Tree of Savior Forum

What's your biggest concern?

Going very high dex/low str for 100% crit rates + very high evasion + crit damage boosted from gear. It’s much easier to get crit damage boosted than boosting raw damage.

And a bit of Con in every character won’t hurt anyone, the HP increases is flat iirc (depending on class), ~100 HP increase for each point.

A relative lack in guild activities and reasons to be organized within the game. Currently using the party finder provides a large exp buff, making doing dungeons in organized groups seem like a largely suboptimal.

The activities you can do with a guild seem to be limited to raising pets and getting potion materials, and maybe the occasional open world GvG. This is in stark contrast to the game this is based on where things like WoE made being in an organized guild a lot of fun.

Game mechanics and boss fights only keep people around so long, it is by creating environments where players come together and form friendships that you can really help a game have lasting power. I have been a big mmo player for years, and it wasnt the lure of dailies or grinds that kept me subbed and logging in day after day, it was my guild mates and doing things with others in the game.

Organized guild activity helps player retention in games and I dont see much of it here.


you would need to redesign the hole machanics of levelling if that was the case its most likely there to prevent fast levelling abuser and bots/RMT think about it a person with the intention to bot/RMT would get one person to high level then power level his botting accounts.

hp is 85hp per point registered through an HP modifier if the technical sheet is correct. Swordsmen get around 300hp per point as they have a 3.3x modifier, most other classes get around 100hp.

I appreciate you taking the time ot read our input.

My main concerns are:

-TP token: market limits. I understand games take time and money to develop and IMC needs to make money somehow, but I really think the default market limits are too restrictive for a free to play user. Only 1 item with 30% tax drastically removes a lot of options one has when playing. I think something more reasonable like listing 3 items as free user and 10 as token user would be more fair.

-EXP and leveling: one of the main selling points of this game is the RO-esque gameplay. This game needs more reasons to party up with friends than it has now. There is simply no difficulty in regular maps or quests (please just remove the red circles from boss skills, they telegraph their moves so obviously already…). Everything is too easily soloable for most classes. High level maps have terrible spawn rates and monster density, making 1 class enough to wipe everything confortably already. We need more incentives to party up. Ideally, a high level party should require tanks, crowd control and aoe classes. It keeps the user’s interest for much longer when we can’t solo everything. Don’t turn this into another GE where everyone can solo everything easily. Having 80 classes and so many specialization builds is useless when PVE is too easy not to require them.

-Dungeon finder EXP: I understand you want us to use the automated matchmaker, but giving 600% exp versus 400% exp for a regular party with every class is not fair. You can not group up with friends because you lose out on so much experience. I think the most fair method would be to simply give the same exp to every option. Solo players would always find parties becaue the matchmaker is a much faster way to get a dungeon started, while guilds/parties would also benefit the same rewards by selectively recruiting a more efficient party.

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My concern is ‘Challenges’.
It is very boring when you reach the end game and there no more challenge (not PvP). So make sure we will always have challenge to give us motivation to improve our characters.
Many game did this wrong, they put out new content with new dungeon, new bosses and new gear each expansion which require players to grind for it. First time it was cool, but the repetitive will slowly get in, make players feel their grinding effort become invalid every time there’s new content.

Hope that won’t happen in ToS


P2W Magic Scrolls.

Not enough content.

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Will you be GM ingame ? :blush:

I miss the old days when the GM were glad to walk in a capital of their game and talk/interact whith their comunity.
it goes a long way into making the players care about the game when they know it is not just watch over from behind the scene and that they are more than just statistic whithout names.:triumph:


My primary concern is going to be bots. Even for people who aren’t as concerned about gold selling and market saturation, it’s very demoralizing when half of the population ends up being bots.

Secondarily I’m hoping it will take several months of playing to hit max level, but the original icbt poll about exp rates puts me in the minority.

Thirdly, in all honesty I expect most players will quit after a month or two, just because this is a pretty niche game with heavy grinding. I hope IMC doesn’t make major changes to the game for people who will not be happy with the core gameplay either way, thus alienating both sides. I think you’ll have a fairly strong base of core fans who will enjoy the game for what it is.

Lastly, one thing I’ve always been in favour of with f2p games is an optional subscription based server that strips out the cash shop for a more traditional p2p experience. But I believe this has already been decided against by IMC.

Best of luck with the launch!

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This one I can answer for sure: yes.

Playing with GMs is something I really liked as well, so I can understand why players are asking this. :slight_smile:


Doesn’t really hurt jack because their isn’t much to do with other players in the first place.
Spawn rates and mob density for the majority of maps is well trash, so players are often sitting their doing nothing, competing with other players or rushing through areas to get to more well “substantial” ones.
Speaking to other players is not difficult at all especially if say you played FFXIV (or at least the example Im using) where the ability to make conversation when around new people is well partially on the individual’s own desire to do so.

This game is basically sectioned off as it’s a map by map ordeal where most maps have nothing for players to do. The main social area for this game is in city hubs and that’s not changing anytime soon. Despite all of this, forming a proper party composition while not offering 600% exp still brings one to about 450% bonus exp with the obvious change in efficiency. It is only because there is a dungeon limit that premade parties aren’t ideal for regular dungeons due to their higher efficiency (except premade parties are also frequently exclusive and emphasize min-maxing which has many players isolated and excluded for their class choice’s being sub-optimal).

I think you are playing the wrong game or at least going about what socializing is the wrong way. Life itself is massively multiplayer but we go around everyday not interacting with every single person we meet. People aren’t going to always engage and that applies as well to MMO’s. MMO’s provide an area where you can find people who obviously have a common interest (the game you’re playing) but that doesn’t mean any of those individual people have to want to socialize with you specifically. More often then not, just as in life if you want more out of people you have to initiate it yourself, not ask for someone to do it for you.

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Ahh, no, but you see, being forced to do the opposite of the dungeon finder is what I’m talking about!
When players need to actually confront each other and band into parties, whether it’s a quick group or one that’s slow and satisfying to form.
When a shy solo player needs to approach a group of cuties and sheepishly ask to be let in, possibly developing into wonderful friendships.

All this from a simple dungeon run, just because the process wasn’t automated and the players actually had to do something.

It’s beautiful. Art through adversity.

We are in agreement that the way IMC is handling their matchmaker is bonkers. Make no mistake, that’s the common opinion by now.
But at its core, matchmakers like this kill the soul of games that profess themselves to be social oriented.


1.old bug from 2month ago never get fix

2.need more open world to grinding with full party

3.class balance in pvp and gvg two week ago we’re got a problems with plague doctor and mage tank but when new meta(1HK) come It’s easy to counter the old meta(stoneskin,bloodletting) with 1HKbuild(Musketeer and Cannonneer) many member of my guild create new character and choose Musketeer,Cannonner,Elementalist, now we’re found new unbalance skill,it is Revenged Sevenfold (we’re ok with reflect damage but the ownner of this’s buff recieve only “1” income damage is OP)

even we have some class to counter op class but it’s meta make TOS less of combination class’ build in the game when no one want to play some class that’s underate power.

I’m play this game from iCBT1&iCBT2 929h and Ktos until now,some of my friends play from Kcbt until now

what we need to fix

Magic attack can’t block but can dodge with high dex ,this’s fix Dex more effective ,not useless point to Mage(Wizard/ClericDPS) Leather Arrnor not alway No.3 of all armor anymore and some Swordman class and Archer class can build full dex too)

add bonus a little chance to bypass block to 2H weapons

for Swordman class
1.need more “lockdown skill” that’s can cast from range
2.remove attribute of “Iron Hook”(Iron Hook: Chain) (Corsair)
3.increase base duration of “Painbarrier”

for Archer class
1.reduce cooldown of “Conceal” to 0 (Sapper)

for Wizard class
1.move “Sleep” to WizardC2
2.add reduce movement speed to “Lethargy”
3.add more Status Ailments3 to Wizard tree
4.need skill or attribute to detect hidden target
5.increase damage to wizard tree (after magic can dogde but can’t block)

for Cleric class
1."Stone skin"need a little fix by reduce scaleing from Spr x 4 to Spr x2 or maybe change it to reduce income damage like (damage-(def+(Spr*2or3or4)-(lvSkill x 5-10%) (Priest3)
2.“Bloodletting” need to reduce duration of Status Ailments1&2 but not prevent them (increse duration of some Status Ailments like Death Sentence) (Plague Doctor)
3.increase cooldown and cast time of “Resurection” (Priest)
4.fix “Revenged Sevenfold” to can Reflect but can’t reduce income damage (Kabbalist)

and need PVProoms that’s alway open 24Hours with silver reward

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Make sure we will always have challenge to give us motivation to improve our characters.
Many game did this wrong, they put out new content with new dungeon, new bosses and new gear each expansion which require players to grind for it. First time it was cool, but the repetitive will slowly get in, make players feel their grinding effort become invalid every time there’s new content.

Awesome point, totally agree.

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Hi Julie! First of all, thanks fory all your hard working ^^
Well, my biggest concern is Ping/Lag. I’m from Spain, Europe, and i think i will have around 150-200 ping: for me, thats a big problem. It feels awful when you move, attack or do a skill and it has a small delay :frowning: alao, i love to do instance dungeons and im afraid that maybe i will play with people with more lag than me , that could be horrible. I hope you can make regional
Servers even before the 29 April .
I also want you to know that even if im not going to play if my ping is very high, i’ve bought the 50€ founders pack and im NOT going to refund it because i really want to support you and this AWESOME game hehe keep going like this please, you’re doing a great job despite what others could say ^^


My biggest concern is that you won’t be able to discern the difference between unfounded complaints and valid issues.

If you don’t know what’s wrong with your game, why do you trust the players to tell you? Do you not play your own games? Do you not have in-house testers?

Why does everything have to be an issue for the players before it gets fixed?


Don’t most of the people complaining about ping realize this is a physical limitation outside of IMC’s control? They live far from the servers and the routes aren’t the fastest, the company won’t create a miracle to make the connection faster without making local servers available.

Yeah I agree, i’ve already heard this game is pretty easy mode and its made so that terrible builds can complete it without pulling your hair out. Id like to see less terrible builds and more challenges.

i agree with this. If i create new characters, i would hate to have to go through the entire story again.

once is enough for me in the main quest line. other than that id rather just grind to get my lvls


The ping is the bigest concern of course. :kissing: