Tree of Savior Forum

Why do you treat SA server like it doesnt matter at all?!

Seriously, we have all seen servers being launched and none of them had problems like SA. It is amazing and quite a coincidence that SA is the ONLY fuc**** server that is ■■■■.

I’ll tell you guys exactly what happend, IMC doesnt give a ■■■■ about south americans, and they know how much US people dislike us, so they created a way of getting rid of us:

  • They didnt want to spend any money on us, so they created a complete crap server with a ridiculous player cap that is pretty much unplayable with more than 10 players online.

  • Lured every South american into it (a trap) with the promisse that it would improve ping/lag and gameplay overall.

  • After server release they realized that even though they KNEW it was a shitty server, it was even worse than they had anticipated = More than half the players couldnt even LOG IN for an entire week despite their “efforts” and “maintenances” that were probably just for show.

  • Instead of improving the server or doing something to allow all the players to play without any lag, they decided not to spend any more money on us because the small penny they had already spent was too much for us. Bottom line is they came with the PERFECT solution to deal with our problems without having to “waste” any money on us = Decrease the player cap by A FUC**** LOT and let them wait in line EVERY SINGLE FUC**** time they want to log in the game.
    A nice example of how this works is this: You try to log in and u r 800 in line; you wait 50 min and finally get on; you try to change maps but server is so ■■■■ that you get disconnected; you try to get online again and u r 900 in line.

  • Even with this wonderful solution (thank you so much imc -clap clap-) more than half the maps are STILL VERY LAGGED like im playing in an asian server, only a bit worse.

  • Many of us have already asked to return to Klaipeda or Orsha, but they refuse to transfer us back (obviously, after all this was all a trap to screw us over and please north american players)

  • Now we are all stuck in a shitty server with a ridiculously low player cap and lagged so much that we cant play well.

I just wanted to point these things out so that people see how retarded IMC is and how much they hold us, south americans, in contempt.
Seriously, you are just losing more and more players each day that goes by and you keep this ridiculous attitude towards us.

Even though you probably dont care about us, this only shows what terrible people you are, because many people payed to play this game and spent a long time in it, and the fact that you cant even provide us an OK server to play (or allow us to go back to klaipeda or orsha) is a HUGE disrespect. If you CANT/WONT give us a good server or DONT WANT us here then block connections coming from South America region, but dont be so disrespectiful to us.

Thank you so much for the tremendous effort you have done to improve our gameplay with this amazing server, i really couldnt be happier. I will defenetly tell everyone i know to come play this game.

Just to finish, here are possible solutions:

1- Allow us to go back to Klaipeda or Orsha (only players that were created there)
2- Actually FIX SA server.
3- Block all connection from South America region and refund everyone’s money.

If there is anything else, please feel free to add.


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Exactly. No comments. No action plan. Just this ■■■■■■■ queue system. Meanwhile, my token is running out and I can even enter the game. This is like theft. Really, I just want to quit. Just GIVE MY MONEY BACK!!!

  • SA players notice deal of IMC and LevelUP of their own personal server under (I presume equally crappy service akin to Aeria Games)
  • SA players complain and want IMC to host them instead
  • IMC decides to attempt to host them, potato servers can’t handle the overload & stress
  • SA players complain about servers now, a similar experience during the first weeks of EA

I’m sorry for your inability to play, but considering this isn’t the first time the community has hustled IMC into doing something that ends up terrible in execution, I’m not really all that surprised. They seemed to have a plan, the players revolted, and IMC acted in haste to appease people only to have egg on their faces. It feels like a vicious circle, and I wish they’d redirect that communication into actually shedding some light on issues.


I think we are missing something or your theory of luring us into a trap may be true.
The server is very laggy on most of the maps. I mean 9am with ping between 100 to 350 ms and I don’t even try to login at night because of the queue…
I’m playing with hope that someday they will just move the Silute server to someone who can actually host a MMO server on a so much hyped game.
Or I’m just playing in hope that everyone moves to LevelUP server and I can play alone with my 5 friends in the Silute Server.
The only good solution is improve the server A LOT. Letting us go back to Klaipeda/Orsha is not the best solution.
The strangest part is that we can’t buy TP now, and without money nothing will change. It’s possible they plan to give up on SA and let LUG take care of the situation… I will create another team on international but I WILL NOT play on LevelUP games. Let the saga continue…

