Tree of Savior Forum

Why i quitted the game, today

I kinda support your theory if wasn’t like that, why hit three times for? Really doens’t make sense.

This is the reason why I don’t waste my time trying to upgrade like crazy I’ll admit i like to get weps to +15 for the most part and IF it actually goes up that high and leave it.

I don’t know the correct term for it but I really wish ToS had a weapon experience system, similar to how we level up gems.

The higher the grade of weapons fed the more experience the weapons receive.
Anvils can be used as experience boosters/multipliers where the higher the anvil grade can award bonus exp
or Anvils can be required to feed your weapon in-general.

Seeing that there is no enhancement cap on equipment (as far as I know) I feel like this would be a great way for someone to say that they worked really hard for a +25 or even +50 (which I think should be a crap load of required exp) and you would have more people farming HG for weapon food. DPK boxes would drop more often, due to people farming it more.

-hire me IMC I have the ideas.


The DPK should just be per account…
lets say you are going after yellow caro antenna which has 0.1% drop chance and DPK 500.
this should mean that everytime you kill you have 0.1% of getting it and once you kill 500 you get it for sure!
this kind of DPK would prevent griefing not create it!

The Upgrade issue would be solved if diamond anvil was introduced to field bosses as a default prize which would make them interesting again or to dungeon #1 dps rank on lets say dungeon 290 or a new Daily 330 dungeon. People would do it alone in order to get it yeap they would but it isnt that easy and the price would drop to a nice range.


I would have hundreds of diamond anvil by now. Everyone whole have +15 + weapons easily. Is this what we want?

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There’s always a chance that the anvil generated is a fail anvil, and that one of the three hits will execute the fail process.

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My heart stops every-time the screen stutters. :scream_cat:


But what is the point of the three hits?

To add suspense, I guess… or its just IMC logic.

But to be honest I have no data to support my opinion, but it would be very easy to make every fail anvil fail upon generation and then have one of the hits fail on hit.

Hi! Thanks for the reply… yes, I do realize this part of the game. So what did personally do? I picked 2 slots HG 315 pistol (currently +13) and will stick with it until Aspana… raw dmg? Check. Cheaper than Double Stack (1 practo gun), but dmg is not too big of a difference but the price is way cheaper…

Here’s my unpopular opinion… right now these 2 practo weapons are what we have for end game, yes? And yet we tend to rush them! Then say game is boring and has no content… so now, while I farm with my good enough pistol for Aspana mats, I am not in a hurry. After all, rank 9 is coming and the white walkers are real…

Lol cheers!

There is no theory here, it is already proven. 80% chance to success per anvil hit to get 3 successful event -> 0.8 x 0.8 x 0.8 = 0.512 or 51.2% chance so it is actually slightly over 50% chance for enhancement +1 instead of 80%

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As I’ve said: I got my first practo after 6 month and I didn’t crafted the practo weap, so I was still with HG weap.
Since I’ve failed to upgrade it minimum at +11 and got 0 potential left with +5, I checked on Market and guess what? Is empty.
And after spent a lot silvers to fail the upgrade, honestly, I don’t have the energy anymore to farm again silvers and farming HG with this shitty DPK.
Months ago I’ve farmed a lot HG, I farmed over there for days.
But when they have changed DPK system and introduced those shitty cubes, now to obtain what I want I have to kill mobs for entire hours and maybe obtain the cubes and maybe obtain the weapon that I want and maybe have it with 2 sockets.

And for practo weap: after waited 6 months to have 1 practo and failed the upgrade weap (as I’ve said, the min is +11 to do a decent damage), what should I do?

That’s why me and other player are tired to play this game and sooner or later quit the game.


AFK users are a real problem and a pain for active players


So for KTOS they gave a diferent leticia this time ? we gonna get more diamond anvil and more recipe weapons, they got a orange recipe of their choice and no diamond anvil ? anyone can confirm ?

I mean WE know what the DPK should be like, but as far as IMC changing it…not so likely because according to their interview they they this “Top-Down” system Is AMAZING! Wishful thinking, more than likely not going to happen.

