Tree of Savior Forum

Why IMC should provide skill/stat resets due to the latest patch

If your work takes about 12hrs (sometimes more than 12hrs), you need about 6hrs to sleep and the other 3/4 you have a lot things (in RL) to do. Actually you have really few hours to play.
This are things you must to do, don’t have choice like learning a skill and you can decide if go or not (like you said: piano, etc).

Not all MMO reward players who play the entire day. There are MMO when you have done some things, you can log out without problem, they reward you, no need to play all day.

And yes, I’ve played months ago a MMO where player were rewarded until the continous rushing (adding content) from who runs. And most of people who have work (and money) quitted.

A game should not only watch who play 24/24, because that people might not have money to contribute the game.
The game should watch everyone, who can play every day and who can’t.
This is what I think. And that’s why I agree with resets, of all types.

Personally I don’t need any kind of reset on my character, if I can’t join guildes or do ET, I don’t care. Is my first character, I’ve don’t follow any build, and set skills, stat and choose rank as I want and what I like.

I’m not saying “we need resets” for my own (like someone is saying). But I agree for who really need them (who don’t have time to reroll everytime).

I’m a player and I have a RL: I can understand who is working and who play all day.

Ofc there are players who play all day and want reset. But, honestly, I don’t care about them, I don’t rosik if they have resets.

And right now it has nothing.

Usually, you would expect F2P games to have permanent set of items going on sale in rotation or throw some random extra cashing reward.

It’s like they don’t want to give the players any incentive to buy more stuffs. Item release is rather slow, they don’t have any promotions at the moment to welcome all the new stuffs comign in and they’re giving away free stuffs.

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Of course if people had known then they would’ve taken it.
But at that time neither the players and, most likely, neither IMC knew that they’ll one day have to rebalance blessing.

Sure, if you could’ve known that you might have picked a different build, with maxed blessing. But if we go the “what if/if i had known”-road then we’ll end up in really stupid situations.

What if they one day decide to bump up the upgrade rates for high upgraded items from 51% chance to 61%, should they retroactively recalculate all the upgrades that have ever been done and restore items/silver accordingly? I can already see the complaints in the forums : “If i had known back then that they’ll improve the upgrade chances in the future i would’ve waited with my upgrading. Restore all my items plzzzz!”

Or if they one day remove the tax from the market place npc: “Ohhh, if i had known that one day they’ll remove the tax i would’ve not sold that arde dagger 3 years ago, i would’ve kept it. IMC, restore my 100k lost silver that i lost via tax 3 years ago plzzzz!!!”

You see how ridiculous that sounds? People need to learn to live with their decisions or at least accept that the decision they made was their own free choice, even if they regret them in hindsight.

Don’t get me wrong. I’ve nothing against free skill resets if builds are negatively affected by a patch or, after thinking about it, maybe even free resets after improving skill patches.

However i’m very much against this entitled sounding “IMC, how dare you improving class skills that not specifically benefit my skill build which i freely chose! How should i have known that in the future other builds might be better? Free reset plz!”-attitude, like they owe you something just because a patch that improved your class made a skill you freely chose not to max more useful.

You may kindly ask IMC for a free reset and if done with manners in that case i wouldn’t mind people asking for it, but you can’t go around complaining “if i would’ve known,… Q.Q stupid IMC how dare you not tell me the future, then i would’ve known”, like it’s their fault. It’s neither IMCs fault that you made the decision to not max blessing nor can they look into the future for every single balancing update they’ll ever do.

We get a free skill reset today.

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We understand your situation. However, we hope you understand that we will be unable to grant your request since this would be unfair to other players in the community.

understand? ■■■■■■■ joke staff

they should already provide reset to everyone that affected by change

imc attitude player should research before put stat point all skill

ofc ppl do

but with change that they will never know make what they think best become worst

spr chaplain was have better buff than int chaplain but do a bit lower damage

now spr do a lot better damage and having better buff

what point of int chaplain now, could u tell me?

it’s mmo not moba that reset in everygame

nerf buff cycle not have big problem ppl can try new build again and again

but with mmo?? and they don’t provide reset potion after big change


Hi Guys, does skill reset potion has an expiration day? Like I should use it before this day or that day. Im planning to keep it for future use haha. Thanks for the answers :))

reset in special reward

many ppl already 280 and don’t interest in exp tome

they just skip event and now they know that reset is a reward

but it too late for them to get that too

this ■■■■■■■ frustate than not giving any reset potion

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This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.

Didnt you know what stat resets are only given out in events? We have an event.

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…wait, you’re complaining about that?

How is this EVEN a huge issue when the next BIG PATCH hasn’t arrived yet? Big question mark on my head.

It is ok to ask for a reset but with all these assumptions about IMC being this, being that is absurd. Toxic community is toxic. A lot of small minded feeble lurking around.

Don’t worry, I will carry a pitchfork when they don’t give out a skill reset potion with you guys but until then… chill.


Really? I dunno, I thought I put it so simply already that most contributions within one side are actual legitimate facts and not assumptions, unlike the anti-reset consensus. Don’t know why you can’t comprehend it.


Fact: Not everyone is willing to buy more character slots than what they need, thus leading to little profit. Character slots are also only up until 15 (or 30) and these again limits profits by adding a cap.
Fact: A circle reset item would be more expensive and can be bought over and over and thus yield more potential profit for IMC.

Your opinion is showing. Let me get back at you with an opinionated response then. Why do you care about people utilizing a circle reset function that literally would not affect your gameplay?




  • something that truly exists or happens : something that has actual existence
  • a true piece of information

Taken from

Now you get why I can’t comprehend you? You lumped everything that isn’t going your way as assumption but not yours.

When the actual implementation (reset functionality) hasn’t happen yet, everything that both camps said are all opinions and assumptions.

When you want to post things as a fact, you need things (evidence and statistics) that actually happened to back it up. Don’t pull things out from thin air and ASSUME that those are facts.

Before you point out flaws of others, I humbly ask that you look at yourself first.

edit: missed out part of a sentence.

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Most F2P MMO and games do give out cash shops, usually by giving the consumables. Consumable tempts people to buy more once they get to experience how good those items are.

And no, the complaint is not on them giving free stuffs. The complaint is on them not trying to get people to buy their stuffs at all. F2P games aren’t free to maintain. The more income they can make, the more they can spend on developing the game.

They need to step up their marketing games and give people reason to buy their stuffs instead of just heading to RMTers every time. The easiest case is Token-to-silver or just buy the silver directly. You get almost twice as much from just buying the silver.

If spending $ to buy 100 TP on the games comes with some enchant scroll, cash pots or warp scroll, it gives me reason to just buy the token and sell them when I need some in-game silver and give money to IMC instead of the RMTers so they can spend those money on the games and their employees.

If they’re expecting to have the game survive on certain amount of whale goodwill and pity, they should know the plague and cancer known as “100% Free” players and RMTers will get them eventually.

Maybe you should take a look at what you and other anti-resetters use as ammo to proclaim your agenda:

“Everyone will abuse it”
“It kills class diversity”
“It will be P2W”
“It will be against the nature of the game”

And many others that I’m too lazy to look up again.Are you stating these are facts? Here’s what all I see from these “arguments”:

Just admit that you don’t want people to copy your meta builds.
Just admit that you want to be unique.
Just admit that you have no money to afford it.
Just admit that you don’t like it or have no use for it.

So how about these that we pro-reset people advocate?

“Class resets grant profit for IMC.”
“Prevent players who want to avail of such services from quitting the game in case their current build pushed them to do so.”
“Gives leeway for class experimentation, adjustment, and future updates/changes.”

And more, again too lazy to look up more suggestions.

Now tell me, are any of these opinions? Nope. They’re universal truths:

Obviously class resets sold with TP will be a form of profit for IMC.
Obviously it will retain some population, no matter how many it would be.
Obviously the existence of a class reset feature enables anyone in the game to have the freedom to change what they see fit.

Thank you for making the perfect statement for you and other anti-resetters before they begin with the insults and assumptions regarding the idea of class resets. The harsher and more oppressive side has always been yours.

Well, you can ask the others (from both pro and anti reset camp), since when did I hurl insults or do name calling? And who is the one who came trotting with insults towards the other camp?

Speculations from the anti-reset side.

Again speculations from the pro-reset side.

Really I rest my case trying to communicate with you. From our past posts I’ve been trying to get you to understand and am trying to understand where you are coming from. Questionably did you even bother to know or understand where I stand?

From months ago I’ve already stated that the current iteration of ToS doesn’t really need a reset functionality. In future when there is enough content that will overwhelm an average player, then yes a reset functionality is warranted.


Re-read again.

Note the bolded part. Shutting down an idea out of your own selfish desires or assumptions instead of refuting it with proper evidence is oppressive in form.

Someone suggests to legalize same sex marriage? You would be the person who’d be against it and uses the bible and other religious doctrines to back up your beliefs over the scientific claims of biology and constitution of human rights.

Someone suggests to make vaccinations for certain, life-threatening diseases? You would be the person who would use a defunct paper of a madman to claim it causes autism, without taking in regard the scientific basis of its use and effectiveness.

You throw legitimate facts under the bus and claim it speculation, oh the hypocrisy. At least you clearly admit all of those are speculations and assumptions, but you know, it doesn’t really take a huge brain to know that:

Having something for sale actually yields profit.
The number of complaints, frustrations, and the lack of motivation among some people in the forums and in-game show a clear sign of the need of circle resets for these people.
Class resets obviously help you adjust by allowing you to change circles, experiment by allowing you to test other classes while having the opportunity to revert back to the previous class, and future updates/changes will cause a need or large demand for class resets for highly invested characters.

From months ago you stopped referring to the rest of my arguments and stuck with the only viewpoint (it’s not even an argument, it’s also an opinion) that class resets are not needed at this point of time, it’s obvious you were avoiding my other arguments because you have nothing to refute them, and you were only gunning for the one thing I agreed upon because that’s your only ammo.

What else is there to understand but you not liking circle resets “just because”? All of your arguments have been only assumptions and opinions, nothing more. If anything, thinking of them as “facts” that make your arguments more powerful is a huge and disgusting failure on your side.

And hello, here we are, the announcement of R8 classes, with thousands of players having first invested on an R7 endpoint class and wondering if their builds that they have invested millions of silver and even a thousand hours on would be spared, or if they would need to re-roll. The latter of which would probably the worst option IMC could ever provide with how skill attributes, untradeable equipment, achievements and the journal work. I’m sure the option to have them is much higher more than ever. If not, then this thread and that other one would not have existed in the first place.

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