Tree of Savior Forum

What's your biggest concern?

Funny how the Staff quickly responded to question about team transfer, but remained silent all the time about the P2W syndromes posted by at least 10 people in this thread.

Just like any other game - the staff is told to remain silent about some topics. By doing it, sooner or later people will stop discussing this problem.

I’d also like the staff’s opinion about the “exp walls” at levels 46, 86, 136, 186. What purpose do they serve? Is it to give a power boost upon rank increase? Because, in my opinion, it usually separates players who get past it from players who are still stuck in it. Say you are 132 and party with a 135. In a couple hours, the level 135 breaks the wall and levels up to 150 easily and moves on, leaving the 132 to find another party.

But if there’s a specific party composition needed to clear a dungeon, then the chance of one person doing all of them becomes slim. Not good.

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its not p2w, lol, did u ever played a REAL p2w game?
thats why they dont say anything, cus theres nothing to say

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What idiocy is this
 Julie specifically said this thread was not to be used to discuss about P2W / Token / TP store. There are already a lot of threads out there that discussed these issues. Ofc she won’t reply.


Lack of containment of the player bases that ruined the previous CBT.

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My number 1 concern is that class identify and uniqueness gets lost in an attempt to stringently balance pvp and pve.

Furthermore, I hope that as ranks 8, 9 and 10 can be introduced into the game without completely invalidating our choices for ranks 1-7.

I enjoy the complicated class building process that goes into this game. I just hope that the choices remain meaningful throughout the entire span of the game, and that underpowered classes continue to be brought up to par in unique ways, without overriding the roles of others.

  • Don’t build a Debuff/CC based class or Dispeller Scroll and Plague Doctor will ruin you.

  • Monsters AI are totally broken, so even if you think this game is too easy remember: End Game can be fun.

My biggest concern is the endgame content.

So far we have provided by the game only some bosses and dungeons, and these seemed quite simple in design without much variety, there isn’t much point into playing a maxed character for long. PvP is there but there are no actual rewards to specializing in it, GvG gameplay also offers no rewards or incentives, it’s just something players do to stave off boredom because the lack of other content.

Not a specific party to clear, but compositions that can clear it consistently while others have more difficulty doing so. In general dungeons said composition doesn’t need to take all 5 slots of the party, only two or three, high-end hardcore content should need 4 or 5 slots with roles that are meaningful in the course of the events.

This already kinda of happens with Paladins C3 being highly requisited for doing Earth Tower because of Barrier, this makes making a Paladin worth something on its own, it puts the class on demand, but there aren’t many examples like these around.

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-ping issues , from malaysia , ping shud be 250± , so i cant really play any class that utilize 0cd skill or autoattack build 
 just get SEA a server at thai/sg will do
 i don’t think other region in SEA will play in the Indonesia server as well

Ping away will be an issue for SEA players.
they is whey many guys ask for.

Can’t queue with your friends for dungeon and arena also big problem.
why exp rate should be different it just make the game feeling more awkward.

Having played in Ktos, a large issue is accessibility of resources. This is often seen in Tenet Chapel F1 as an obvious example. Mob quantities, spawn rates and drop rates form a triangle where players end up just having too settle gear wise.

Glizardons for example have low drop rates but there is also only 6 on the map and they spawn about once every 3 minutes. This does not flow well for players questing in that area or those who are aiming for an item with a minor drop rate that requires frequency. This is reflected in Ktos where some low level items almost never appear on the market board as they’re completely impractical and put of the way to attempt to get.

This is also a factor for the Summoner who will struggle to acquire new boss cards given both time and drop rate for a fundamental part of their skill set.

There is simply a substantial bottleneck in item acquisition globally because current Spawns/Droprates/Mob Sizes are not at all in proportion with the population at least that is how it was for Ktos. This is more of an issue at lower levels where all these items that will be quickly outgrown within quite literally 3 hours, are not only barely relevant but barely acquirable. Worse if these items are then used for recipes later on because that then has higher level player’s competing with low level players for
6 or even 4 mobs in the extreme cases for long periods of time because of those low drop rates.
You’re hampering player retention right out of the gate like that.

