Tree of Savior Forum

What's your biggest concern?

Thank you for this thread.

My biggest concerns right now are big changes to existing classes that make your hundreds, or possibly later even thousands, of hours invested into them ruined over night (a skill reset potion doesn’t always help if the reasons you picked the class in the first place are no longer present), and releasing new classes later (like the several hidden classes that haven’t even been appropriately teased in advance as to what their role is or what to expect) that also ruin builds.

Not every player will have the time, or the ambition, to create 5+ characters. For some players it will take all they have just to level 1 character fully aka their main.

We have 7 ranks right now to play with but if we choose all 7 ranks from the existing classes then we basically screw ourselves out of getting one of the unreleased hidden classes to C3 (depending on max ranks which still hasn’t been reliably communicated), or even being able to mix and match a couple of them. Basically, one of those hidden classes might be exactly what I need for my build to shine. But while IMC is tweaking numbers to perfect the class, the entire userbase is left to speculate as to what role the hidden class will even fill, or what rank it may be available at, etc etc.

Seems silly to allow us to pick up to 7 ranks but have hidden classes released after we’ve already chosen beyond that, basically forcing some users to roll alts even if they lack the time to do so.


For me it’s mostly some convenience things:

Respawning is bad. At least make us respawn in the same map we died in.
In dungeons, dying on the last boss pretty much guarantees you won’t have time to run back and get your loot. Bad. Make the box show up in the inventory no matter what, or give us more time to run back, or add a spawn point before the boss room.

The game doesn’t really demand a proper party (tank, healer, 3DPS). This is good and bad at the same time. It should have, at least at endgame level, some reward for people who put together a proper party.

Also the random party system for soloers is bad. It puts you in there with 10 levels difference, which means if you’re on the bottom 10, the boss can two-shot you. And then you fall into the aforementioned respawn problems.
The random system should select at least one healer to throw in the mix.

Squires need a buff so more people make them.


I’m bit worried about the class. Not about balance. But how next ranks incoming will fit on game with everyone “high-level”. And how long this game will take to be 100% content.

Beside that, i’m happy with IMC work and pretty confident that will not let us down. Since until now u did great and heard the community when it was needed. Continue ur hard work please :slight_smile:

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I believe that for me big concerns I have are properly balancing anything reliant on AI. I was a Bokor in the last beta and I intend to be a bokor in this one too. There were quite a few issues with zombie AI back then and I believe most of them have been fixed however this can still apply to Necromancers, Hunters, etc that have skills that are solely reliant on said AI functioning properly. It could make the class choices for those too unreliable and I think that for a game like this having a heaping helping of diversity where everything is viable and everyone can build as they please is important! I mostly want to ensure that the AI for creature based classes is properly applied so it doesn’t stifle the class in question!

I had a concern regarding progression but honestly I think Orsha takes care of that. I am a bit curious how heavy it will go into the later levels in terms of gathering experience once all the quests have ceased for the area!

The word filter DEFINITELY needed to be looked at before. I recall so many times typing the word “class” and that getting censored because me and my party were talking about our builds or that guy had a neat class and I wanna try it. There really needs to be a toggle for that kind of thing, it doesn’t need to be automatic.

Finally, I would really like to see more secret stuff added that emphasizes the exploration aspect of this game for things like the Seal of Space stone. Perhaps expanding upon the quest items that always stick around in the inventory like the king’s breath/mist too! For example, Wakfu had a few points in say a city or a map where you could find a secret passage underground and got a small reward off the bat or by completing a puzzle! Said rewards could be something like an emote, or an inventory item you could equip and wear. I feel like for some of those areas in particular, like the first secret spot you can teleport to in Klaipeda, a little something more could be added to make it more fun to traverse and look for corresponding quest items that would just normally fill up the bottom of your inventory bar with fun things. We get torn journals and such for the main quest line, perhaps something to the side could be hinted at within the tome as well? Rewards wise could be more hidden quests, emotes, hat recipes, just whatever really! I feel it would add a bit more spice into those items!

That’s all I can really think of at the time, I hope this helps!


that’s the point of the death mechanic it punishes you for dying removing that punishment means what’s the point of dying to begin with?

You kinda shot yourself in the foot with the hypocrite gun you want people to be rewarded for party play yet you want them to remove the death punishment mechanic removing the death mechanic in this factor will make people ask “why should I party I get more reward if I don’t and if I die ill just come back again and again”

Here’s the reward DONT die kill the last boss be rewarded.

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forgot about stone skin (worst than PD’s cus kill all swordsman AND archers, and can be used WITH Blooodletting)

Not sure if this should be listed separately from TP store, but Magic Scrolls are the biggest concern I have.

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Would it be possible for you guys to make a post about it before the new servers take flight? Only if it’s not such a hassle.

Since server are named after Goddesses is it possible to get one named Julie?


Yes, it will be updated on the announcement. Thank you for reminding me.


No problem and thank you for the quick replies as well.

Biggest concern.

  1. 1:1 Trade system. I’m new to ToS but my friend say ToS dont have 1:1 Trade system :frowning: ( Why ? )
  2. GvG, PvP reward
  3. Since im new here. I dont know how many changes you guys have made to the game ICBT1 ICBT2 … So changelog pls :frowning:
    Ty :smiley:

The level penalty on damage and experience. This means any attempt on hitting a higher level monster will result in very low damage and very low experience. How about if the system instead encouraged players to take on a challenge and explore higher level content?

Level penalty on experience also means friends can’t play together unless they’re exactly on the same level range, not more than 10 levels apart. And that is very tough on a 300+ level game, so usually you and your friends will split up sooner or later, because not everyone plays at the same rate. I’ve also been told there’s bonus experience for using the random party matchmaking system…so that’s another incentive to not have permanent friends in the game.


FPS concern is it possible to add a system where we can hide other characters cause the optimization is not that good and our FPS will suffer during world boss fights

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The reason that it is like that is for anti power-leveling I think.

I get your point, but the level gap is still too narrow. I understand if a level 100 can’t party with a level 1. But a level 70-80 should be able to party with him, don’t you think?


Ping (im from Malaysia) and Social events :slight_smile:
Am slightly worried about how TP will be handled as well :smiley:

No, I don’t want “default trinity” parties and I don’t want them to be “rewarded” for playing safe, these should at best be average to clear game content and bad in PvP.

I want things with ingenuity utilizing all the varied options from this game, highly specialized parties to tackle some dungeons and bosses, weird compositions emphasizing effective combos, parties created with builds specifically for PvP and so on.

This too. Auto party sounds like a cool and good feature until you realize that “easy come, easy go”. Auto parties only last for as long as they are needed and rarely evolves into more in depth role-play / friendship.

  1. Playing with friends, I have to make an alt just to play with them, sometimes we even make 2 chars per person, the other would be the ones we use just so that we can play on the same level every time…

  2. Bosses, some say it’s too easy, sure I do find them easy when my ping gets down to 250, but sometimes it goes up to 400 and even dumb bosses hit me when they shouldn’t, please do not touch these bosses until we get some regional servers at least.

  3. 1:1 Trading, I know you said to exclude tokens but this is mainly for people without token benefits, just allow trading already, we know there are ways to go through rmt even with it disabled, such as people buying templar accounts, requesting pre-made/bottom-up accounts from some players, etc

  4. Sorry even though you mentioned, but we need regional servers, at least that’s what I would want to see first because my friends wouldn’t even listen to me when I talk about TOS having a chance to open a SEA server, they don’t wanna spend their time wasting to download or play at all with no SEA server.