Tree of Savior Forum

Why are people asking for captcha?

This is probably the worst idea I’ve read from the community. Single handedly this feature would cause me to quit and it worries me that people see it as a solution to a problem.

For those who are not up to scratch with this silly idea. People want captcha to pop up every hour in the belief it will solve the bot problem. You would need to fill out a form to continue playing every hour.

Games in 2004 used captcha, very low quality and budget games used this as a method to stop bots. Often these games were free to play and populated by a special group of players.

The idea is flawed and terrible. What game punishes you for playing in 2016?

  • You are in the middle of a boss fight. Captcha pops up - gg dead
  • you are making a pull. Captcha pops up - gg dead
  • playing 5 hours? Fill out the form 5 times… Gets annoying no?

I never feel a need to create topics like this but since reading the forums I’ve just feel compelled to explain why this idea is probably the worst I’ve ever seen suggested in gaming history.

I’ve noticed no EU player suggesting this idea (I feel privileged to play with the EU community… Seriously)


I agree. I’m not a fan of it at all.[quote=“Darkon, post:60, topic:121453”]

But I hate captchas. And they’d require additional coding to allow forgiveness for when they undoubtedly make their way on the screen of a legitimate player who is mid-boss or something. Can’t punish them while they try to solve a mishmash pop-up. I’d venture to say even the Reaper idea wouldn’t work well since targeting is horrible at times. Want to hit monster X? Press Tab 4 times, hop in a circle, press tab 2 more times, press tab again when the tree root crystal is targetted, and voila! Now you can hit the mob you wanted. Reapers would probably get targeted by accident by legitimate players and, even then, they’d open up a whole other mess of bugs (what happens if you get hit by a reaper just as you transition? Can you somehow make the reaper visible to other players to kill them? Can you debuff this reaper through unorthodox means and have it kill mobs/bosses for you? etc etc etc).

It’s the dreaded captcha but, compared to a million bots, I’d take it in a heartbeat. For now lol


EU player here. Can confirm captcha suggestion is crap!

Ok let’s be serious, I could understand bringing up a captcha after some server-side bot checks do flag a player (not because of ingame reports though, because of trolling in boss fights etc.), BUT a captcha isn’t guaranteed to work. Some ppl could misinterpret it, and a good bot will alert it’s user and try to solve it itself if the user doesn’t respond in 15 to 20 seconds. I’d build it this way.

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i still like my own idea of a captcha system tied to the bot report function, having it only show up on a player that has been reported as bot numerous times, with a 1 hour cooldown once the captcha has been entered correctly.

this way the legitimate players will never have to deal with this crap, and the 1 hour cooldown prevents abusing the system.

A good bot can actually solve a captcha itself.

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It’s a suggestion, sure it’s useless with modern captcha solvers. unless you can come up with something better.

You would expect the bots by gold seller is moderated. I agree that captcha is pointless.

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Alright. How about what blizzard did? Hash detection on the client to check for injections or any detection of software that interacts with the client?

Removes man hours completely and a modern method instead of out dated 10+ year old methods.

“Oh, look, they want to compete us on that world boss! Let’s all report their DD for botting, so he gets a captcha while running from the boss!”

It totally depends how you implement it. Like disabling it during dungeons or in vicinity of world bosses, gvg events etc. And making some kind of conditions that trigger it, like not moving at all and spamming auto attack from long periods of time or farming on the same map for hours or getting many reports etc.

And updating the captcha type every now and then to prevent automated answers.

There’s potential to make it sort of extra feature to harass the botters some more while not affecting the gameplay of normal users. The constant time interval captcha would be horrible and I bet not many who suggested the idea meant that.

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Who suggests to enter those captcha, to the banalena don’t understand programming. Because of a lack of knowledge they stupidly complicate life only to honest players.
In one game such way didn’t save situation as boats have learned to sort pixel any for a long time I smoke and to find out what should be inserted.


There is better solutions, i talked to GM and they said they were implementing some today. Lets hope.

There is no justification for captcha.

Big successful MMORPG world of Warcraft. How many captcha windows pop up?

The answer is in reporting and automatic cheat detection.

like i said, 1 hour cooldown prevents abusing this.
if it happens midfight simply allow the captcha viewer to keep control of his character for 1 more minute until he is locked and forced to solve it.

also imc already stated they are looking into ways to reward legit reports and punish those who abuse it

Not even if it was implemented in a way that it would be really hard for normal player to trigger it popping up?

Yes, if you have the revenue of Blizzard. Now does IMC have that huge player base and game that has been running for so long so that they have already got back their investment and are now on the positive side on their budget?

I played ELOA which had Captchas once in a while (can’t remember how often but it didn’t feel like it was too often anyhow). I didn’t find it annoying at all because you had time to finish what you’re doing and fill out the captcha.

However, I’ve heard that they’re not effective against certain types of bots anyhow.

I think you would be surprised how easy it is to develop cheat detection algorithm methods like blizzards warden.

Captcha doesn’t stop the bots anyways. Aura Kingdom and Cabal had captchas, bots still rampant.

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This is a triple a game or near enough. What game of high standard has captchas. Its lazy programming. There are plenty of ways to detect bots. Hell you could even make it a game feature where we get rewards for punishing them.

Their thought process is probably something like “finding something as annoying as possible for the bots”.
They’re just missing that the point is to not annoys the legit players…

This can be sorted out :smiley: