Tree of Savior Forum

What's your biggest concern?

My biggest concern is with the TP store and it become an eventually Pay to Win game. If can assure me that won’t happen you got a player for a long time.


Replayability/long-term activities and community activities. The game relies too heavily on things that get stale after you’ve done them (especially quests, and also instances), and it’s linear with content locked to very narrow level ranges (Orsha helps a lot, but it’s just a start). Simply adding more static content won’t solve this since it gets done once and then it’s old, and players get too spread out because they’re at different progression points.

When players get too spread out, you get 30 players waiting endlessly on queues for 15 different dungeons instead of 6 groups of 5 playing together. Instead of falling into the trap of using a random cross-server dungeon finder (which leads to “treat other people like they’re NPCs” and “log on, do daily chores, log off” play), concentrate players together with common goals, and let them do stuff with their friends.

Use replayable stuff and group/community-oriented things, for example, guild activities - GvG is off to a good start. It would be a good idea to develop guilds and add more types of guild competition, like capturable buildings in world maps.

Open world maps are more interesting than instances especially when done in groups (e.g. Constructor’s Chapel was a fun map with its events and interactive features), but they need to be perceived as efficient enough to be “worth doing” by players. We’ve had a lot of issues with lack of channels (why doesn’t the server automatically spawn more when they’re crowded?), lack of mobs to kill, and maps seeming empty or too overrun with crowds of players. Why do you run out of mobs instead of having mobs spawning faster to overwhelm you, or spawning elites and minibosses?

Focus rewards and development time on things that will be highly replayable and make players work together.


Well my #1 Concern is in fact the Token.

  • It is WAY too expensive. Games that are made based on a sub are cheaper!
  • Shared Storage should be available as a one time purchase.

also future changes coming to the TP store such as Stats on cosmetic Items wich is 100% over the pay2win line.

I like the game and the most likely thing that can kill it for me is the buisness model destroying all the fun.

It is not too bad right now but I have the feeling it will be worse in time and that scares and saddens me.

I’d pay a sub for this game, not the Token a real sub. So that all the f2p BS is gone and everyone has the same features available to them.

@Staff_Julie Please rememer that this is not a mobile game, say to your team to not fall of into the p2w way of mobile mmorg game.

I was hoping you could give Antidote a cooldown since people can just antidote wugushi poison.

I hear you brother. Preach it.


here are some:


  • Not enough pvp modes and not enough benefits for participating.
  • Class balance, some almost useless (or too weak) skills and flat attack/defense calculation.
  • Daily missions and high level grind are boring. I’d love some cool coop modes like castle defense or anything that could justify the monster bashing.
  • Pay to win items in cash shop. You promised us ToS won’t be a P2W but you lied :(.

This might be a bit lengthy. I read through the whole thread so far and gathered some points of interest, including my own from when I played during iCBT2. I did not play very far, so how I view the game might not be accurate to endgame players.

Starting off with my top most concern:

IMC really needs to work on a completely different gamepad UI that differs altogether from the regular keyboard and mouse UI. The controls feel awkward, it can be really clunky at times during gameplay. Selecting items/menus with the gamepad is the worst thing in it, if not impossible.
The gamepad UI needs it so you can go through the menus simply using the D-Pad to navigate. Make it so we are able to bind menu actions to the hotbar. I would say to take a look at how FFXIV did their gamepad controls. that was the smoothest setup I’ve ever played with. It’s like you have a similar thing, but yet it feels far from being like that.
This is a really important thing for players like me who have some sort of condition (I have tendinitis) that can’t really play comfortably with keyboard and mouse.

I will point out things of interest that would keep the replayability of the game more healthy (in my opinion):

We require a level-sync system, where veterans can help lower level players without worrying about them not earning any EXP. An idea is to introduce a zone level-sync to help keep the monsters of that zone stay challenging as well.

-Less side/story quests
I think this is the biggest issue regarding replayability. A lot of people don’t want to go through the story quest again when making an alt. I feel like story quests should be set on milestones, where it makes them shine and feel worthwhile. For example, your first story quest could be at level 45 in which you fight a tough boss with a group of players. That would make it a more memorable event than having to fight a boss every 3-5 quests. We need less boss focused quests, and more meaningful quests. Where at the end of it, you feel accomplished for what you did, a real adventure like how dungeon/area unlocking quests were nice in RO.
Let people decide where they want to go level based on their playstyle instead of holding their hand everywhere.

-Remove level penalty for higher level monsters
I think a lot of people can agree that it feels amazing when you can defeat a higher level monster than you, and still earn that nice EXP and possible loot. By keeping this penalty, you are discouraging your playerbase to try new ideas, in my opinion.

-Randomize monster spawn location
This would solve most of the problem of auto-attack bots (or AFK players). When you have monsters spawn in a set location, people are going to take advantage of that in a really bad way. This would also encourage people to walk around the map more often and pay attention to the work IMC has done throughout the development of the game, possibly encountering hidden quests that way as well.

-Field mini-boss
What I am referring to here is, a mini-boss that is not easy to kill, requires a group of people. Not as many as it would require for a world boss, but a medium difficulty monster. RO had lots of that, like Angeling, Toad, etc… Imagine having a Chupacabra-like field mini-boss as an example.

-Team storage
A team storage that is like Kafra storage from RO. I enjoyed how I had to organize my storage between all my characters and not exceed the item limit in order to keep things clean. It’s not like there was any other storage system anyways.

-Player store
I personally love seeing a city bustling with players and their little shops, it makes the game feel so alive instead of just talking to an NPC. Could we possibly get the option to choose between browsing player stores and the auction house?

-Add BOUND status to equipment
Keep potential for when upgrading your gear only, but when it comes to trading, I think it’s wiser to add a BOUND status to the gear. For example, if you equip it and gain EXP with that one piece of equipment, it will now be bound to your character/account and you will be unable to trade/sell it to anybody.

-Paladin needs an aggro attribute
Why is it only that Petalsta has an aggro action? Paladin is considered a tank class since their icon is blue, right? Could we have an attribute that enables increased aggro towards them like how Swordsman has? Or create equipment set with aggro, so other classes can use it too if they want to play tank.

-Remove Dungeon Finder EXP
I haven’t used this feature, only read it from other players. Just simply remove the EXP increase and have solo and premade receive the same bonus. That would be fair for everyone I think. I could be wrong.

-Keep it International
I’m concerned people will go around bashing anybody who speaks a different language than english. Since so far there hasn’t been any sort of rules to force everyone to speak english, I hope you don’t change it to satisfy the people who can’t handle realizing that there’s users from all over the world playing your game.

That’s all I could think of. Thank you so much for trying to listen to people’s view on how to improve the game!


I’m really happy to see you so active all the time @Staff_Julie, thank you for this.

Next i wanna say something some freinds and i discussed and thats the guild system.
I know some more guild features will be added later on but we were talking about how cool it is for a guild to work for a whole year to get something special like an equipment piece or some special area by fighting for it with other guilds. The competing part for guilds with eachother is just not there yet and i really hope it will some day. (this also adds extra end game content)

The guild towers so far in the game are a great idea but i think they need some more value to them aswell.

End game content:
End game content is a very demanding issue for many players who are planning to play the game for a very long time. (MMORPG usually attract people because of their end game content)
Personally i thought about what could it be for ToS and the only standard things i came up with are more dungeons and extra guild content. Even more pvp options would be nice or even some kind of moba kind pvp. But these are standard idea’s ofcourse.
Some better idea’s would be to create something that is unique in design and gameplay only to ToS. (maybe something that has to do with the goddesses, some extra praying feature devoted to one single goddess?)

Class balance:
I know there are some class balance issues and i agree with buffing or nerfing them. But alot of people are planning their class builds ahead with the information they have now. What i’m concerned about is that entire builds become incompetent because of some nerfs. An idea would be to let people know quite some time before you are going to buff or nerf a class. Like just give a notice about we are looking into the … Class because of some power spikes or because of some weak spots. That would already mean alot to players.

I’m not sure if this is part of the Token benefits you’re mentioned not to talk about but i am concerned about the Potential loss in trading equipment.
Since trading was so very demanding lots of players will use it but because of the potential loss you can only trade it x many times before it reaches 0 potential. I think this will make lots of equipment worthless late game because you just can’t do anything with it anymore.

Correct me if i’m wrong about this, this is based upon that you can’t trade or sell equipment at the auction house when potential is 0.
If this is not the case forget about this part hehe.

Thank you for reading my concerns so far about the game, besides all this i’m very happy about the game and i truly love it.

Thank you in regard,


My biggest concern is that there’s no STAT/SKILL reset in the cash shop or if they turn out to be untradable.

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Worried about the lack of attention to PvP, including:

  1. Class balance

  2. Game Modes

  3. Lack of organized Guild vs. Guild with a clear objective

  4. Lack of open world PvP sectors

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Here are my main concerns for this game I apologize if these were already mentioned coz when i see people keep talking about TP and P2W i got tired of reading thru all of it.

  1. Party size. Its too small. In relation to that, will there be raid parties in the future? 5 seems to restrict options on party roles. With that said you will just see the same setup across parties. Bigger party size can offer variety.
  2. When and what will be the next content you plan on releasing? Im asking this coz im curious on what to look forward to besides balancing. You guys shoud have something in store already but still polishing it, correct? Normally a game updates every 6 months.
  3. Active staff on servers. Since this will be an international release there should be alot of GMs or customer support peeps for ToS. We expect quick actions from you guys to provide great service.
  4. Further details of iToS setup. Currently all it says is the opening time and date of the servers. But no mention of when is the weekly maintenance, if there is any. Also it doesnt say what version/patch will iToS start on. Everyone says its current KR version but thats all speculation. Your team mentioned of the other perks International version has over the KR version. What are these exactly?

@Staff_Julie Hope to get answers for these queries!
Thanks! 3 days to go!!!:blush::blush::blush:

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To fry your brain :mask:

@Staff_Julie Thanks for making this thread.

