Tree of Savior Forum

Why do people rush to get max level in MMOs?

Sounds fun to me. But i acknowledge open world pvp is not for everyone. One of my favorites was lineage 2.

It sounds fun until you see the ridiculous issues the pvp in that game had (I donā€™t know if any of them have been fixed yet).

You can be attacked and killed by your own faction. They can remove the negative rep by being afk for 10 minutes in faction base.

Combat is Rock-Paper-Scissors styled, but some classes rocks and scissors look exactly the same, if you mess up you get CC locked.

One class has all ranged attacks which they can use while moving at full speed with no accuracy penalties.

One class has a grab that they can use when their target is airborn. This grab can be triggered at a long range, and stops you from doing anything while they spend several seconds running at you, meanwhile youā€™ve already landed.

Itā€™s developed by Snailgame.

I hug everything on sight :3

except spiky things, I learned my lesson after hugging a Mummipokey

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You can always hug derpmanderā€¦just be waryā€¦itā€™s is a bit wonky at times ;p

He might just puke flames at you by accident

That reminds me of another gameā€¦

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that way they can spam videos on the forum about how op there shitty backstab build is

That game failed so badly under trinoā€¦it literally became a cash grab after 1 monthā€¦ahā€¦at least Iā€™m happy I was the first in my server to get a polar bear mount XD ā€¦good old days

I was excited for archeage. Until they announced market would be a premium feature (before the betas). After they said that i lost interest and never bothered trying it.

They just launched the marketplace in Defiance yesterday, and the marketplace in that game is ALSO a premium featureā€¦ Iā€™d stay away from all TRION gamesā€¦ even though Defiance is fun to play

You know i donā€™t mind paying for things, like on this game i pay for tokens for the xp bonusā€™s and extra dungeon runs etc. But trade features being premium or restricted really chap me. Probably why i complain about it so often here.

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I have 1205 hours since founders and my highest is like 177 or something I have too much fun doing guild stuff and chatting and exploring and also
re-rolling to try new builds I have like 8 characters in total and I am not in any rush to make it to cap.

People should just enjoy the game and have fun whats the point of competing if there is no ranked pvp.



I think I have around 8 characters too now that you mention it, I am a great altoholic. Even now Iā€™ve abandoned my most recent 130+ character to make an alt. If Iā€™m not making alts, Iā€™m often lazing around Klaipeda. Either way, Iā€™m having a good time.

Good to see more people who think this way.

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Chalk me up to the altoholic crowd too, my highest has been stuck at 227 after getting Rank 7 and since then, itā€™s been one alt after another (currently on my 4th) with no real focus on any one character. I mostly just log on to my main char to do a few stuff here and there and thatā€™s it. I feel like I get disadvantaged that way since people who just focus on one character tend to get the good end game stuff since they arenā€™t sidetracked but whatever.

Ha I have 10 characters not including the pet.
Then have another 10 or so on Ktos I check stuff out with.

Your alt-disease isnā€™t on my level!

Sorry, but what is the good of this game beside from rushing level to unlock new skills ?

More over, rushing level (up to lv200) means u have to explore 100% all maps and doing all the quests for exp cards.

Complete collections ? Level up for stat points and bonus stats is much easier and stronger. Itā€™s also much easier to complete collections with high level.

Upgrade equipment ? How can i have the silver to buy or upgrade equip if I dont grinding or doing Q ? Beside, most of class should reach lv170 for their end game equipment.

Sit and chat with people? Log in this game for that ?

Rushing level in this game is boring and annoying because of bots. But, what else can I do in game?

Well thatā€™s the thing, some of us simply donā€™t care about being super strong and having amazing gear. Yeah itā€™s nice to have these things, but Iā€™ll happily take my time to get there.

As for sitting and chatting with people, hell yeah Iā€™ll log in to this game for that. Nothing wrong with being social after all. Hell I logged in last night and pretty much spent 3 hours just talking (and getting murdered in duels) to people in Klaipeda, and I had a blast.

I respect your opinion though, we all enjoy the game in our own way of course.

I personally do it to get the classes Iā€™m excited for at the later ranks i.e sorcerer/shinobi/dragoon etc. because they have kickass costumes(sorcerer male, not so much) and skills(disregarding the actual viability lol)



I rush level because I want to pick my favorite classes and raise it further. Both Sorcerer and Necromancer stay at rank 5-6 and they have to be upgrade to circle 2-3 to be less useless.

The lack of content, event, reward and challenge in outdoor field made this game less sociality. Dungeons stale pretty quick.

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how can you get to max level if you skip a lot of content ? and what is this other content that the game offers ? more quests,dungeons,grind?

even a players with 3-4 hours only per day like me i already at 255 after 6 weeks
this game is pretty easy leveling

lvling fast can take much more advantages also

  • getting material, equiments, recipe first the sell at high price
  • control the world boss, control the market
  • have more experience than others
  • test the thing they want
  • having fun at achieving new ranks and class

this game have anymore content to skip ?

pve ? boring as hell
daily dungeon and mission also boring
story ? also boring as the hero vs devil old motive

pvp ? we donā€™t even have yet
1 v 1 duel ? no itā€™s most stupid pvp mode ever

so what this game have left ?
login to heard bgm from it ? no, i can heard it via youtube
art style ? sorry too tired for watching this game for months

you donā€™t need 24/7
those 24/7 people already have like 2-3 max lv character
i also have no idea how can they play like that, having one at high lv already make me boring enough and they have 2 or 3