Tree of Savior Forum

Who said Swordsman is weak :P

Assuming you’re a Barb-Doppel cause the damage contribution…

Stated by the self-proclaimed best Doppelsoeldner on Silute?

I’m just answering OP’s thread title.

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What is your build so ? :slight_smile:


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How nice your build, Monster Card and Attributes Max you got :heart_eyes: Need to follw your build in someday, but not sure for Attribute Max :frowning:


I’m skeptical, the two people with 0 kills on your team may have carried your silly swordie ass and you’re here braggin hoping we ignore that.

The match was really long,prolly 3 X 2, the strongest classes usually stack to 3 x 0/3 x 1.

One of them is prolly a Cryo-Chrono, because haste is just too good for melee, that’s one of the biggest enablers for swordies.

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Thank you so much for your advice sir.

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nah pvp its not good, even this doppel build (u can pvp but u will get ur ass kicked most of the time)
unles u go sword3>cata3>X>lancer u are underpowered in pvp

pve, most swordsman will do a lot of dps with R8, and right now doppel can get rank 1 without big problems (if u take highlander 3 >barb 1)

buuuuuut since most of the time the rank won’t change anything (unles wb…) sometimes i end up in 4 or 5 cus i stop fighting for more than 10 secs to use DPE

Murmillo did better than Lancer.

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Happy to see you found your strength in the path you love :3

awesome, so murmilo work on pvp too =)
maybe sword3>rode3>corsair>murmilo for a pvp build?
or pelt2>rode3>corsair>murmilo for a pvp/pve build?

Yes, because Murmillo fix the problem of swordsman dying all over the place (Cassis Crista). Lancer dont have any defense mechanism to go in. Dragoon 2 can fight at range, Murmillo at close range. Lancer more like an opportunistic killer for me, unless you have 50k+ HP to survive that magic barrage. Lancer skills are all melee, you expose yourself too much thats why you see that lancer running most of the time. 26k HP from that Lancer seems not enough.

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so murmilo new pvp meta =)
so pelt2>rode3>corsair>murm

all can work…u need a bit dex so u don’t miss, u need a LOT of CON and some STR so ppl don’t block ur atacks…

Swordsman are nice and they can be key at PVP if they are cata or corsair only. You sure can deal high amounts of dmg, but it wont make your team to win.

Cmon, it is nice to be the MVP but you still lose the game cuz Doppel doesnt have much to add at PVP. You just deal dmg, as any other Archer or WL, but you dont have the utility.

doppel is a pve machine, suck pvp tho =/

and u don’t even need peltast for that

Yup. The Doppel at my guild get first rank at 280 bosses every single time. Pretty nice.