[quote=“danielfaccioli, post:1, topic:269752”]
they created a way of getting rid of us:
Lured every South american into it (a trap)
Bottom line is they came with the PERFECT solution to deal with our problems without having to “waste” any money on us
Many of us have already asked to return to Klaipeda or Orsha, but they refuse to transfer us back (obviously, after all this was all a trap to screw us over and please north american players)[/quote]
Geez, how much more paranoid can you get? Want to throw in some reptilian conspiracy theories too, how the reptilians hate south america?
If your power goes out for any reason, do you also immediately believe power lines are sabotaged by people who hate south america?
But seriously : Just because something is currently working in a very sub-optimal way it does not mean that there are conspiracies against south american players with elaborate trapping shemes.

Have you ever, for a single moment, considered the possibilities that maybe it’s not the servers fault but possibly a shitty internet provider somewhere between the server and the SA playerbase?
Did you do any tracing checks to find out if the laggy-ness is truly caused by the server and not any connection node between you and the server?
Did you even consider for a second that they might already be working on fixing the problem or that the cause of the problem is not their fault?

I know this idea might be shocking but: IMC is a company. Do you have any reason to think why a company, interested in making money, would purposefully piss off customers, aka people who would give them money? Why would they purposefully make their customers leave? It doesn’t make sense.

Curious :
Are you sure this is because the server has a low maximum capacity setting (aka not many players are allowed to connect at the same time), or could there maybe be a different reason, like the server is overcrowded with bots, resulting in long queues?
The server can’t differentiate between bots and legit players, so if a server with a maximum of 5000 players has 4900 bots running on it then there is only space for 100 players to connect and any other players will be thrown in a queue. Heck, maybe bots are also waiting in the queue.
In that (huge amount of bots) case, it’s the bot networks that are to blame for it, not IMC. If some derpy bot company is greedy and thinks “i’ll just make 10000 bots on that server and let the RMT-money flow” then of course the server is full, but you can’t blame IMC for that since there is barely anything that could be done to stop bots from connecting.
That all however is provided that bots are the causes.

There could also be other reasons, like people who don’t like the SA people DDoSing the SA servers, resulting in lags or conneciton problems. If that’s the case: Not IMCs fault but other peoples fault.

I’m not saying that the servers are ok or that IMC is doing the best they can, however i think there should also be other things that should be considered that could be the cause of the problems.

That being said : An official statement from IMC would be nice, though.


If you were going through all similar problems on your server and the IMC was giving sh… like this, I wondering if you would be so full of sympathy for they.

i just don’t wanna wait more 20 minutes to enter in the game…

And throwing my token down the drain.

i quit right after transfer to SA cus of lag, now i see all these problems and i’m glad i did it. And NO, i will NOT play in LUG, ill just play other games (but a lot of ppl will play in LUG, sad for them)

I’ve made a suggestion for this ■■■■■■■ queue system: Queue before char selection

Despite OP’s dramatic tone, I do agree that SA is currently heavily overlooked by IMC.

I opted out from Kaipeda because the echo test server gave me a constant 30ms latency. Now I’m playing with 500ms average.

In the afternoon the queue goes up to 500, 600 or even 800 players! I’ve waited two hours, literally two hours to get in.

There are several maps that are not working, locking you out of the game (this was partially fixed, but still happening a lot).

It’s frustrating to no end, specially because the only response we had is “try another channel”.

I lost 15 days of my token trying to login. I’ve send like…12 tickets, the support staff answered but no real solution…just “restart your game, try to login with you notebook above your head, etc, send a picture” I’m very dissapointed of the shitty service. For real, this is a ■■■■■■■ joke. I barely play one hour because i can’t stand the heavy lag, the map stucks, etc… I feel very frustrated because in Klaipeda i was playing without problems.

I mean, Why do a simple ALT + Z ( change weapons ) takes 2~4 seconds to happen? I got ~72ms in SA. I was intriged then i went into [NA] Klapedia with 200ms and it goes immediately… This is absurd.

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Man, this happened to every server too.

brazilians jajajajaja

There is no way to escape this truth: SA server needs some attention, FAST!
But its been a bit more than a week since F2P zerg. I’m willing to give IMC some more time.

why are you guys not complaining to level up?

Level UP has nothing to do with SA server atm. I hope it never happens to have.

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