Tree of Savior Forum

Wheres the PVP content?

Man oh man, if only the PvP Team Battle League system is already in the game files. Oh what? You’re telling me that it is? That it has been functionally working on the Korean side for months? What?? Then why haven’t they turned it on???

I don’t know man, I don’t know.

Best argument in the thread hands down. I dislike something that I’m not even participating in in the first place, so therefore other people should not enjoy it.

IMC self-publishes in the international version. Nothing here involves nexon USA, at all. IMC is in charge of development both on the Korean and international side.

Well I was responding more to Daenerys’s possible hypothetical argument that PvP arena is not activated here because of balance. And therefore that argument would be invalidated by the fact that balance changes ARE available, just that they have not been brought over, so there’s no actual excuse not to have the arena which is already ready to be enabled.

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So what if arena is not enabled at the moment? There are bigger issues at hand that need fixing before they even think about pvp.

FPS drop is a huge one
Quests being bugged
New servers being brought up and transfering players to the right servers.

You say people need to be happy to make a profit? they need fix and do these three things before any pvp is being worked on and enabling arena does nothing because as it stands Pvp is basically who has a Priest C3 with stone skin thats it thats all.

Yes these are my opinions but it just boggles my mind why people want pvp when the core issues havent even been addressed yet then those same people cry and complain that those same issues havent been fixed!!!

You know what I call you type of people? The “NOW NOW NOW” generation you want everything NOW and think everything will be fixed with a flip of a switch.

In case you have not noticed people complained about new servers in different regions and rightly so and guess what? IMC put servers where they were needed was there even a thanks towards IMC? nope more complaining.

People complained about no 1v1 trading for free to play players and guess what? they changed that too was there a thanks for that? nope more complaining.

Yes this has become a rant and yes I know most complaints are legit but give IMC a dang break they are sorting through the biggest problems to the smallest and guess what? PVP like it or not is the smallest problem at the moment on that list.

Call me a white knight or whatever but since i started on these forums which was basically the start of open beta all i have read is 99% complaint and crying threads nothing positive even when IMC changes things you guys complain about i still dont see any positive threads.

Also I know people want the best for the game but the threads I have skimmed through the past couple of days are just petty BS threads and its quite sad.

Once again i agree there are issues more important, i don’t particularly care for the transfer one.

But the thing is pvp arena is not a big ordeal to implement it already exists. They are not building anything from scratch or searching for a error with a unknown cause, its a simple implementation. Also it would make the pvp players happy and probably increase their tolerance, while they wait for the important fixes.

For such little effort it seems like a big benefit to IMC.

Sure it would make the pvpers happy I am actually one of them believe it or not but I know what will happen.

Arena is enabled
Arena is fun for a bit
People cry about FPS drops(if there are any)
People cry about Priest C3 Stone Skin
People continue to cry about stone skin and continue to spam forums over and over with the same thing.

just my opinion tho i guess.

Also you say you dont care about the server transfers but guess what? a HUGE amount of players do because a lot of our player base is BR or whatever.

Oh, i thought u were talking about the balance changes werent implemented and there is no reason, since thats how it is written. my bad.

Also, they add one or 2 balance changes, so you say arena is ready? I dont think that invalidates his reason. It just means that its on its way to being there.

Not that i have any opinion on it though. It will be here when its here.

People already do that - so no change

People already spam the forum with stupid ■■■■ like class resets , i deleted my pet, etc ,etc

Whats one more topic?

All i see is this would give some enjoyment for a small amount of work and the forums would remain the same.

I feel as though your just disagreeing because you have been arguing with elysium who can be a little abrasive.

whats one more? dude its not just ONE its MULTIPLE threads spammed over and over again about the same issue people these days dont know how to keep one thread alive about the same subject because either one they dont know how to use the search function or two they think their voice is more important then the other ppl that have made a thread about the same issue guess which it is? give you a hint you cant be wrong with either choice you make cause its freaking both!!!

People really go at it when the servers are down, don’t they.

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Actually I have not argued with that person because I know how to ignore people. I am arguing about this because I understand how things take time and people these days are impatient and like I said in my other post “generation NOW NOW NOW”

I understand its an easy flip of the switch to enable Arena but all it is going to do is cause more chaos then its worth in the end which again is my opinion you can disagree with it or not I do not mind everyone is different.

Alright fair enough.

So your issue is with the additional complaints that would come with it at this point in time.

Not that there would be any issue implementing it.

So your concern is more with the effect it would have on the games rating /moral then? if it didn’t go over well.

[quote=“igor_lavor, post:28, topic:243132, full:true”]
People really go at it when the servers are down, don’t they.
[/quote]Fun times. You’ll miss it when the servers go up.
(Actually not, it’ll still be noisy :dizzy_face: )

Yes too much negativity as it is on these forums. Agree to disagree I guess at this point.

the only pvp i know of is dueling and guild wars

Guys you are asking something that is not important. We really have lots of things need to be fixed, but the most important I can think of right now is optimization. This is the most important thing right now other than RMT. We really should be patience instead of asking IMC to push stupid stuff which will make them delay the important stuff.

Please read above why already discussed why this is a invalid excuse.

Optimization have to come first or pvp is pointless. Even gvg right now is pretty dumb since a rig that can run gta v on ultra can’t even go above 15fps on 20v20 gvg. And I run gw2 WvW 100v100 at 40fps constantly, optimization have to be the priority here. I really think IMC should delay the f2p and get their sh1t together instead of just thinking of opening it to f2p for more profit.

That part i agree with lol.


we are taking abou team battle league, it takes weeks to get to max lvl

soon maybe

like next year LUL