn’t. And neither did IMC nor anyone else. You cant go back to “if i had known… Q.Q free reset plz” everytime IMC changes something. At one point you should take responsibility for your own decisions, you cant blame the bad bad IMC for its inability of not being able to do the impossible thing of looking into the future to tell you every single possible balancing update that will ever happen.

In short : Free resets are acceptable, but the attitude aswell as the arguments that are being used are, to say it nicely, not really great.

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event reset or shop reset is just reset for ppl that wrong when they building

that isn’t main point

the point are change

they build right but patch make them wrong

that why imc should provide reset to everyone

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I haven’t read every single comment here (since a good deal of them just seem to be the same people going back and forth about unrelated content anyway…) but I don’t think I have seen anyone making that argument. o_o

Who has argued that the resets are deserved for the sole reason that IMC isn’t telling us their future plans well enough in advance for us to plan accordingly?

That’s not my argument, and as OP I am clearly the most important one here. * huff puff sticks chest out *

I still don’t get why people are against resets. I don’t play 2 - 3 hours a day because I want. I study about 12 hours a day, have a house and family to care for. Getting to lvl 200 is taking a pretty long time.

And then, IMC change a skill in my build. Now, i should spent weeks upon weeks of my gaming time rerolling to have the character I want, farming silver again for the attributes, redoing killing achievements and so?

Why? Because a fraction of the “hardcore” players don’t want a reset? Because I should be happy IMC changed my character and didn’t give me leeway to adapt to those changes?

Seriously, could someone say why a class reset would be bad?


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This is why, in the decent game, they “force” the reset.

  1. If it’s a COMPENSATION it is “una tantum” compensation. Just once or everytime theymess the game.
  2. if is not a compensation but it’s a “balance try” they just have to make all character log already resetted just once. You will not be able to save the reset for when you want. You got to class again now and confirm your previus path or go for the new one. Just once, you can’t play till you chose :smiley:

Amigo i bought 4 character slot. I know what you mean. But WHY other games can do this and Savior should be different? The market restriction is a ptw, the token advantage is a ptw, the dungeon restriction is a ptw.
The “reset once” is not.

If you make the community Happy … new players will come. This is how other games do.

They can even chose to put a 50% discount reset skill after the big updates to maximize sells, they can chose to improve token benefit. They can do alot to make TOS make more money and succes. But the path of don’t give neither compensations or any incentive is not the right one.

ps: most of “no reset” players are people who just want the other one play ardcore as they do. It’s a bad behaviur. If you want the game to live you got to make it friendly as much you can. The “casual player” will never kill you the game, deny you anythink or rob experience/loot. He will just make the game more lively with him, his friends and his guild.

Be happy

If you will change rank every month: DON’T CARE. You spend money, you give money to IMC (or your lovely MrKim): is it bad?
Do you want to change class every month? BUY IT WITH MONEY.
Don’t you want to change class every month buying reset? It’s ok or REROLL.

Honeslty, I don’t care if you spend over 9000$ in TP SHOP. Your choise. Good for IMC, can improve servers for less lag if you spend that money.

But if there is a new class, they should give us the chance to change our classes. As I’ve said before: we built our character for the last Rank (7).
And most of us build the character only to join the current content (and guildes).
And, as I’ve said, most of us doesn’t have time to reroll forever and ever.
Games aren’t only for hardcores and aren’t only for casuals. Games are for both.

In my personal agenda I don’t need any kind of reset, now I have my things to do in RL, I was super hardcore player months ago, but I always agree for the good of the community.

And honestly: I didn’t read a good reason from anti-resetters.

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So it’s the players fault that the party cutscene bug exists? You’re not going to lay any burden on IMC, when this major issue exists over a month later?
Like, how can you honestly say that not only did IMC put those costumes in the game at that specific cause the players asked for them, that also putting those costumes in the game is the exact reason party quests are messed up?

Like, do you read what you type before hitting enter?

It’s not even here yet, when it come and still no reset, then we riot.
But until that R8 comes, it all but a waiting a game with the bugs and uncalled-for skill changes we get.

Way I see it those costume release is to hush up the crowd from all the bugs(which failed miserably due to unfixed bugs piling up every patch), as if like they’re treating us like kids giving us candy when we get a booboo.

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Do you know what a strawman argument is?

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^ this. sadly never happens :confused:

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You make choices on current state of the game. If the game patch up is not even fair as a choices. It’s a gamble

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I personally think that a “reset” if implemented well, would improve the game replayability. As an instant 1-click bam you-have-resetted option, NO.

Similar case different game,
It’s just a matter of time(REALLY CLOSE) until this situation happens to ToS.

edit:here thy this

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If it’s the minority, why servers are empty ?

(You said two times it was your last post :blush:).

And your idea about limiting the game to lvl 100 is really good ! You trully understand how to keep players in a MMO :smile:.