Tree of Savior Forum

What's your biggest concern?

I have only two concerns.

The first is that these many comments about raising game difficulty are taken seriously and applied promptly. I am not the type of player who dislikes a challenge, but there is a reason I’m against it for now:
As it is, with the feasibility of regional servers still being debated, the boss difficulty and such are fine because players come from different regions and - forgive my mention of this as there is no way to avoid it in this case - different levels of ping.
Having played in iCBT2 with high ping (I’m from SEA), I know that having faster, more aggressive monsters would mean that players with lower ping will have issues dodging attacks. I had to stay at least two steps ahead of the quicker bosses to keep up, and fortunately I am an avid action game player. For those who are not, this is far from easy already.

The second thing I am worried about is repeating the Demon Prison grind. In iCBT2, I made it to level 200 before the exp boost and exploits toward the end of the beta period. However, the Demon Prison grind was one of the worst grinding experiences I have ever had - not because of how slow it is, but because of how dark and dreary the map is, and the number of players around that I had to compete with as well. It’s a Prison, after all.
I’ve heard that the grind during those levels is not as terrible as iCBT2 anymore, but leveling guides still recommend saving up EXP cards to get through the drought of EXP since level 160 dungeon is still pretty crappy. This is what makes me concerned.

  • Ping : The server provide a game with 150-200ms for EU (Eastern AND Western) and Russia, AT BEST.

  • Some class issues : Balance, useless/non-scaling (with stats and/or char level) skills/buffs.

  • Bots : Bots and Gold Seller/Farmer gonna kill the game.

  • Community : No communication or at least, not enough.

  • Nothing done for the development of fansites/database so they have to uncrypt files themselves with tools that can be used by cheaters (like in previous Beta).


My Biggest concern will be listed, and I will give details along side them.

  • How will Bots be controlled, besides a paywall(founders currently)?
  • Dungeon finding, benefits /=/ pairing up with friends
  • PvP/GvG rewards(besides exp cards)
  • PvP/Class Balances
  • Token/TP Cost(Not the store itself)

Thats all I have for now. I’ll go into detail for each one below.

Its a problem in all games, MMO’s, etc, I’m just wondering, does IMC have a plan on how to effectively counter bots? if so, that would be great.

Dungeon Pairing
I heard that pairing up with randoms for dungeons nets the most amount of exp. I feel it to be a bit unfair/unreasonable to not have the same benefits with friends, maybe if IMC could implement a system where you can add people before queueing up, which keeps them all in a party together? Would be great.

PvP/GvG Rewards
I read that currently GvG really has nothing, but the enjoyment, and it worries me that something that seems really fun, to have no reward other than just “doing it”. Also from PvP I noticed the only reward you can get are EXP cards(unless they changed it recently). I feel like top ranking PvP players should have more of rewards, to make it actually worth being the best, or top. Basically my concern here is that PvP doesn’t really have that great of an incentive compared to PvP in all other aspects in games itself. Obviously we don’t want a game breaking advantage, but a benefit for sure should be put in place.

PvP/Class Balances
Every stream I watched, many topic’s I’ve seen, there are problems with many classes in PvP, PvE, just in general. Also the BIGGEST concern about the classes is how it is hard to have variety for class branches, what I mean by this for example, some classes are extremely lack-luster compared to others, by far, not little. If the lack-luster options were only slightly worse, it would not be so bad, but the different is just too high.

Approximately $18 for premium/subscription for a Free2Play game, or any game in general, is insane. I know people can simply buy them off the auction house in the future, but $18 is just too much, I’m sure many people would stay away from buying it with actual cash. Lowering the cost would easily be the solution, $18 is just too much for a month, and I’m sure many people would agree. I’m not saying $18 in general is alot (I bought all founders packs, I’m just going with the realistic view) but $18 FOR A MONTH compared to other MMORPG’s, is extremely overrated and priced.

Thank you for your time, and I really want to say, my biggest concern is class/pvp balancing.

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I’m from France and last beta ping wasnt a big problem.
And I know a lot of european poeple will play or still probably playing on NA server at the end to have a higher server population.

So after ping that can be no see as a major issue
we had a lot of problem regarding team creation wishper and THAT FRIEND LIST OMG.
If you guys do a game with ristricted trading which I still see more bad things than good for player in, just make sure the friend list work and the wishper also. that will be terrible if it happen like the last time.

Also the maintenances. I know that the game is new but just announce maintenance before make them. Not 10 or 5min before : that’s abused. 1h or 2 is a very minimum to announce a maintenance and more and even forum message is more appreciable.

I don’t if difficulties will be harder or lower than beta but monsters hit a way to slow and there is no challenge. Life of monsters juste make us grind more or spend more more time on boss but monsters arent very dangerous. We sould also be like ragnarok oldschool, better reward killing high level monster the level limit to earn exp on monsters is to low in my opinion.

I hope channel will work, at the begening that will be important for pleasant leveling with all poeple join server.

First: Be a pay to win game.
Second: The FPS issue.

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My main concerns are:

  • Getting information on class changes before launch because some of the rumored ones may heavily impact what paths we choose for our character and no one wants to get to circle 6 and find out that their favorite class has an unpleasant surprise

  • The channel system not having enough channels in some of the higher level, heavily populated areas. This was a problem in CBT2 for many players unless you were in the first wave of players to get through an area, it could be pretty frustrating when every channel was “full.”