At higher levels it’s still an issue but there’s also significantly less players at higher levels to compete with (I wonder why :P). Heck I’m kind of underselling the problem. The vast majority of this game has low spawn rates, low mob densities and even lower drop rates. Any one of these or even two of these being low isn’t a problem, but with all three you’re causing real bottlenecks where 6 mobs every 3/4 minutes isn’t going to work when you have 2000 players on your server going through an area, all of them have a quest to kill 2, and then kill 2 again, and then they might want to grab an item for Collection, or try to pick up a recipe/drop/material. You have a lot of downtime waiting for something to actually do in these cases which can be quite boring, so players often just decide “to hell with it” and move on to the next piece of content even if they still had interest in an area.


Although you can ( Pardoner ) scroll barrier.

We need to share items between characters in the same account.

We need a mail system for sending items and notes.


I want a real game support where I can report trolls/racists/xenophobes and they will be banned. (Temp banned ofc)


I don’t know, svallin, I think dungeon finders are really bad in general. It really hurts the social aspect of the game, you know? Dungeons in the last beta were a nice network to meet people through. MMOs have done wonderfully without a matchmaker for years.

For solo players, there’s nothing stopping them from approaching groups and asking to join. Or finding them through a much cleaner party search feature. Really, most everyone is playing solo already given the rest of the game’s content anyway.
The appeal of an MMO is a that it’s a massive number of people adventuring in one world. You can’t get invested in other people, build reputations, or any of that with a system like this. Like I said, it’s like playing with bots and it’s awful. This is especially bad for a game that shamelessly rides RO’s nostalgia hype train so much.

If a solo player means someone who wants to never interact with anyone ever, but still selfishly take advantage of the rewards from group content, well, I think they might be playing the wrong genre!

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I would just like to say my biggest concern is the viability of classes. And flexibility of play style. As the game stands in its current state the entire archer tree seems to make little sense. instead of having scout as an early option developing into rogue it comes immediately before rogue making the two not mesh well. As well as all of the bow skills are early on and fairly weak instead of spread out as to remain an option. Another issue this creates is that you reach a point in the tree where its all gimmicks like poisoning, trap setting and having a falcon pick you up off the ground. So you are forced to go with the early weak parts of the tree with actual attacks. or pick what gimmick you think would be less damaging to your build. Obviously some players may disagree with me but as recent surveys seem to indicate the viability of the tree must appear pretty low because its the least chosen tree (and it certianly shouldnt be, just the fact you can move while attacking is a huge benefit and should draw the attention of many players, but then you try making the character and it doesnt make sense).

I also feel that the game in its current state doesn’t give stat builds equal opportunity. Boosting str and int 10% per rank seems to be somewhat disadvantageous to non str int builds. Dex already has lower weight carry, cant dodge magic, and doesnt boost bleed or poison or any other damaging effects. If you ask me dodge should work on magic but block shouldnt. as tanks already have high hp. Obviously a lot would need balanced around it. Or just make dex boost attack speed or move speed or something cool. Cuz i feel like no one has a reason to ever go with a non str build.

edit: or make poison scale with dex and bleed scale with str? might make sense.
edit2: also cut down on the weapon specific skills. They really limit character creation.
and circle 3 skills need to wreck. Keep in mind. By picking a circle 3 over a circle 1 you are sacrificing 4 or 5 potentially new skills for 1. So that 1 skill needs to be 4 times as good.

edit3: to help straighten out ranger tree id consider putting scout rank 2 so you get the skills earlier, move ranger to rank 3 or 4 to strengthen its skills, then you can move sapper and wugushi next to eachother since a character with both of those would be kinda odd.

THe way i see it they are not a bad thing unless they are made out to be.

WHat i mean is, a lot of people likes them, a lot of people don’t. If they “simply” exist people are not forced to use them and that means that who likes them will use them and who don’t
 will not. everyone happy.

Thing is if you get bonuses when you use them then everything gets totally umbalanced and go straight to hell
 that is what ToS is, unluckily, doing.

This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.


My biggest concern is about everything related to player versus player, especially GvG. Imho, this game MUST have a strong competitive aspect of some sort, with actual rewards and prestige to those who win. Because I like to think that nothing motivates and retains players more than some nice, flashy and vibrant guild war/castle siege action. I would absolutely adore seeing TOS developping on that matter.

Regarding pve, I believe the game will eventually have (much) more maps and content to explore, with different places to go for leveling a character, along with countless more dongeons and challenging bosses. The game is young and it is very obvious to me that its potential hasn’t been exploited to its fullest yet.