Tree of Savior Forum

Why are people asking for captcha?

World of warcraft is not a example for nothing, there is a lot of bots in and a auto-detection dont solve anything, people just bot as usual and if u get a ban u can buy another account and continuous to do the same thing. Tree of savior will be f2p totaly diferente IMC cant profit with the system like blizzard. Blizzard system didnt prevent bots or RMT , just profit with that.

If implementing a captch helps with bot problem, this shoud be implemented.

They already stated that they will punish people that abuse the report function.

And people like myself who will quit if they have to enter captcha every hour ? I’m willing to buy tokens for real cash. If they want to lose customers like me, sure implement one if the worst antibot methods from 10+ years ago.

You’re free to play another game if u doesnt like the methods implemented here. There is no perfect method to stop people botting, as i said blizzard method dindnt prevent it. I’am talking it cause i was a botter in blizzard games, but i stop with it.

I still would like to hear if there even exists someone who bothered to actually think about it and still suggesting this. Your opinion is exactly as little thought out as theirs, if you even manage to find someone supporting the idea of simple time interval captcha.

So basically you think that it’s good to annoys players if botters are annoyed too ?
Because a captcha will not annoy a botter more that it would annoy a player…

The only difference is that some are here for fun while the other are here for work.
And I will not talk about the fact that it could be easier to automatically solve a captcha rather than manually…

That’s not going to work. I don’t think IMC can be strict with that because if you actually punished someone who reported a real bot, all of a sudden no one will be reporting anymore.

I can always report someone who looks like a bot but isn’t a bot, for my own benefit.

You can, and you will be banned instead, or whatever they decide as a punishment.

Why would they punish anyone who reported a real bot?

In-depth investigation prevents all of the concerns that you’re having.

Imagine someone who actually reported a bot that’s actually just an imitation to fk over another.

For example, let me act like a bot so that these retards will report me and get punished.

Then he gets punished anyway, because in-depth investigation proves that he was pretending.

Obviously, people who reported should always take some screenshots and even a video, so they can defend themselves in the case that you are describing there.

  • Proof that he looked like a bot
  • Whispering with no replies
  • Asking them in general chat

If you can show these three things, you had every right to be suspicious of him, so even if he’s trolling, it’s his own fault and he should be punished anyway for doing that.

That’s different from the report system that I said could be easily abused. Lol.

Again, what if I closed my message box? The message box is always bugged nowaday anyway, due to having message stuck to the bottom.

You can’t really tell if someone is pretending or just plain ignoring you, or is a real bot.

Your system can be abused in another way, if I want to interrupt someone from farming, I can always disrupt someone by forcing him to produce evidence.

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I’m shocked at your attitude.

If I don’t want to talk to you, I won’t.
If I don’t want to stand still because your “investigating” me. I won’t.

I should be banned because I think your an arsehole and don’t want to talk to you in game?

Infact how old are you?

I have no idea why you think the captcha would have to pop in front of your screen.

U guys talking if u get one ■■■■■■■ single report u are under investihstion

Captchas are the most annoying ■■■■ ever made and the only ones who are not affected by these are, guess what, bots. They will automatically solve these after like 3 days.

The only people suggesting that ■■■■ are morons. Sorry to be so blunt about it.

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Your own fault if you ignore people checking if you’re a bot.

There’s only so much convenience players can have, when the developer is trying to fight these animals.

People need to get on board with how the things are, simple.

You forgot that we can actually sabotage someone by repeatedly doing this until that someone started to ignore you and you take the evidence.

Or, having multiple people to bully one poor player.

I completely agree with the first part of your statement. CAPTCHA doesn’t stop bots.

But I think there are many many reasons why people still think they are effective. They are probably not well read up on the latest advances in computer learning and automation. I see this as an opportunity to educate and not throw put-downs around.

EDIT: A really simple google search shows just how easy it is to find solutions for automating CAPTCHAS (even using human mechanical turk style implementations to solve them ‘automatically’)

Now you’re just going into extremity with it. No one’s going to do that.

Anyway in case of bullying, it’s easier for the bullied to prove that they are just ganging up on him, than it is for them that he is using a bot.

Since you know, there’s no consequences for the bullied in this case. They can’t threaten him or anything to do something if he tells on them. It ain’t high school, lol.

Give me 30 minutes and I can write you a tool that will display you all files every morning, so you can update your database of what file contains what letter.

Captchas are not a clever solution because they run client-side. Anything that runs client-side is object to manipulation by the bots and thus will be manipulated by them. The problem is that the guys who earn their money by running bots are already good at this. You can’t hurt them with captchas.

The captcha suggestion is as flawed as the trade restrictions are: Yes, you might hurt botters, but you also do hurt legit players. Big time.

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