Tree of Savior Forum

Why i vote for a wipe

Not sure if actually serious

You didn’t pay for a headstart… you pay to test the game.

If you make your opnions based on a drawing of a guy using a stupid shades, you’re more childish that I’ve imagined.

We did not pay to test the game, no matter how hard you try to spread this lie, it is still false. THIS was a head start launch.

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I don’t know what his deal his. He’s clinging onto this lie for dear life and spreading paranoia. Thankfully the majority of players see right through him.


They deleted it for a reason.

It’s not relevant anymore. Sorry.

Also this.

No it wouldn’t as you have no claim. The closest thing you could TRY and fail to claim is financial injury but you got exactly what the store page says you would, you would lose hard.

This was DELETED because they chose to skip obt abd go straight to launch, this early access is NOT FOR TESTING PURPOSES, THAT’S WHAT CLOSED BETA WAS FOR.

Yoy just call the bank and ask for a charge back, you don’t need to claim anayting. You think IMC is going to sue everyone over a couple of bucks? They would pay more in fees to make it not worth it, stop being delusional.


No i don’t. Im just saying if they did you would be the one in the wrong and them in the right.

It depends. We are arguing semantics, if their is a disclaimer warning everyone of an impending wipe if necessary then I would agree. They have stayed numerous times that no wipe will take place. We are just acting as armchair lawyers here and in the end it would be up to a judge who is in the wrong.

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It doesn’t depend on anything. You signed a contract there are no if ands or buts. So yea, you could go to court but then the judge would tell you to read the contract you signed and move on.

sure make sure the game wipes everytime we see a bot

Still missing the point about false advertising.

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Read the steam page.

Doesn’t say that data will be wiped.

They don’t have to state that. Aslong as the page doesn’t state that it won’t be wiped.

Your forgetting about the doctrine of reasonable expectations act. Companies cannot put whatever they want into a contract, it can be challange and overturned.


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TLDR, OP:“Waaa I am behind in the game so I have wishful thinking that they cannot resolve this issue via server log queries and bans and I hope that they wipe so I can get another stab at not being a garbage level player even though they have no grounds or necessity to wipe and cannot afford the refunds or player loss from said wipe”