Tree of Savior Forum

Why i quitted the game, today

It’s not the “usual topic” about how TOS sucks.
I loved TOS and i still love it.
I played it since the early founders pack access but now i can’t anymore.

I hope IMC can get some suggestions from my topic. I’am sure they will not but let’s try.

  1. Dpk ruined your game. When you need an item in every game in the whole world BUT tos you can farm mats, recipes and the final item. I farmed 220 hunting ground cubes and i dropped one every 4-5 hours. It’s not nice
  2. cubes: are a bad design. No one like it. Just remove them from the game. No one like them. NO ONE LIKE THEM.
    And most importat no one love them in hunting grounds.
  3. there is no fun in the game where you actively play thousand of hours and you got less than afk people who played 100 hours. You lose all the fun. Prevent it or make active play MORE reyable
  4. make “farming fun” . Everybodyu liked the first Hount Ground drop rate. People were happy about it and you didnt cared,.
    5)I faled to upgrade many weapon. spent more than 20 millions on upgrade weapon and i NEVER get past +7. That’s why i quitted the game . Expecially when i see people with +30 weapon half potential.

In this game only people who cheated and abused went ahead. It’s not fun anymore.
Tree of savior still is a nice game for me, but i cant upgrade weapon, i cant drop item, i cant farm matha even in 10+ hour of incessant farming for day. So i wont play it anymore

Repair your game,


Old player confirmed. Why not just join in the afk farm instead of quitting? After all that is how Tree of Afk is designed for.


I think having no cap on enhancement is one of the dumbest things Ive seen in a game with so much rng. Some people get screwed and cant get past +7 and some people are blessed with incredible luck and get +26.

If there were a cap at like +15 then people wouldn’t feel as cheated if they fail.

I think the reason why this game is so incredibly grindy for drops is because there is literally nothing to do outside of ET, and I’m sure a huge majority of the player base doesn’t even do ET.

And yeah, just become a afk necro yourself and enjoy the tons of free money you get for no effort. It’s pretty stupid, but they haven’t fixed it in over a year and doesn’t look like they give a crap.


Let’s be serius. Batiman didnt becam an assassina his parent’s murder.
And necro have they own mafia with all the spots taken, people with 5+ account simultiusly

But i don’t care anymore


can anyone decipher what the hell he just wrote and what it even means
(edit: i meant his previous comment right above me >.>)


Hey guys, we have reach over 5000 player last few days but most of them are afk farmer and bot users.


If they improve the upgrade rates everyone will just be complaining that they can’t get their weapon past +18 while they see other people with +50.

There will always be some incredibly powerful weapons that people have managed to luck-make. This was part of RO too. It doesn’t matter if they improve the rates, there will still be some incredibly lucky rolls. Improving the rates just moves all the complaints to even higher numbers.

I find it really hard to believe that you can’t get past +7 though, I don’t think there’s been a single day of the anvil event where I haven’t gotten +10. The average seems to be 11-13.

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ahahha sorry. I got a new keyboard with different layout language and different keys’ shape

I wont edit the previus message, it’s fun


I don’t know ehat the rates are. I always fail. I usuallyt fail even at +5 and i have weapon 0 potential +4.
It’s not “Increase rate” but fix it. Make a way to do it with more powerful craftable<s anvil, i will farm maths for that.

Make it grindable

Not luck/cheeat only


Yeah but. You missed the point. You make it easier and you’re still going to see outliers that get much higher numbers than everyone else.

I’m sensing a lot of salt here, and I get it, i really do, especially if you made a practo weapon and it wouldn’t upgrade nicely. But, those are the breaks. Upgrades require many attempts until getting that one lucky weapon that’s massively better than the others. If everyone has the same thing then nobody has anything special.


I used to saw an aspana +5 with 0 potential and he just thrown it on the market for 40m LUL.


The point is: it is BAD designed.
Mine is just a suggestion.

The most important one is the shitty dpk part. Doing all the daylies sucks, you can do it for few months and you will be an hero. After thay you will suffer of boringness.

In all the ogher games i can get in some field to farm something usefull and i SEE the item i farm because i drop them.
Not in tos. You can get many in few minutes stealing other dpk and then you can farm for 24hours no stop without see none.
And maybe you need 70 items, impossible to drop, to craft a recipe, impossible to drops, with many millions.

They can fix them game, do not find excuses, it’s bad designed.


you gotta be kidding me, how do you even put 0 pot items on the market?

i thought they become untradeable once the item goes 0 pot?

Hum… what about items that protect the weapon so you can’t lose a potential point or it’ll enhance your chance of success ? Most games have them~
Sure, luck will still be a factor, but at least people will have a way to “act” on the chances rather than just try and fail. I feel being powerless is part of the frustration and people enhance with barely any hope… “whatever, it’s pure random luck anyway”.

Although the weapons’ low durability is part of the issue imo. If you fail, you lose 1 durability. If you socket, you lose 1 durability. If you awaken, you lose 1 durability. They don’t have that many durability points though… So if you’re unlucky you might lose a good weapon. And to top it off, that weapon is something you got thanks to RNG. You were already really lucky to have it.
I guess it’s the mix of these two things that make it so annoying and frustrating for some people.



Maybe durability is the wrong answer to the problem. These complaints didn’t happen much on RO, but the system there was different. If you failed an upgrade the weapon broke, end of story. This reduced people taking risks with high value weapons. And it did not de-value the weapons that have been upgraded.

Part of the durability issue is that when something gets upgraded and doesn’t do well, it actually becomes pretty devalued. Not to mention that upgrading isn’t very good economically. Upgraded items should always at least add more value than the cost to upgrade them.


the steps are:

create multiple ways to enchat weapon
Prioritize on giving people who spent more effort better results
make items easier to be crafted , not the practo one but the Hunting Ground ones.

i got my practo Bow , stage 3 only +6. It sucks and it took 6 month to get my first practo (with 7 character 317 opening it daily)

I know most of people get it easier but i point the discussion on the bad design, That’s all. The game is just bad designed. Isn’t designed for let people have fun.


I can’t agree with the value statement here. ToS’s weapons/armor are considered low worth when the potential is low, sure, but RO’s weapons/armor are worthless after one failed upgrade attempt.

I’m still not a fan of durability though. It adds too much leeway.


Yeah but the risks of upgrading were enough to stop a lot of people from ever trying to upgrade too much. So there were never any complaints about the system. That’s the point I’m getting at. I’m trying to zero in on why people complain about this system vs the older RO system that was much much meaner to players that attempted to use it.

The issue is how the system makes players feel. Obviously the older system didn’t upset people as much, for some reason or another. I agree that something should change, but I’m not entirely sure what it should be to make people feel better without also rendering the system pointless. Perhaps the solution is simply to nerf the benefits of anvils at higher upgrade levels. Flat growth rather than exponential. That way the gap won’t be nearly as large between a +7 and a +20,

Or better yet. Early anvil upgrades could give the biggest boosts, and then have diminishing returns on each upgrade.


There were plenty of forum post complaints on RO (more about enriched upgrade items). Besides, failing one time and losing your weapon doesn’t hurt as bad as failing 12 times and losing a ton of money, being stuck with a weapon that you don’t want anymore (or 11 times with low sell value).

I gotta vouch for OP too. I can’t get my damn 4 leaf clovers above +9, and i burned 7 golden anvils getting my Trinity Sword to +10.


I love the cube thing… but I would feel upset too if I had terrible luck. there is an alternative system to increasing a weapons power and it’s called transcendence.

if your purple weapon is your final weapon then use all your golden anvils on it til at least +11. it’s very doable. I know that some people that farm a lot end up having tons of golden anvils. I dunno if that is because they afk farm or not but you loot them over time and as long as you don’t transcend your weapon you can pass it through team storage to the char that has some spare golden anvils.

another alternate way of obtaining a good weapon is making more high lv chars to make more weapons to have another chance of making the weapon good. rng is rng. sometimes it sucks but sometimes it feels good.