Tree of Savior Forum

What's your biggest concern?

Open player market (20 characters)

Pretty sick of games that introduce entrance limits to dungeons.

“You want to keep playing that dungeon? Too bad, come back again tomorrow or make an alt if you’re really bored”.

Same thing happened many other games, for example Tera. You’ll do all your daily dungeon runs in 90-120 minutes, then what? If you don’t enjoy PvP, you’re basically done for the day. With nothing time-worthy to do, you’ll basically stay afk in towns or just log out for the day. Sure, you could do the same routine on alts, but what if you don’t enjoy other classes?

This is a very low tactic to keep players playing for “longer”. I put “longer” in quotation marks, because it doesn’t translate to “more hours spent playing”. It translates to “play less each day, but for more days”. This basically means that players log on for 2-3 hours to do their daily dungeon runs, then log off. This results in less players being online at the same time, making it seem like there’s not that many people playing the game.

INB4 someone says:

  1. “You need to restrict dungeon entry to limit hardcore players from overfarming” - that’s a load of crap. This won’t stop hardcore players, they will simply continue farming on their alts. If I’m a player who doesn’t like playing alts, I can’t enjoy playing for longer than 2-3 hours. Such a restriction will make me lose interest in the game for putting too many limitations on my playstyle.
  2. “Go farm outside dungeons” - that’s a load of crap. Most games make engame farming time-worthy only inside dungeons. Farming in open-world is usually not efficient enough to be worth your time. Also there’s the problem with zerg players trying to steal your NPC kills from you, which is one of the dumbest, most un-fun features of the MMORPG genre. If PvP is disabled, it only results in frustration for having wasted time and not getting a kill because of zerg players spamming their AoE skills all over the place. If PvP is enabled, it usually boils down to “who can outnumber whom”. In zerg situations, no matter how good you are you will get ganked sooner or later. Then you’re wasting more time to return to where you died. And what if you’re not a PvP fan, and want to enjoy doing PvE all day? You have entry restrictions in dungeons, and open-world farming is usually unchallenging, littered with bots and inefficient.

I am concerned that you will do very well as a developers team. I fear that you will do all the things needed to make this game stay etched in kids minds for years to come. I fear that you will create the next generation of gamers that say “This new game is a ToS rip off” “This game gives me the old school feels of ToS”. These concerns I have will negate all the bitching and whining 1/2 of this community does. This troubles me greatly.

[size=10]As a future Quarrel Shooter 3, well… the ping is undeniably a pretty big concern to me. I’m probably not running this one on the first month.[/size]

Also, goldsellers :confused:

Availability of stat and skill resets, and whether the grind is crazy. I don’t want to spend an entire day just to get 10% of a level, since there are so many levels in the game.
There are so many classes and I want to have multiple characters, but that will be hard to do when there are tons of levels with a low xp rate.

you will spend MONTHS getting 10% of a lvl a day. OF COURSE… this game doesnt have ffxiv arr type of story and progression…

  • More interesting and complex boss mechanics.

The final boss of the Crystal mines has an interesting one with the 4 lightning bolts that rotated. And the bullet hell mechanic was a quick fix for some fights. And I really liked the hoop attack of the boss of DG 50. That said…

I want to see more of this though. I’d like to have boss fights that combine say a few of these mechanics together simultaneously something you have to jump over. A position in the room that’s safe zone you have to run to. Something to create challenging and memorable boss battles that require you to think and react.


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That’s generally not what happens.
What actually occurs is those ‘shy’ players move on to other games having gotten bored of their solo experience.

FFXIV is one of the more popular MMO’s out right now, sub based one of the few that’s making it consistently work. It has random matchmaking, and people group up constantly with and without it. You’re running through some odd idea of what is necessary to form connections that doesn’t exist. You can create these situations yourself. Matchmakers generally don’t kill the “soul” of anything. It’s like saying being put into pairs for dancing stops kids from socializing when half the time they’d sit on the wall otherwise. The matchmaker is a boon to social interaction and you can see this happening even in KTOS, with a language barrier. Mixed in part with the Like system. Things that “impede” interaction is well lack of anything of value outside of the matchmaking system except for a few Field bosses, which are far inbetween in contrast to say FFXIV’s hunt system or GW2’s Dragon’s.

Part of what facilitates ‘socializing’ is doing or having something to do with other people. Whether you’re put in a group for that or make the group is largely irrelevant. I remember ICBT2 and the difference between now and KTOS? In ICBT2 a bunch of people went “LFP” while the request was “Looking for Linkers/Clerics” those people got bored of waiting and then went on to quest solo. Versus KTOS where you have 2-3 people talking per dungeon run typically, or even talking about how “odd” their party is when they get say 5 Rangers, or 5 DPS.

In KTOS you do dungeons 5 times and then you’re done. A field boss may not be up for 3 hours, and other ones may be irrelevant to you because of your level difference, which means the things to do with other people are limited in the first place. Or people wanting to group up in an Open world where you just go “What for?” because there’s nothing of value their for you as you pass through. That’s what “hurts” socializing, not that they break the ice for you. Again with the current distribution of content, if you want a convo you’re better off just heading off to Klaipedia, Femedian or PvP. The former two are hubs where people with nothing can do can talk about random crap and the latter is well something to do with other people.


The thing is, try to force players that don’t want to interact to interact and you’re going to lose those players for good because to them that part of the game is just not fun at all.

Everyone should be free to play the way they like shouldn’t they? Let who wants to search for a party themselves do so… let who don’t want to and just care about powerleveling their char to the max on their own do so… everyone is happy.

The problem is that the way ToS do this they actually don’t let people that want to play with friends do so the correct way… that’s the problem.

Now to make an example about the matchmaking tool: i grew up in mmos were you had to shout, at times for hours, in order to find a dg party… “LFP! LFP!” and such… at times it was frustrating but wathever.

The point is, even if i want to do that at times i don’t want to do that ALWAYS.

Most of the times either you don’t have the time to search for a good party cause you have to work, study or wathever… some other time you’re just pissed off at something that happened to you in RL and just want to log into the game and put some stress of just getting right into it and killing stuff.

Get the point? Matchmaking tool actually makes it easy, possible and thus improve by far the quality of the game for those kinda people.

Key as always is: do NOT disappoint one of the 2 parties if you can please all of them, as ToS is concerned if they take the 600% bonus exp out of the equation then the matchmaking will have a meaning for thos players and will not be a bad thing for everyone else…

How about this one:

To keep the market healthy. If dungeons aren’t limited people would only farm dungeons unless they want something very specific as dungeons rewards are usually more powerful, these would be cheap since the market would be flooded with dungeon drops and silver would become worthless, materials that should be farmed in the overworld would be less available for whatever they would be useful because you should be getting stuff from dungeons and not using scrub gear from outside.

But guess what? Most actual dungeon content is aimed at higher level leaving the health of the economy for lower level characters in shambles, some people with already tons of money could reroll a new character and play the average higher prices for the gear necessary for leveling, but new people coming to the game would have an uphill battle because the amount of money you get at the beginning is just too low.

Btw, in this game dungeons also drop obscene amounts of money. Inflation is also a problem.

tl;dr - limiting dungeon access is to prevent farming that would flood the market with things that should be high-end and rare and money, at the same time keeping lower level materials being fed into the market.

Hope you can read my post here before this one :blush:

Ping and Lag, really. If I can’t play the game smoothly/okay-ly then nothing else would matter for me.

Here’s me hoping Mudfish will work. (similar to WTFast)

My biggest concern is the fear that IMC may abandon ToS development before we even get to see level 600 and rank 10, since IMC keeps developing other games like WolfKnights and mobile games instead of focusing almost all assets on ToS.

Since the IMC development team isn’t very big to begin with, this means resources are spread thin and content updates probably won’t amount to much. If enough years pass, ToS may just be forgotten. I don’t want that to happen.


Bots + Gold Sellers (in 20 characters)

Lack of facial hair! :cry:


If a map has low mob density make the mobs stronger and give much more exp. That way classes designed around solo dps, rogue, certain swordsman styles, etc can gain similar level of exp to aoe with a similar risk level.

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my biggest concern excluding those two would be.

-1:1 Trading
--------less important----------
-Patch Notes
-Bot Prevention
-Skill/Spell Endgame Scaling
-5 Dungeon run

-Streaming Capabilities
-The Abilities to Clear the whole screen from UI and play completely by heart.
-The Ability to Change OST Music
-Interaction Emotes, like Emote that can be done if others do the same
-Pc Optimization better frame rate and etc.
-Pet and Marriage system, i mean REAL Pet system with capturing feeding and all.
-Facial Hair
-Visible Accessory
-Diverse Mounts
-Fireball Football (this needs to be official)

-Staff Face Reveal? (am i the only one who doesn’t know?)
-20 Characters limitation has become ridiculous where people just cheat their way with “20char etc” you should totally remove it. there’s a certain charm in a “lol” only comment.

@Staff_Julie @STAFF_Ines @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_John @STAFF_Shawn @STAFF_J


character customization in general yes! Super important. Gotta feel like im me. not that guy next to me who also looks like me. >_>

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Not enough end content .