Tree of Savior Forum

Wheres the PVP content?

Im rank 7 now and neve made a pvp on my life. Theres no PVP instance ? open pvp maps ?


it’s a PvE game.

PvP is at best an afterthought for this game.

it’ll come, eventually, after all the basic stuff is running stable.

I think that daily quests that requires you to participate in PvP would be really interesting, a lot of people in this forum(including myself) theorycraft builds for PvP even though they’ve never played PvP themselves. I think it would be a pretty good way to introduce players to PvP.

  • low level players wouldn’t be forced to duel against high level players obviously -

Team Battle League is already ready in the game files though, it’s just a matter of them wanting to open it.

i agree with you



Not really, PVP is designed into the class system.

But yea currently all we have for pvp is GvG

I wouldnt ask for pvp since the majority have brain seizures at the mere mention of pvp especially world pvp.

They want this to be their own maplestory where they can run around and look cute. I made a thread a while ago talking about world pvp and everyone foamed at the mouth.

If the devs give it to us that would be great but there are too many crybabies that will implode from having it mentioned on the forums. Dont think this thread will do well.

It will come. If you’ve ever wondered why there’s an news/announcement/patchnotes etc section on the main website you may find an update they’re talking about implementing very soon that’s oreintated around PvP. Just a thought :wink:

link it or go away with your stupid fortune-teller garbage.

the sections are for posting the news, announcements, patchnotes, etc.

From the dev blog post:

There are PvP arenas in kToS. I am not sure why the devs are waiting to implement it in iToS… but they must have a reason.

Maybe they are waiting for PvP mechanics to be balanced a bit more in kToS, so they can avoid all the rage and bad reviews that will come if they expose iToS to a broken PvP?

Also, as @elysium pointed out, they are working on a GvG Guild Wars system, but I am pretty sure we won’t see that until PvP is balanced.

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Haha, which funny because they(kTOS) just recently rolled out PvP specific balance changes in the form of nerfs to Cryo freeze and Plague Doctor bloodletting, which iTOS has not implemented because … because … well there’s no excuse and I can’t be bothered to defend something indefensible.

Here’s to hoping they hurry their asses up because people are getting rightfully impatient.

Our servers arent even stable yet and you guys want them to start working on pvp? thats probably the last thing on there minds right now.

I rather the pve aspect of the game gets fixed like the bugs on quests and our servers being less laggy and they fixed our FPS problems PVP is an after thought at this point.

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And I hate PvP with a passion, so +1 to this.

I would rather the servers function before multiple 24hr maintenance’s to transfer communities to new servers that don’t work. But we all know how that went.

I get 24 hour maints suck I am with you on that but people need to be playing on servers that give them the best ping. Pvp is not needed at this point considering it takes a ton of time to balance how many classes we have? 80? and many more classes on its way in the future?

Pvp will be worked on just not at the moment maybe down the line but as it stands right now bugs/FPS/Lag when multiple players are on the same screen need fixing.

How is pvping going to work when FPS drops down to 5 every time 5 or more people are on the same screen? how is that remotely fun at all? it isn’t thats why pvp will be the last thing they think about working on.

If only there was a Korean server we could copy balance changes from to make it easy / efficient.

I agree pvp is not the most important thing but it would be a easy implement considering they could just let KToS do the balancing and follow till they have the time to manage it them selves.

And yes i would agree server stability issue are by far top priority.

Fun Fact: Nexon KR hates Nexon USA. I’m sure I don’t need to tell you why.

Now apply that fun fact to other game companies based in Korea that have US branches.

You know what every company likes? Profit.

Keeping your players happy and playing = profit.

Well… They only apply in arena. So why would they implement it here if we dont have arena yet…