The diamond anvil dropping from world bosses sounds great but the issue with that is…OP, SolMiki farming pro boss hunting guilds. We’ve experienced them during beta and launch where they have boss spawns down packed. Where does that leave the solo player or the non Solmiki farming guilds? They would have to stick with farming them in dungeons because they’re limited to that. Sorry but I feel like that would make a person feel a bit handicapped and left out.

What I suggest was simply so no one had to compete to upgrade their weapons and it would correspond with the system IMC already has. I mean think about it. We literally feed gems and cards to upgrade them why isn’t gear the same way? And aside from all that…diamond anvils still fail…you can seriously have 10 of them and they all fail but your level survives.

Erm, most probably I’m a newer player than you so I respect your concerns honestly… but on the side note, 6 months for a practo? Well, I think that’s because you only relied on the mystical cube maybe? Because with that long duration of a time, I’d rather keep making silver and buy 2 practos in what, less than a month’s time…

I’d say it before anyone else accuse me, no I don’t afk farm… I don’t “whale” either. It’s just that practos are so much of an issue for many but as someone kinda new, I can see legit ways making silver in game…

Why not focus making silver and buy them off at the market? Practo prices are inclined to come down sooner or later, the game is progressing and people get practos more often than before. Make silver, buy them in market…

That’s what I think. Sorry for my opinion mate!

Practo are 24M-28M in market, plus other 3-4M to other materials from Crystal Mines (don’t think you will obtain them easily).
170 dung x3 times gives around 1M.
So in 30days you can buy practo, sure, but… the problem is… the AH is empty, as I’ve said.
And, since my weap sucks, I can’t clear dung 170 in few mins, I take aroud 25 mins, and believe me, after 75 mins for 3M you want to do other things. It’s not funny.
So, how to farm money? AFK farming? Dina Bee is completely full. There are people who are using multi account for farm AFK over there.
And since I’m a fair player I don’t like AFK farming, this should not be a solution to the game!
Don’t think is easy to scrape up 30M, where are the money for attributes and the upgrading gear? Where are money for cards, Token and so?

It’s your opinion, I respect it, but unfortunally Tree of Savior (at least Fedimian server where the market is almost empty) don’t work in this way.

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Oh, right… I think I totally overlooked that we play in different servers (which looks like a huge factor where we are both coming from). I play in Telsiai… last I saw was 23m, and our market is always full so I think our little discussion ends there, eh…

Well unsolicited advise, since you mentioned your gear is not even good enough to clear 170 DGs fast enough to make it worth your time, then maybe (just maybe) don’t aim for 2 practo weapon yet as your next gear? Yeah sure, you might say you don’t want to do it since it’s going to be another ‘expense’, but hey if it makes your life easier, it will eventually pay for itself in the long run. Not to mention making your life a little bit better…

There is such thing called progression in gearing up… upgrade your gear, but aim what is realistic for you. I hope I helped you somehow. :wink:

Of course I’m not aiming a Orange Weap 2 Practo for next gear!
I was pointing on a HG weap instead.
Aiming 2 Practo weap means: wait another 6 months for another practo (in my case).
No way.
I’ve done some calculations for the Skull Smasher Recipe.
The last time I’ve checked in market the prices are those:

  • 15M-20M Skull Smasher Recipe
  • 24-28M for a practo
  • 1M-1.5M for 1 material for recipe (41 Green Charog Horn, 31 Kugheri Lyoni Horn) and no, there weren’t 41 and 31 materials at maket.
  • 600k for 1 Artilonium (you need 15, and dunno if the price has dropped)

So, approssimaly you need around 130M to buy everything from market.
Is not possible to buy everything in Market.
My max silver was around 30M, and wasn’t easy to obtain these money with farming.

Oh, right. So how much exactly are HG 315’s in your server? Or are they empty as well…? Because with mine, I plan to use it for a long time… might trans atleast stage 3 since shards are cheaper now too… I hope you find one soon…

Ty for the clarification, that’s what i was looking for.