Tree of Savior Forum

Why do people rush to get max level in MMOs?

They rush because they need to farm their gear, push the lanes and bring down the enemy base.


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Loli did say he/she took a breakā€¦ XD

lmaooooooo man. i just cant. this too hilarious
iā€™ve countered with logic and references and STILLā€¦

if the wikipedia info is garbage, who has the correct info? you? the self proclaimed expert? i donā€™t even know what to say other than it now makes sense that you came to the conclusion that this as a witch hunt.

Yea i got a bit argumentative there, ill get back on topic @thebloodyaugust can defend the ā€œwitch huntā€ what he created in his head alone.


Not wiki literally public sourced information that is freely edited is not reliable lol.

Look up what casual means. Its by definition impossible to be both casual and competitive when casual is synonymous with unconcerned. Being competitive requires you to be concerned with your results.

Once again your awful with context. If you read that in its context properly i proclaim to be a expert on pointless arguments. And i think im doing pretty damn well at that, thank you.

Where I live, if you openly describe that you used wikipedia as a source for your essay or if by any chance they figure out you did, you get a low score :stuck_out_tongue:

my original beef with you was the fact that you said i was making this is witch hunt. ive already proved that his not a which hunt which is why you now arguming with me about the definition of casual.

did you even look this up? casual has alot of means man. it depends on the context. ( like every adjective in the english language ). One of those meanings are ā€œnot regular or permanent, in particular.ā€

and in the context of gaming. you can be labeled as casual if you do not play frequently. BUT IF YOU ARE CONCERNED ABOUT WINNING WHEN YOU DO ACTUALLY PLAY, YOU ARE COMPETITIVE.

hence competitive casual gamer.

Thats correct, you canā€™t site wikipedia as a credible source in writing because, you cannot determine if the author is a credible source. it could be a 10 year old or an expert in a field.

however, that doesnā€™t mean that its automatically incorrect.

What we proved is you did not INTEND to make it a witch hunt. But the way you wrote it seemed otherwise. I already understand this is a case of poorly describing the intent, and i have acknowledged that a few times.

Once again if your not regular you arenā€™t going to be competitive.

Your from a soft place, most would give 0 if not remove you from the class. At least around here.

true, its difficult to be competitive in mmos when your not regular. but they dont cancel each other out.

Well they kind of do because if you donā€™t put up consistent / regular results then you are not good enough to be competitive.

Look at sports / starcraft / anything the good players/ teams /strategies etc will reappear over and over. Frequently.

Edit: additional information things that appear once in a while or rarely are usually considered lucky or gimmicky not competitive. Kind of like the snipe musketeer build on ktos.


anyway, I think more games should start to implement end game like features for every bracket. like 1 - 25, 26 - 75, 76- 100, etcā€¦ that way, you kinda get the same type of enjoyment that just gets more complex / difficult as you level. ToS can definitely do this since they have those steep EXP walls every couple levels. i think this is done well with the dungeons and missions but i think there should be lvl rank pvp as well. kinda seems that they are going in that direction.

so that its not so much a "grind tell you hit max lvl " to really enjoy a game.

because many (all?) mmo starts at the end game with pvp, arena, dungeon, raid.

i think some games doā€¦ such as pvp/raiding/guild events or stuff like thatā€¦
But with tos its prob gonna take awhile lol =p[quote=ā€œBlubbolo, post:72, topic:299212, full:trueā€]
because many (all?) mmo starts at the end game with pvp, arena, dungeon, raid.

hmmm kindaā€¦some mmos dont really start with all of these features but they slowly add up content by content

Raiding is usually reserved for the current max provided from each expansion. But guild and pvp commonly do level brackets.

aye that depends but yeahā€¦ some pvp has end game gearā€¦like wow for example

but bracket is kinda fun especiallyā€¦ some games do thatā€¦ other then wow, like ,such as wildstar,warhammer online.AoR(dead though),which also rewards exp along the way.

Some of these pvp brackets dont have a cap/raise the cap to allow a fairer pvp experienceā€¦ cause any one can particpateā€¦ cant disagree on that

Well depends on what guild eventsā€¦ so yeahā€¦my bad for making it to general

Thx for the correction.

In terms of PvP, tree could definitely do this. Host a different arena for each rank. Heck, we could even do what Monster Hunter does with itā€™s arena missions (this is PvE, but still) and provide premade, purposefully suboptimal builds and equipment to chose from and use for that run.

It would allow anybody to play in any arena, regardless of their character. Meta builds can be avoided and people can actually trial higher level classes using this.

Wouldnā€™t it be fun to be known as the best wizard in the rank 1 arena?


That would be soo cool.

This is a stretch but it would also be awesome to be able to continually compete for rank 1 area even after you past higher ranks. the thing would be that you would limited to the skill and stat points at that bracket.

How bout the best wizard in pkā€¦ =p
starts to spam hangmans knot and Dark Theurge

Then again ull most likely be a bounty target to alot of ppl =p

I miss open world pvp with bounties. Eve pirating was a blast.

last game I played with an open pvp/bounty system was Age of Wushu/Wulin.

There were no meaningful consequences until you killed someone with enough money to put you in (most likely escapable) jail for an hour.

It was not a good game.