  • I’m worried that given the launch time, if the servers go boom (as often happens within the first 24 hrs or far less) there won’t be much that can be done because it’s early morning.

  • The global chat. It would be nice if someone was able to enforce the rules for it, or if they were clearly stated here on the forums. :expressionless: Some people don’t know how to play nice with others and enjoy making sure everyone knows. Repeatedly. In multiple languages.

Most of my other concerns or worries have been addressed, and I think I’m probably just echoing other ones here in these posts. It’s early and I’m sleepy. xD

  1. GvG system
    While I love pvp, I don’t like to grief other people. I think the current system we have promotes that, a countermeasure to it would be nice.
  2. Class Balance
    While lots of the classes are good, some are just really terrible, making them on equal standings would be one of the first priorities imo.
  3. More Endgame
    Another concern that needs addressing, making alts wont cut it in the long run, we actually need some challenge once we reach high lvl and Earth tower alone isn’t enough.
  4. Game Optimization
    Self Explanatory, having low fps even if you have a machine that destroys even the recommended requirements.
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Monster density. I want to slay and not camp respawns. The way Diablo and Ragnarok do it is perfect.

Featherfoot. Sucks blood but humans do not seem to have blood. Please fix.

  1. Bots, hackers and gold sellers.
    I wonder if you guys will tackle the bots/hackers/gold sellers or just let them be like some other mmos. I find it very annoying when admins doesnt do anything against those.

  2. IPF file bugs again or other similar bugs that crashes the game.
    That was frustrating in cbt2 and I hope you guys will immidiately fix those if they ever pop up again. I understood the pattern very well in cbt2 that if something breaks on a wednesday, we would have to wait until tuesday(or was it some other day) for the problem to be patched.

  3. More to endgame content.
    I can understand how long it would take to make more content to the game, but if the game takes way too long to add more content the playerbase will slowly die out.

  4. TP stuffs
    I know this was excluded, but I just had to add this one and keep it short. Avoid adding strong p2w items on the store. Thank you very much.

  5. Global chat.
    Would be nice if the gobal chat is english only and other languages are strictly forbidden.

Thats about it of what I have on top of my head.

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Not being able to go into dungeons with friends.

Lack of racial diversity in character customization. Changing skin colors at the start during creation would be really nice but is probably too late. I’d like to be able to change this in game like the hair colors in the least (no achievement needed for basic colors, colors like green, purple etc require an achievement).

What the server names will be and if they will be all open at the start? Me and my friends want to try to plan ahead what server we will go into.

Lack of content for raids or simply being able to have a larger party. Me and my friends want to be able to all play together in a single large party sometimes but there doesn’t seem to be content for doing so yet.


My biggest concern with the game would be the dungeons. Limiting them to only 3 dungeons per day seems like the wrong way to go. Why not let just them go as many times as you want, but lower the over all rewards?

That players will not get a chance to change our class/skill course when more and more ranks become available, forcing us to remake characters from scratch.

TBH I’ve seen this concern come up a lot but I kinda think IMC sorta wants us to play the game again and again. Maybe they need to instead come up with exp boosts for rerolling and maybe when they add in new classes they can do exp bonus events and rewards for making a new character or even some leveling contests. That way it’ll feel fun and less like a chore.


I have only one question. Will you do a stress test before game relese or you will gonan watch your servers burn ?:smiley:

Hi @Staff_Julie

My preoccupation is :

  1. Anti-cheat ?
  2. Will GM be activity in game ?
  3. Wait server EU (please -)
  4. P2W shop ?

Limiting dungeon runs would be my worst concern.
Giving a bonus for the first run or maybe even 2 runs is ok and after that just the normal EXP rate.

Kinda the way FFXIV did this you could join a random party for a dungeon each day and get a bonus (EXP and gold) after that you could still do the dungeon for item drops at a normal EXP rate.

if leveling is realy about dungeons i could imagine people just logging on to do dungeons and then log off since it doesn’t really make sense to continue (this would probbaly have more effect on the casual players and would not be optimal for the community as a whole)

over 25% of playerbase is from Eastern/Western Europe
“not worth it to create a server in Europe”

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My concerns are:

  • Queuing for dungeons:
    You get more exp for it, but when you play with friends, guildmember it becomes a loss of bonuses. If you can get 600% from queuing then you should get something close to it.

  • Ping:
    I have some friends from australia it’s just sad that they can’t have anything below 300~400ms.

  • Community feedback:
    The pool that you guys did was a big advance and could be nice to see more “share” we get it that the product is yours, but we are the consumer.

  • Game optimization:
    It’s something to work on until 28 april, when the population will rise dramatically, otherwise we’ll get potato fps and slow motion walk in the cities(I like the art from the cities but not that much XD)

  1. Ping - I hope it wont ruin the experience. I really want to play this game with my friends , but if we can’t handle the lag, I think we will just wait till EU server, or drop the game.

  2. Content - Like there is nothing to do.

  3. Too korean - Grind is ok, but too much grind is not. Also, I hope that they will tune it for us.

  4. Shop is useless/P2W - Not enough cosmetics but P2W items.

My biggest concern is IMC forgets about making the game simply fun. As long as we all have fun playing ToS we can be oblivious to any problems we have.

I am also afraid of losing the player to staff connection we have. This is something every gamer appreciates or loves that we don’t see in many gaming communities. I know the devs can be busy but having GMs and CMs actively communicate with players early in the game’s life but disappear a year later is very disheartening.