Tree of Savior Forum

Why are people asking for captcha?

Gives you 30 minutes

Do it.

And does it really have to be client-side? I kinda doubt that.

I think captcha only hurts lazy players, that aren’t willing to input a small code, which is just absurd in my opinion. It’s like refusing to brush your teeth every morning and evening, because there’s nothing enjoyable about it, even though there are benefits.

Why would capcha’s need to be run client side?

Server generates an image from an algorithm and sends it to client
client sees image, gives answer
server considers answer and does something

You would be surprised how often this will happen in MMO.


Are we actually discussing about the system where a captcha will be shown immediately when someone right click and report bot? That’s what I’m disagreeing with.

The useless captcha system isn’t implemented yet.

He is saying if it was. You know I’d write a plugin to counter captcha and release it all over the forums, steam and all communities out of principle.

Edit: let’s all rejoice that captcha isn’t going to be implemented and ruin this great mmo

You people keep saying that.

I want someone to actually do it, lol.

It doesn’t have to be for a game. Just go and make a bot that will register on a forum with captcha on it’s own.

Apparently, every other person is a programmer here.

@chronosanct says it’s a good opportunity to be educated. I agree, if all your claims are true. I am in no way an expert on bots, I’m just talking based on my experiences in the past with older games.

So please, educate me.

So let’s take @Brobbulus’ claim.

30 minutes, go.

Any forum with a captcha or even if you can find some random old game with a captcha. Go ahead and write whatever you wanted to write and make the bot bypass it.

Record it all. I’ll be back in 30 minutes.

This shows that your under 20.

How can you write something to a problem when the system isn’t even implemented. Autism is a powerful drug isn’t it kid?

All I can easily see on this thread is that people seem to ignore my points completely and/or keep on insisting I’m suggesting something completely different, or expecting something completely different.

I wish humans were as efficient on learning and accepting information as you claim computer learning and automation is :pensive:

@Brobbulus [quote=“Brobbulus, post:61, topic:188841”]
Captchas are not a clever solution because they run client-side.

Is it really impossible to implement it based on the server side database? If so, then the whole systme would truly be pointless. Captchas on internet pages aren’t client side though, why it can’t be on mmorpgs then?

This is an example of how a captcha is solved distributively. It can be integrated into bots easily especially by gold seller seeing as how the gold seller can give incentive for player to do it.

He don’t have to write one, it already exist, although it’s a different system from what he suggested.

Now you are just being salty because captcha is actually a retarded system, proven by many.

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It happens a lot in maplestory. There were some maps where a Mage character could hit the entire screen with their normal skills. for some reason this looked exactly like a hacking bot, and virtually any mage could get banned from only a few reports. Want to farm an area? get 10 people to report him and he’s gone.

Once you get a playerbase large enough there isn’t any feasable way to fact check reports, all you can go by is volume.

Here is a simple free and open-source proof of principal for 1 specific type of simple captcha. There are many many more techniques that can solve more advanced ones…

That’s way too simple captcha system and nothing like what I’ve suggested.

I may have said in a more broader sense at one point that captcha would solve everything, but I don’t really believe that.

However, I think it will completely remove the amateur bot users, that aren’t even doing it for the money, OR they are, but just starting out and have no idea on how to deal with things yet.

Either way, captcha system would serve it’s purpose, it won’t solve everything, but it will help in combination with other preventive measures, like reporting.

I think the best way to deal with bots is to throw as much ■■■■ as we can on them, no matter how insignificant a bother it is to them. Including of course a more advanced anti-cheat system, that will of course also be bypassed by some, after which we would have captcha and reporting to make their lives harder and maybe even something else in addition.

@Brobbulus @chronosanct @Solkazo

Let’s be honest. Captcha that changes names of files automatically every day, would need to also be updated daily by the actual developer of the bot (or the person using the bot, that also has a knowledge to do so). It doesn’t mean that it prevents them from doing that, but that’s quite a chore for them to do every day.

My point being, making their life harder is what will stop them. Trying to come up with just a single system that will cover everything? I don’t really think that’s possible for a f2p game.

Of course you can generate the picture somewhere else, but at some point you will have to deliver it to the client, and at that point some software can start playing with it. Others have pointed out how this works and what the tools look like. As I said, you can hurt legit players, and maybe bad bots with this, but whoever uses a bot to earn big money with it won’t be intimidated by a captcha.

The point of captchas shouldn’t be trying to be unsolvable for the botting company but to make it tedious enough to keep their botting software up to date. When this goes on, the constant investment makes it less profitable for the goldsellers.

You ignore the point that there are also many many ways to create captcha that is complicated for the bot to solve it easily.

It won’t be as tedious for the big fish who can use the system I suggested as compared to players who actually have to fill them without reward.

Well if you bother to read my earlier posts, I want captcha that won’t hurt the gaming experience in the first place. It should be triggered only after certain suspicious activity that normal users won’t do. And since it’s relatively cheap and easy system to implement that way and update it, I think it should be added to the list of tools to hinder the botters.

The main goal of it should never be for trying to make it fool proof.

Please read my previous posts and stop ignoring them and then suggesting things I didn’t mean and am against :sob:

I’m not sure there’s such a thing as suspicious behavior bots will do that players won’t.

Current bots are apparently running the 90 dungeon and selling dozens of Arde daggers. Not sure how you pick which player is a bot automatically.

Yep. Read the second answer to this topic. It’s still pointless though… You can get them somewhere else more efficiently.

People suggesting and supporting captcha are just the ignorant and have no idea how bots work. This is why IMC shouldn’t be listening to this retarded community.

Not you again. You’ve proven yourself to be an idiot.

Captcha is just a lazy script generator that can be worked around by implementing auto captcha. Google auto captcha to inform yourself thanks.

Captcha is the laziest form of combatting bots.

I think people that are against it are just assuming that we want captcha system as a singular preventive measure, which, for me at least is not the case.

I know captcha will stop the z-jammers, I know it will stop the amateur bot users. That’s good enough reason for me to have it in the game, UNTIL they come up with a better solution for the more advanced bot users.

I think that captcha system AND reporting system with dedicated staff that investigates reports would solve most of the issues.

Is it primitive? Yes. Is it better than doing nothing? Yes.

No reason not to do it, until they figure out a better solution that isn’t as intrusive.

Captcha system for the newbie cheaters. Reporting for the advanced cheaters. :stuck_out_tongue:

This is sugestion thread, people who dont like captchas can suggest a better solution ?