How well my class that I planned out over 5 months ago works with the high ping the North American server will give me and how crippling the gaming experience is overall to a European player.

  • I’m worried the direction the Cash Shop will take.

  • I’m worried that I will grind 40 hours at level 170~210 only to discover that my build is so reliant on low ping that it won’t work well, making my entire month of early access be in vain.

  • I’m worried the ping will ultimately make me quit the game, with me not even using the founders pack benefits.

  • I’m worried IMC are blatantly ignoring questions to trap us into buying founders packages to make a quick dollar.

  • I’m worried IMC staff have no trust in the game, because of how badly it did in Korea.

  • I’m worried the guild system is exploitable.

  • I’m worried about class balance.

  • I’m worried that Tree of Savior is turning into Tree of Magic

  • I’m worried about hordes of regional players on one server spamming in their local languages since we don’t have regional servers.

  • I’m worried about bots gaining riches and destroying the marketplace.

  • I’m worried about Cash Shop whales buying 50x tokens and selling them to make 20 million in-game silver and buying every super rare item off of the market.

  • I’m worried about Cash Shop whales buying 100x Magic Scrolls and making hats with 5 AoE attack bonuses, essentially breaking balance entirely and the reason AoE attack is even in the game.

  • I’m worried no balance will come to the Swordsman class, only nerfs and fixes but no balance.

  • I’m worried no new content will come out in months and most of us will be stuck at level 280 for most of this year, doing boring earth tower runs.

  • I’m worried there’s only 3 or 5 end game classes that function.

  • I’m worried about Token pricing being 20 dollars a month and how I can’t see myself ever paying that much for an MMO, despite being a buyer of the 2 Founders Packs.

  • I’m worried that European locale will never see a server of their own because they shot themselves by announcing it relies purely on current sales which means they don’t trust us as buyers.

  • I’m worried I’ll get bored with nothing to do since the dungeon limits are so strict even if you’re a token owner.

  • I’m worried about no stat reset and that every stat I increase is permanent and final with no going back despite class balance being all over the place in a beta game.

  • I’m worried this game is rushed out unfinished, ridden with bugs, insalely restrictive in-game features, with a Cash Shop that’s so expensive it will alienate everyone.

  • I’m worried we will lag months behind the Korean version eventually.


My concern is that there will be chaos on release day, because we don´t have a servername list yet, so we can´t plan where to go with friends and guilds.

Please release a serverlist soon!

Also i am concerned about the class system. When a circle gets nerfed too hard a whole character might get useless, without the possibilty to switch to another circle.

Also i realy dislike the dungeon limit. One of my main objectives in games is to do the dungeons. When the limit is too hard and i am forced to do other stuff i don´t like to do, i will get demotivated in the long run.


I would like to have more dyes for the hair and maybe for the clothes (cash shop or challenges)

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Cooldowns are too long for skill based classes. Mages shouldn’t have to rely on their basic attack as filler. They need at least one spammable skill. Archers get several skills with no cooldowns and they can get by with just their auto attacks.

At first, thank you for making this post, I really hope it will help us/you to improve the game.

  • Bots/AFK-Spammers
    Like in every MMO, they are annoying and ruin the fun.

  • Hair Costume Scrolls
    I really don’t like them, if you really don’t want to remove them, at least remove the RNG. Let us choose what we want and decrease the stats to max 10Atk for example.

  • Token Price
    I hope the token is not too expensive, since the KR-ToS price is pretty high (18$-20$).

  • Nerfs
    If you nerf characters, please don’t nerf them too hard, buffing the weaker characters is very often a better solution, except something is really game breaking or just way too strong.

  • Kill Stealing
    PLEASE do something against kill stealers, this is the worst part about the game in my opinion. People are kill stealing you and if you ask them to stop, they start to insult you and follow you on purpose and ruin your game experience.


Wow, just want to say, thanks for making this post, as many others have expressed, this is impressive as it is, or at least consider me impressed that you guys are taking the time to listen.

Probably my biggest concern is the whole consent to guild wars thing, I feel like not having consent to war with other guilds is the best way to go, as many others do as well, it just brings to much to the game for me, and I feel like if it wasn’t this way (the way IMC intended it to be, and the way it currently is ktos non consent) this game wouldn’t hold me for very long at all, other then that, I am super excited for itos!

Thanks for your time!

I’m worried that we Europeans lost the battle meaning we will never see a server in EU. You swept it under the rug with your unique way at interpreting the pie chart(who spilts EU region like that to make it look small) fed us a promise and thats it.

Next is pay2win. Koreans i think have a different attitude towards pay2win. They see something i see as pay2win maybe not as p2w.
So listen to the community and dont go overboard.

Next is the whole trade process ruining potential(even trading to your own twink)

Class balance and endgame is what keeps people playing.

Go look at PathofExile how they listen to feedback how they kept the difficulty and in general how they implemented the cash shop!! Not pay2win yet still alot of people play and PAY.
Why because the game itself is good. If your game is up to par so will be your income! Fix the problems at the root. Class balance endgame events server stability and ping. If all you do is work on your cash shop while ignoring your GAME you are doomed to fail.

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