Tree of Savior Forum

Why i vote for a wipe

Then IMC can wipe/reset all accounts that were associated with that IP. Apparently, ToS now has Valve Anti-Cheat implemented or going to be, it has one in store description now. Doesn’t matter if one of the account’s in the said IP legitimately sold an item on auction house and his other account bought it at insane price.

Least they can achieve with this is track and narrow down persons exploiting, flag for further and detailed account/s investigation.

How do you propose they perma ban?

If they wipe then I want a refund. They officially stated before there would be no wipe after Founders Access, so if they do, they effectively lied about the product.


+1 Wipe :l, people is exploiting the game since day 1, were just like 2 weeks of game, we’re in time tho, even if i’ve spent 285hours actively since founders pack started.

If you’re that afraid you probably used the exploit. Sucks for you IF you did.

ToS -

You need to report any game errors, bugs and other game play issues to IMC Games. You shall not abuse them for your own benefits nor to cause grievances to others, and pass this information to others who may abuse them for their benefits.

IMC Games reserves the right to close, temporarily or permanently, any user’s account without advance notice as we deem necessary. Furthermore, we reserve the right to delete all user accounts or inventory of characters as warranted.

IMC Games reserves the right to ban any user from the Game without refund or compensation.
IMC Games reserves the right to change the prices of items in the Game, fees or billing methods at any time.

IMC should not do server wipe, as that will violate what they advertised regarding no wipes. But they should get their sh1t together and coordinate with Steam to directly (punish ban/wipe/reset/whatever) those who used the exploit, its well within their rights.

now I’m convinced I wasted time reading the rest of this thread, and replying earlier.
there’s this: Regarding Token acquisition via illegal DLC purchase

I’m moving forward through this shitstorm now.

Or you know fix the botting problem and then open a new server.

People who are in favor obviously don’t care about their own time or other people’s time, so that being the case, why not sit back and see how this is going to play out rather than having a huge knee jerk reaction and scream for immediate wipe when no countermeasures and new security features are in place to prevent it from happening again?

Just sit back, stfu, see how bad or how minor the market will be affected by this, and how IMC deals with it before resorting to a wipe?

And even if there’s a wipe, why would there be a need to wipe everyone’s levels and characters? It has nothing to do with the economy.
RO had a wipe when it came out of Open Beta, and it was pure econ reset.

The people screaming for a full wipe before even considering even these alternatives just makes me think they have ulterior motives or simply brainless.

Back from my workout, now I’m awake and not sleepy and short-tempered.


I don’t know much about legality, and I certainly don’t plan on taking anyone to court because I really, really don’t know how that stuff works. I even tried researching it, and it’s all Greek to me.

But here are my refined thoughts on the idea of a character wipe. It’s an extreme measure that should be avoided at all costs. I’m in agreement that if it will solve all the problems of duping, hacking, botting, and so on, then, with great regret, I’ll have to back IMC on it.

I hate botters. I found a website belonging to someone who made a botting program that many bots use here in EA. From what I’ve read on that end, he’s constantly tweaking his coding and whatnot to bypass all the measures IMC takes. You have this guy, and then you have all the (assumed) Chinese Silver Farmers, all of whom make their own programs. They constantly tweak their coding to bypass all of IMC’s measures.

Doing a character wipe will only be another temporary solution. These people are clever. They’ll find a way around it. If they’re really cut-throat, not even an IP ban will work. It’s going to be a constant, possibly never-ending war with them.

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There is not going to be a wipe. Your vote, bold and capslock are irrelevant. Enough with this foolishness.


This is the situation with ToS right now.

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There must be a wipe:

  1. Bug is true, tonz of ppl have 100 000 000 Silver (just an example)
  2. Regarding Token acquisition via illegal DLC purchase ufficial GM post about it (that really makes me laugh they simply do nothing)
  3. how things are really
    4)vote for wipe, quit, or go farm gladiator band ur self cuz i wont never ever able to buy one, also forget to be pro because there will be always ppl will all max attribute early.

go pvp dungeon gvg and fun stuff like that go gooooooo you dont notice that cuz are 2 week of game only and you will see it more in the end game, for that we need WIPE NOW in OBT, not wait ufficial opening in 14 days!!


  1. your not entitled to a refund read the item on steam.

  2. This would be a wipe DURING founders access not after, so by your wording there is no lie.

if you read julie said that the picture was fake and no one has that ammount of server according to their logs

besides stating their would be no wipe, they also said everything we do in founders access will carry over to the live version.

They did. But that is also not legally binding as i have explained before. But i can do more detail if you would like.

of course it is not legally binding, but MORALLY binding. What happens next month when another exploit is found? Wipe again? IF they wipe, no one will play anymore, not because of the progress lost, but because we would be living in fear of the next wipe. How would anyone play when people know that a new exploit and wipe could be right around the corner? They need to prove they can solve this WITHOUT a wipe.

Please add this topic int he main post

This game is such a pile of crap it’s hilarious.

Morally binding doesn’t matter in court.

You don’t need to explain the cons of a wipe to me, as i have said above im neutral, im good either way. Im just explaining that IMC can wipe if they see fit and despite those statements it does not mean a wipe is impossible, like people have been interpreting it.

Also people would still play, i would be surprised if there wasn’t some player loss though.