Tree of Savior Forum

What's your biggest concern?

Restricting dungeon entries won’t magically make the market healthy.
People who want to farm for the sake of selling tons of crap on the market will simply do it on alts or multiple accounts.

It won’t stop those who want to manipulate the market. Those people will just make multiple characters on multiple accounts.

Also, aren’t you forgetting something?..
You can only sell 5 items simultaneously on the market. So basically, this makes the dungeon restriction very pointless. Even if you overfarm the item drops, you can only put 5 different items at the same time on the market.

besides balance and endgame, i’m concerned out the game’s longevity


I always pick a Goatee whenever I can to connect the char with me. That’s the only thing I need. -hehe-

My biggest concern unfortunately IS Token/TP-store, but specifics in this thread in case anyone wants to read it.

But then there is the multiple layers of limitations on Team Storage (need Token to use at all, being able to put in one item at a time, and items losing potential as with normal trading). As some dev noted in an interview, we’re playing a Team, not a single character, and I really don’t see why sharing items between your own characters would need limitations at all.
Also, it being the kind of game-mechanic it is, would it not make more sense for it to be treated like “character slots” rather than being part of the Token-effect? In other words, say you have 0/1 Storage slot by default, and you can buy more slots if you want, but the point is that it’s permanent rather than a temporary VIP feature.

Now to actual gameplay related ones (which I only deem less improtant atm because they have room of improvement later, whereas core features and cash-shop less so.)

  1. Game difficulty
    The monster/boss AI doesn’t seem that complex. And I fear that when content expands a few 100 levels higher than the current cap, that all we will see is the NUMBERS getting higher. In other words, that the bosses will simply have absurdly high HP, 50times more than possible to survive damage output, ridiculous self-buffs etc (requiring very narrow and specific sets of classes and equipment, rather than actual playing skill with a plethora of possible set ups), instead of the difficulty coming from how the monsters/bosses behave and the ways to defeat them requiring players to be good at controlling their character/timing/evading in combination to taking precautions to the monsters skills etc.
    An end-game boss, should not be reduced to essentially behaving like the first boss in the game once you have the right set-up. The bosses need to feel unique and diverse in their AI, not just looks and data.

  2. Class balance
    some Classes ending up being forgotten in the balancing aspect eventually, while priorty being given to improving ones that are already everyones favourites. (main victims atm are Hunters, Squires, Bokors, Rodeleros…)

  3. Grinding not feeling viable
    I still feel like the gap between how much EXP quests/dungeons give and how fast you’re going if you just go grind some appropriate place is way too big (Mob density also plays a big role here of course).
    When you have players develop the mentality where they discuss how to “avoid” the grind (like it’s an unbearable chore) by strategically saving EXP cards and doing the optimal amount of dungeon-runs etc., something is off. Grinding should feel like a legit option IMO (of course not to the point where no one would do quests/dungeons anymore, but it at least should feel like you’re getting something out of it).
    There have been steps in the right direction already recently (rewards feature for map exploration, number of same monsters killed, EXP-cards dropping from monsters occasionally, all very welcome additions), but it needs more. I found some interesting parts of some maps, like crystals collecting “energy” from monsters beign defeated around them, and after enough of that, a huge amount of monsters spawning - that’s an interesting approach, we could use a lot of puzzles and interesting features like this for random maps that spice the grind up.
    Also I’m not sure why the exp for 1-100 were doubled not too long ago, when that’s the part of the game when you can essentially level from quests and dungeons alone, while the late-game is apparently going to be much harsher already anyway. So people get used to easy EXP from all sources besides grinding for the early game, and then they’re meant to shift towards grinding when it’s on multiple levels worse than what they’ve been avoiding so far?
    Oh and the “blue monsters” could use a re-work. Or rather, leave those as is, but add some “in-between”-concepts. Ie, not THAT rare, but also not THAT better.
    I mean, imagine you kill 30 of the same monsters on a map, and then see a bigger version of them spawn, which has like 15x HP and 30x EXP or something. Anyhow, lots of room for making grinding interesting.

  4. Early classes falling off.
    The devs said once that it was intentional, but since it’s clearly not the case with a ton of specific skills from early classes remaining crucial and worthwhile 5 ranks later, I feel like in that case, there should be more of an attempt at keeping them all useful to some degree (not saying they shouldn’t be overshadowed by new awesome R7 class, but if I really invest into an R2-class and get it to its C3, it should keep being a relevant aspect of my character for the rest of the game).
    Right now, some early classes have amazing scaling, while others are sort of waste of ranks. I would love to see as many combinations being viable as possible. Perhaps even if one does something a bit crazy like taking both R2-classes and taking them to C3. Sure, it shouldn’t be the best build, but at least it shouldn’t feel like a gimped character. The bottom-line however is this: CONSISTENCY across the classes. Either have all early classes fall-off or let them all stay relevant.

  5. Features that reward solo-play over partying with friends (sure there aren’t many atm, but that 600% EXP for the partyfinder system on kTOS for example sounds wrong).

  6. Companions
    Their AI and general usefulness and relevance. But I’d imagine that is going to be getting improvements sooner or later.

These were the ones from the top of my head right now.


inb4. this game too much depend on ping to get optimize dmg. especially as an auto-attacker build. sea server is all i want. will spend all my fortunes if there is sea server. no kappa.

Im actually pretty content so far, now that i think about it. I like how the classes are setup, some have requirements some don’t, some have restrictions. i think it adds to the fun of trying to make a build because you have to make alot of sacrifices to get what you want.

ive been buiding builds for like 6 months and I STILL dont 100% know what build i want… its been like 6 months…im having the time of my life and i havent even been playing the game.

one of my biggest concern is the level of difficulty. i played the cbt and it was pretty easy, although i only got to lvl 75. im going to assume that it gets much harder later on.

looking forward to

  • elite mobs
  • elite bosses
  • elite dungeons

like stuff that you can barely win as a team, let alone by yourself.

also, team storage is very important or some sort of item transfer between characters in team. im concerned on how limited this is. i would love to grind for items with my PVE character then give them to my PVP character

but id like to reiterate the linearity the game is. an initial introduction to the story and game mechanics is cool but god damn, i couldn’t care less about the story to be honest. i would HATE to do this EVERYTIME i create a character. especially since quests are the best way to level up.

thanks for listening to the community @Staff_Julie. although your limited on what you can actually accomplish, the sense of being listened to and valued will make me stay with this game for a long time


I just want knuckles for Monks! I’m sick of the mace it just doesn’t fit the class :frowning:


what? do you dont normally punch with hammers? wierdo


This is a big one for me. the only way to truly have this game stay 80 classes and not 8 classes is to keep early classes completely independent and viable. I would love to see an end game c3 archer c3 ranger or something be competitive with musketeer etc.

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I agree the point about Boss Monsters! They are way too slow, even in higher levels. Adjusting a boss’ HP so that it just takes longer to kill is not fun, it’s just boring. I often see the bosses not have a “regular attack”, like a move that doesn’t “charge up,” or show a warning. This regular attack would range from a simple slash-like move that they could spam as fast ,and as frequently ,as say hunters shoot arrows/ swordsmen slash their swords. Bosses should be able to do this in between larger attacks that “charge up,” thus making these larger attacks more meaningful and allowing a boss to actually hurt you rather than just place traps, warn where they’re going to shoot and hope that you get hit in one or the other.

They should be faster, mobility wise, and be able to rush to their largest aggro, not just walk to a corner/ coordinate that’s kind of near where you’re standing, or just moved from, and horribly attempt to hit you as you just move out of the way. These bosses are primitive, with a blood-lust, they should be quick on their feet with an innate sense of directionality, allowing them to speedily follow your path of movement, make predictions and hone in on your location quicker.

This was, and still is my biggest concern. I’m all for casual gaming and I love laid back games too, but boring bosses aren’t fun even in casual games. I don’t want to chip away at a wall just to progress through a story. That takes away from the significance of said story.

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Same. Hammers look dumb.

spot on, also if monks has the same mechanics as RO that would be great. combo chaining skills and meaningful damage.

literally really good in RO. here they are just physical damage filler.

Worry about hacks, in iCbt this game were easily hacked

@Staff_Julie I wish there was a TL;DR for this, but here is the opinion of myself and my 21 guildmates. If this isn’t a proactive PR post/topic, then this might be of some small value to you and your team.

Now this isn’t Ragnarok Online, and it shouldn’t be treated as such, but its great to see a true spiritual successor, and I’d like to do my part to make it better.

I actively work in the game industry (I do QA work), so as I’m sure you are aware, meaningful critique should come with suggestions and expected results. I will try to keep my suggestions related to easy to change solutions (usually a numerical value). Onward!

==Enemies are lacking in difficulty==

Problem: High HP is fine, but there is no sense of urgency when the monster barely fights back.

Suggestion: Let them swing faster, at a minimum. Give them skill usage. AI should be a bit more aggressive.

Result: The threat of death will force players to make strategic choices within your game. This typically means more enjoyment and brand loyalty because they put effort into what they have.

