Tree of Savior Forum

Open up PvP Team Battle League

Now that a good sizeable portion of the playerbase has hit R5 and above, I think it shouldn’t hurt to open up 5v5 and 2v2 PvP Team Battle League. Some of us are tired of doing missions, world bosses and dungeons at late game and would like to participate some actual PvP content. And it’s a good alternative to get a few exp cards along the way through non-PvE content too.

(Btw in case you are wondering why R5 - that’s the rank requirement for participation in PvP. Levels and gears are then equalized)

The infrastructure and all the related stuff is already there - so at this point it is merely a question of turning it on. For those who are new to TOS PvP, it can be accessed via the Fedimian NPC for Team Battle League (used to be able to directly join from Adventure Journal).

Can’t wait to play it! @Staff_Julie @hkkim


bump, why is it still not working?

agree i have time waiting for arena… hope soon :slight_smile:

So, lets say, i go in at level 173, full cafrisun set, and fight a level 250 guy with better equips and at rank 7, with more stats than me:

Am i not going to be destroyed?
Is evryone put on the same level and stats?
Gear scales?
Stats scale?

Im confused.

Enough PVE already. We need PVP, even if we don’t have a guild.

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Yeah battle league soon people capping out their characters at least pvp to keep us entertained until new pve content is released.

Yes please, even if its buggy and unbalanced still

+++ need pvp, turn it on imc, or say when it would be work

Is this functionality waiting for f2p access?? Because there is no another reason to be disabled still

Still waiting. Come on, turn it on man, people really want to get in on the action

i second all these posts, open it up. my full built pvp character is without cause rite now.

any update? 20characters/

Pls open team battle league~ we are getting bored now~.

Up, Plz PVP is NEEDED! <3

pvp please
20 characters

still not up?? any news, This is getting really annoying from the radio silence of IMC

Agreeeeed we need that

GM when will TBL open? Give us a date please.

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keeping up