==Enemy difficulty: Part 2==

Problem: Too many passive enemies. Its like your developers placed them there simply to die, not to engage/challenge the player when approached.

Suggestion: It’d be best to increase monster face pull range. I’d say 100 units would be great. (The length of Thaumaturges level 1 Teleport to my understanding.)

Result: Players progress at a reasonable pace. This minorly lengthens content, and forces the players to think of different strategies for success ,therefore feeling accomplished.

==DEX is too good==

Problem: A rather small issue. DEX is too powerful. You must have high dex to compete with others dodge in PvP. So how do you fix this?

Suggestion Short of just adding a new stat… Don’t allow evasion to go up with level. Let DEX evasion scale with 1 to 1.5. (Or your choice of math.)

Result: High DEX builds will still flee for a main source of defense. STR players can now choose to opt in for DEX for more accuracy, but high dex will still reap the benefits of more criticals and never missing. Archer vs. archer battles would get intense, and build diversity would be a welcome change.

==Defense isnt worth anything==

Problem: Defense (Phys or Magic) feels like a worthless stat. No one even considers using the Armor increase on Squire because its so bad. Its almost a trap.

Suggestion: Increase its effectiveness. Make it matter to the player.

Result: Build diversity and a very easy nob to tweak for PvP balance and bosses.

==Class Growth==
Note: I honestly could write an essay here. I will use Swordsman/Peltasta as an example to keep this at a reasonable length.

Problem: Simply put, it feels bad to have about 1/3 of your character’s build be useless late game. Swordsman/Peltasta is a great example of this. Have you noticed a huge majority of builds think Peltasta c1 is a necessary thing? Have you noticed how everyone complains base Swordsman skills suck? (Also, High guard is really awful. Negative a flat amount of attack is much better than punishing the player for building STR and DEX. Terrible design really. This makes Concentation counter it somewhat. Making 2 skills worthwhile in one change.)

Suggestion: Scaling needs to reward players for class loyalty. Make c2/c3 of the same class interact with prior skills. Highlander is a perfect example of this with the debuffs leading into more damage. It rewards the player for going c3. Something like Peltasta’s Umbo Thrust to Stagger for 1 second to combo into Umbo Blow.

Result: Imagine what would happen if you gave Swordsman Swashbuckling (same restrictions on use) to Tier 1 Swordsman? Every swordsman has a core group ability. All Clerics can bring heal. All Mages can bring Sleep. All Archers can bring Full Draw. Even going c3 swordsman puts you at max Restain/Swashbuckling, and would feel meaningful.

Note: There are many other classes that could use a quick once over. All yellow classes need their 1-2 combat abilities buffed. Don’t make us feel like we have to “take one for the team.” Choosing a class should never feel bad. Also off-topic, there really needs to be a “Report possible bot” button. Thats what, 3 packets sent to the server at best?

A knee-jerk reaction changes is about the worst thing that can happen in MMO (or game design really), but many of these things have been talked about for 6 or more months now. I know how the politics work. I know how the cash shop works. (You want people to use it, so in-game mechanics force many users to buy.) You are very much a business and we all understand what that means, and how the publishers/investers has developers under their thumbs.

If you don’t want Tree of Savior’s population to go the way of… Ragnarok Online: Legend of the Second, WildStar, Guild Wars 2, Destiny, or anything else that has had hype and lost most of its population in mere months, you need to not worry about the cash shop, and start understanding that a lot of us will be here (spending our money) as long as you will listen. Most of us here were Ragnarok Online players for years. We won’t go anywhere if you don’t give us a reason to. Best of luck.


FPS pls lols. I never FPS drop so hard in a game in my entire life cept in ToS. Pls try adding in lower settings or allow better GPU/CPU support or w.e to fix it XDXD


Are the developers going to be reviewing severely unpopular classes like Rodelero?

Also as mentioned before elsewhere, please strongly consider giving us a US West server for Oceanic and SouthEast Asian players to play on!


For skill scaling, you have the option of going through the level ‘easy now troublesome later’, or vice versa. It’s all up to you.

theres no problem balancing pvp, just change the skills while in arenas / gvg.
they can balance pvp and pve totaly diferent and still work


+1 to lackluster class that seems need to reworked like Rodel for example.

I know you guys busy with the inc international server, but i do hope class u guys keep working on the class balance + the end game content. Gip us the ToS version of RO’s WoE !!!

Interesting idea.

I also do not like how specifically Peltasta C1 is such an essential part of the whole branch. Shifting that to Swordsman would certainly make things interesting (not sure what to make of Peltasta then though)

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